
*7* that is SEVEN

I am not too sure how to start with this or where I think it may take me. It is about 7s or multiples thereof. Worldconcern, hm. Maybe not. But I've had an interest in the number 7 for many years and can't quite figure why.

Number 7 is supposed to be a lucky number in western culture.Great.

The week has seven days, ok, so what.

Children are supposed to have outgrown early childhood by 7, in grade 2 usually.
At age 14 in many cultures boys are considered young men.
At 21 in many countries and cultures one is considered a fully legal adult.
Somehow I have always seen 28 as being a changepoint from young to adulthood.

At 35 one schould have established oneself as mature, the number rings bells somehow.
Mature and in full charge of ones life, between 35 and 42; I recall those years as being full of energy, having obtained some life experience and wisdom and in general feeling in charge somehow.

At 49...great years between 49 and 56; I was recently asked if I wanted to be any age and stay that way what would it be? Without hesitation I answered 55/56 and yet I am not sure why at this point.

At 63; looking forward to retirement. Lots of inner conflicts some people fear retirement,often start to feel old and useless but at the same time think of quieter days, walks on the beach, in the sun, holidays..travel.. hobbies.

And then 70...no I'm not there yet. And I am not exactly looking forward to it if I ever reach70.

All these plans made at 56 and 63 somehow no longer matter all that much.
North american life expectany for males has reached 78,well, close enough for 77 to keep this 7 thing going.Females apparently live 7 years longer.

As I stated at the beginning I am not at all sure what I want with this 7 thing. Perhaps I could have picked 10....or even 12 and multiples.

I am typing this on the fly, every few minutes the puter interupts me with some adope nonsense-dupestuff and that is annoying.

Some useful comments to add to this thing would be appreciated.

A little extra item I found years ago at a website of the
Universitaet des Saarlandes;-komischerweise; oddly enough...

  • watch your thoughts; they become words
  • watch your words;they become actions
  • watch your actions; they become habits
  • watch your habits; they become character
  • watch your character; it becomes your destiny



Today Oct.11/06 the USA has arrived at a population total of 300 Millions.
1967 the total population was 200 million, 86% white
1915 the total us population was at 100 million....
I believe Russia, whatever is left over from the former USSR counts about 145 million
US population today is slightly over 50% white, 22% hespanic...


This war business..

....And again, this bomb thing....I've written about this a little while back. The big changes since? North Korea now has a bomb...Or claim to have tested one. Iran is frantically working on developing one, so they say.
Mr. Bush has indeed voiced his opinion on this for some time. And it would be a blessing if the Nations who have developed these awful things could get together and eliminate the whole frightful mess. It will never happen. As I recall it is said that the USA has an arsenal of 2400 Atomic or Hydrogen Bombs. Some of them are aimed at various targets. Some constantly in the air 24/7, some under the sea, submarines, ready to launch at any time it is felt by the administration to do so.

......today's Russia, Federal Russian Republic; former Sovietunion is said to have stock and control of 1800 units... (some of these items used to be kept in former domains of the USSR such as the Ukraine, Georgia and a few of the ....stan areas.
Britain and France stock and own about 50 to 60 each. China keeps stock of atomic arsenals.

India and Pakistan are part of this nuclear club.
Israel is suspected to have a few atomic bombs in their reserve arsenal.
Germany and Japan .....No bombs, they the former enemies of the USA are under the US Umbrella...Whatever that is all about.

The USA is the only country who under President Truman in 1945 actually deployed 2 bombs on the population of Japan thus quickly ending the 2nd. World War.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

New Nuclear Challenge
Non-proliferation at the CrossroadsDr. Chintamani MahapatraSchool of International Studies, JNUFurther proliferation of nuclear weapons threatens to destabilize the global stability to an extent that has never happened before. North Korea has just conducted a nuclear explosive test. It has certainly not surprised the world. Unlike India, Pyongyang gave enough notice to the international community before actually exploding a nuclear device.While many countries are still struggling to come to terms with this latest development in the Korean peninsula, serious minded experts have begun to assess the impact of this development on the existing non-proliferation regime itself.Iran, for instance, has been refusing to give up its plan to establish a full nuclear fuel cycle in its territory. China and Pakistan are strengthening their nuclear cooperation through proposed establishment of additional nuclear reactors in Pakistan. While Pakistan has closed the file on the Khan international black market network, doubts remain that the network is still operating, though at a lower scale.On the other hand, India’s decision to open up its civilian nuclear reactors to full-scope safeguards under the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in return for the Nuclear Suppliers Group’s (NSG) willingness to allow India to import civilian nuclear technology and nuclear fuels hangs in the balance due to the delay in the US Congress to approve an amendment bill to the 1954 Atomic Energy Act. The North Korean explosion is expected to cast a shadow over this deal, although the Indian officials appear quite optimistic. Secondly, Libya’s exemplary step to abandon the nuclear weapon path has not been followed by some other suspected countries in the Middle East, which entertain the idea of acquiring nuclear bombs by hook or by crook.The United States, which has often behaved in unilateral ways in recent years, has been trying to follow a multilateral means to tackle the problem of nuclear proliferation. It not only sought the help of the European Union’s diplomatic moves to deal with the Iranian nuclear issue but also went to the UN Security Council to address this issue. In the case of the North Korean nuclear program, Washington has backed a six-nation initiative (US, Russia, China, Japan and the two Koreas) to keep the Korean Peninsula nuclear weapon free. In the wake of revelations about a nuclear material black market run by Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, Washington sought the help of Britain and some other countries to persuade Libya to give up its nuclear drive. In order to prevent terrorist groups from acquiring nuclear equipment or material, the US took the leadership in establishing a Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) to interdict the shipping containers carrying such materials.The Bush Administration has failed to achieve its goals in some of these areas and is yet to completely succeed in others. The defiance of Tehran and North Korea to international pressure, including the one from the UN Security Council threatens to undermine the credibility of the UN system as a body that can prevent conflict and maintain peace. Neither of these two countries is a major power, but both have managed to disobey the appeals, requests and even strong recommendations of the Security Council.While the high politics in the UN and lack of consensus among the big powers may be said to be partly responsible for emboldening Tehran and Pyongyang, the unanimous resolutions passed in the UN Security Council on Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs in the absence of a consensus on future course of action undermines the functioning of the UN system.The UN system has been continually under stress. But what is more regrettable is the fact that the dilly-dallying of the big five on such crucial issue has ushered in an era leading to the emergence of new nuclear weapon powers. The nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula has altered the geopolitical balance in East Asia.The North Korean nuclear bomb would have cascading effects on Japan, Taiwan and possibly South Korea. Taiwan was experimenting with nuclear weapons in 1970s and gave it up under US pressure. It would take a very short time for Japan to create a highly credible and capable nuclear arsenal. South Korea has also the technical ability to develop nuclear weapons and it has been under the US pressure not to do so. The US inability to prevent a North Korean nuclear bomb will certainly raise the question of credibility in Tokyo and Seoul and both these countries may decide to possess their own deterrent.In the mean time, if Iran becomes new nuclear weapon powers, the geopolitics of the Persian Gulf will be in for a major transformation. Once Iran goes nuclear, can Saudi Arabia be far behind. It is true that the Saudis do not have any indigenous nuclear program. The oil rich kingdom does not need a nuclear energy program and it is meaningless to think of such a program there. But then the same logic would go for Iran as well, which is also an oil rich country. In any case, there have been reports about the Saudi ruling elite hobnobbing with the idea of keeping a small nuclear arsenal. The most plausible case of Saudi bomb will be a transfer of a complete bomb by Pakistan to Saudi Arabia in exchange of money. Iraq’s nuclear ambitions have been dashed to the ground and the next country that worries the most about a possible Iranian domination of the Persian Gulf is Saudi Arabia.So far no oil rich country in the Middle East has been able to acquire a nuclear weapon capability. There have been strong desires in some of the Arab countries to do so, particularly after Israel’s nuclear weapon capability came to the surface. The sunni Pakistan has the nuclear capability, but the Arabs would not like to depend on Islamabad for their protection from an Israeli nuclear weapon capability. Nor would they like to depend on the Iranian bomb—a country that threatened to export its Islamic revolution and destabilize the prevailing ruling establishments. Before long the proud Arabs may be in search of a nuclear weapon.Expansion of the nuclear club is in nobody’s interest except the countries which are trying to break out of the non-proliferation nets and their international commitments and develop a few nuclear bombs. But there is no consensus among the powerful countries on the measures to be adopted to prevent further proliferation. Secondly, the American unilateralism has also certain impact on the nuclear aspirants, since they believe that a nuclear bomb can protect them from big power intervention. The US cannot adopt unilateral military intervention as a strategy of foreign policy and simultaneously expect other countries to come on board to fight proliferation. Multilateralism across the board is the demand of the day. It can alone help prevent further proliferation of lethal weapons.


Bank of America- Higher Standards

I'm sure, the Bank of America is a fine Bank.
I have been banking with this firm for some years.
I purchased a property some years ago with an existing mortgage with California Federal Bank.
This outfit was aquired by Nations Bank.
Eventually Nations Bank as well as Barnett, in Florida all became part of Bank of America.
Plus numerous other mergers and aquisitions now all under the same name, flag.

In any case, when I bought another property six years ago I went to a branch of the Bank of America and a mortgage for about 60% of the property value was promptly approved.
Payments from my Bank of America current account were arranged and for a time the scheduled monthly payment withdrawal for the mortgage amount worked without a hitch.
No problem. Every month end an agreed amount of money was taken from my current account to cover interest and the appropriate principle component as laid out in the mortgage agreement.

For whatever reason which was never explained to me, involving mortgage number changes( an internal bank thing nothing to do with me) the troubles started.
The automatic withdrawal did not take place. The bank referred the collection to their collection branch ( Buffalo N.Y.) The situation was resolved , I made a payment by check, from my current account and I was assured that the situation was taken care of.
From that point on, time and time again for a pertiod of ten (10) months or more the bank screwed up the automatic withdrawal arrangements. To add insult to insury they also reported me to the credit monitors for failing to pay my mortgage. And when I was finally so fed up that I decided to look for another lender, because of the erroneous reporting by the Bank of America, I had great difficulty to find another reasonable lender.
Eventually after I paid off the Bank of America mortgage with money I had to find at geat extra cost I received a an extremely carefully worded apology letter from the bank and I believe they also sent correction notes to the three credit monitoring agencies.

My point here, the Bank of America have caused me a great deal of trouble and expense. All the individual officers, male and female all over the USA which I talked to at one time or another during the 10 months showed a quick grasp and understanding for the situation but somehow it was never resolved until I finally paid this thing off.
Bank of America, Higher Standards to me is at best a sick joke. I can not blame any of the individuals I talked to during these trying times . But there obviously is something wrong somewhere or with management of this gigantig bank for their total inability to deal with the problem they created.

As a point of interst, I have never in my lifetime ( now 69 years old) never written a check not covered what I am saying is no N S F ( not sufficient funds ) refused check, ever.
I think I deserve better than the kind of standards or treatment received by the
Bank of America.the bank with Higher Standards.

....in my case, poorly treated by this giant bank...your standards of resolving problems are nothing to brag about...

Bank of America
Questionable Standards



Some of the Worlds somewhat well off but so called non aligned nations got together in Cuba...The leaders of Iran and Venezuela even managed to work on a further Friendship Pact of sorts,all that just to piss off the Americans...I wonder where that is going.
A more intelligent administration should have seen this coming. Totally engaged in the quagmire of Iraq and Afghanistan this White House group appears totally oblivious as to what's going on in our region of the World. Like war on drugs...Hispanic immigration and the Mickey mouse efforts to stop it.


And among us..

The year is 2006....
My mother was born in 1906, that's 100 years ago...She was part of a family with 11 children and only four made it to age 50.
Her parents, stepmother and several siblings perished from the influenza 1918-1920. A younger brother ended up in Russia victim of the 2nd world war.

By 1906 the world population was 1.4 Billion that is 1 billion 400 million inhabitants on the earth at that time.
In spite of ww1, ww2, other wars since, the influenza, aids, famine, hunger and innumerable conflicts all over the world since 1906, the atomic bombs over Japan, carpetbombing over Germany, Stalins massacre of his people, Cambodia, Somalia, Yugoslavia and all the rest of the horrible destruction humanity has brought upon itself, ......It is estimated that today the world population is at about 6.4 billion...
In other words it has quadrupled in less than 4 generations.
Countries such as France, Russia, Germany, the UK, and a number of other European countries have reported as much as 20 % population decline in the last 25 years.



Still concerned about the same old stuff, war in Irac, Afganistan 27 Canadian Soldiers returned in bags, trouble on hold in Lebanon which could flare up again, chickenfluepidemic on hold, world hunger nothing new...global warming and all the stuff that concerns us all in some way.

The USA has managed to spend about 300 Billion Dollars on Iraq. Nothing resolved so far. Whoever was nuts enough to believe a democracy could be forged out of this place. The best we can hope for is that they beat the crap out of one another in a hopefully short civil war...democracy in the region? Forget it.

The US has an estimated 37 Millon People living in poverty..nothing resolved here either. I was astonished to learn that one of the poorest US cities is Detroit Michigan, that's on the other side of Windsor Ontario which we consider to be a well to do place.

The Golf coast aftermath of last years Katrina-Hurricane disaster is being attacked but there are many bottlenecks. I think it's doubtful that this can be corrected. After all much of the region is below sea level and it does not take a genius to figure out what the resuls of another severe storm can bring.
Large parts of Texas may eventually face the same problem some day soon. Something to do with draining the swamps, as well as lowering the groundwater levels and therefore creating a situation where part of the country is now below sea level.


marching on...

Never mind my profile, I will be xx in a couple of weeks. Somehow I believe life is lived in sort of 7 year segments. At least that is one way I sort things out. I will enter the # 10 Life segment in that case and I do believe that I should review a few things if I may be permitted to use this simplified description.
I will try to stick with this posting idea for a while. Nothing chiseled in stone. But it makes some sense to look back, compare and see if this world ( sounds a bit pompous) has learned anything in my lifetime.
Scientific and technical advances have been astounding over the last 49 years. And so, I may reflect on where we are, where we have been and where we are likely to go from here.


this war busimess..

So? ...are we there yet? Are the targets sufficiently softened up... have the hezbolah blown away enough chicken rockets without aim?

Have the Israelies covered sufficient ground to create a useless buffer zone?

Maybe Miss Rice was right a week ago when she commented that it was too early to get involved.
And then, why should the US get involved in the first place is it not enoug that they get their butt kicked in Iraq?

What about the Russians, as well as the Chinese, they are large nations why don't they get involved.Russia supplied most of the hardware to begin with...to Iran I believe.

The US and Canada have rescued some of their dualciticen Lebanese nationals. Leave it at that. And as always....too bad for those poor childrenthey did'nt create this mess.



You have received a letter informing you of a large sum of money that could come your way: a business opportunity, a request for assistance in a financial transaction, or perhaps even an inheritance.
Is it a scam?
Did the offer come out of the blue from a total stranger? Don't take offence at this, but 'Why you?' No-one with a big financial deal in the offing is going to contact a stranger on the internet. I wouldn't. You wouldn't. They wouldn't. If the offer is for lots, possibly millions, of dollars and you don't know the person making the offer... ...then it is a scam.

What if the offer is for an inheritance? Ask a few questions: Do you know the person who supposedly left you this money? Do you know them well? Do other people in your family know them? Can you verify their death? Do you know of a reason for them to leave you this money? Can you contact another source to confirm death & will? Was the original approach addressed to you by name, or just "Dear Sir"? How did they find you? If the offer is for an inheritance from someone you have never heard of and your mother never told you about...
...then it is a scam.

Did the offer come by email or fax? More importantly, did it come addressed to the 'contractor', 'beneficiary', 'director' etc? Any legitimate offer would come to your mail address, would come from a legitimate company, would be addressed to you by name. If the offer did not know your name and postal address... ...then it is a scam.

Did the offer come with a contact email address that is from a public email provider? I don't care what the excuse, the Director of the Reserve Bank of Nigeria will not be using a Hotmail account. Mind you, the scammers are getting more clever and you are likely to get email addresses from @accountant.com or @lawyer.com. If the contact email is from a public email provider... ...then it is a scam.

Did the offer ask you to 'reconfirm' your details? If they are fishing for information... ...then it is a scam.

Is it going to cost you money up front? I am not talking phone calls and bus fares here. Normal business procedure is to adjust any financial settlement for costs incurred in the transaction. If it is going to cost you a sizeable chunk of money and it cannot be offset againt the money on offer... ...then it is a scam.

Is it legal? Are you being asked to assist in a crime? Think carefully about the offer presented to you. Are you supposed to pretend to be someone you are not, to collect an inheritance or an unclaimed bank balance? Are you supposed to bill someone for something that you did not do in order to claim money that you never earned? Does it involve someone being over invoiced to create a 'fund'? If it seems to be based on an illegal operation... ...then it is a scam.

I am sorry for being the bearer of such bad news, of squashing your dreams of spending the rest of your days checking your portfolio while cruising the Whitsundays but there seems to be no exception to that old addage: if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.9/416 - Release Date: 8/10/2006


I've written on a number of occasions on fraud, attempts to defraud, attempts of identidy theft and similar issues.
This obviously will not go away and the best we can do is either ignore all this junk or report it to someone willing to do something about it.
Most of this nonsense I forward to info@phonebusters.com, they generally acknowledge receipt but I have no idea as to what happens from there.

In any case above is another payment to me this time a draft drawn on the central bank of Nigeria.
I have in the past as well contacted this bank but the extend of these fraudattemps are so numerous that they can't be bothered to reply.

This nonsense is extensive, I have won numerous lotteries as well. Some of this stuff originates from the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Somehow a number is drawn from the internet and magically...I win... Many millions, pound,dollars euros...amazing.

In fact the Nigerian fraud efforts are so numerous that more recently phonebusters have set up a new reporting address just for those efforts.
wafl@phonebusters.com I believe is the contact.



the old villa needs more trim and paint....oh well..

can't think of anything crytical or useful today...the beat goes on..so, a couple of pictures, Mr. Bush at the Ranch and a balloon fest..



I am taking a close look at this little place just a half hour away from my home, I will probably buy it. It's not on a lake but part of this semi gated community features a fresh water constantly spring fed pool.
I think I might just like it there in the summer months, away from the highway traffic near the Courtice house...


Hollywood...and all that

I truly am :
sorry to see the trouble Mel got into...somehow I have a feeling it was just the booze, 1.2 does not sound too bad but probably sufficient to do him in.
I would like to help him if I can with a small but true story about a fellow who got stoned and because of his big mouth ended up with a fine and two weeks behind bars.

His stupid drunken utterance was something like - hey you are one of those that Hitler forgot to send to the gas chamber- I know for a fact that under normal circumstances this fellow would first of all never say anything that stupid and second he really does not believe it in the first place. He was drunk, somebody rubbed him the wrong way and he ended up with this comment and paid the price for it.

I do not know actor Mel Gibson, but I doubt somehow that he meant the nonsense he blabbert...


This War Businmess

I suppose President Regan should have dealt with this Hezbollah scene 23 Years ago. He did not. Or better, he did make a decision and his then Secretary of War stopped the action. Unbelievable but that's what happened.
I'm deeply disturbed by the loss of these poor children, they deserved better than to die in this horrible mess.

Mr. President Jimmie Carter , President prior to Mr. Reagan, should have dealt appropriately with Iran, the Embassy Hostages Affair;

Reagan as well should have insisted on completing what was decided after several hundred marines were blown away instead of having Kaspar W. Interfere in it.

From this point of view and where we find ourselves today?
Lebanon the only sort of working Democracy in the region is being ripped apart.

I'm almost ready to congratulate Mr. Bush on his continued efforts to resolve the situation...Somehow and with the assistance and incredibly courageous participation of Israel.
....Where do we go from here?


And among us..

the best interpraetor said... ( hiding behind post id115297548241066409

xxx xxx is a pseudointelectual person. A little bit stupid. Geschaeftsman mit einer sehr traurigen Vergangenheit. Ein Volldepp! Sein Schwanz fuehrt ihn! - Er hat mich um etwa hunderttausend Can-Dols betrogen. Schande seiner Asche!!!

time and time again like a little child I am puzzled and at the same time amazed at the increadible mean-ness of people...why would someone write this absolute crap about me?
Should I be upset? Amused? Puzzled? If I were a shrink I would want to figure out just what kind of an idiot is producing this totally pointless nonsense.
I guess in the end it does not matter, this world has more to worry about than stupid personal insults.


Inside, outside..And among us..

Quite frankly....I am a little puzzled about a news item I just picked up from the radio, while driving:

About 40,000 Canadians are looking to the Canadian Federal Government to bring them home. Apparently they are stuck in Lebanon and have no way to get "home"...

This is either a mistake, or the numbers are wrong or something is seriously wrong with this scene, unless of course there are that many Canadians of Lebanese extraction visiting Lebanon at this time. I doubt it.

Sounds to me like these unfortunate Canadians are looking at a dual citizen situation and for the time being they could just be out of luck. Can't blame the state for their inability to come to the rescue...Just too many and something makes no sense.


¡ Hola Amigos! Los Presidentes Americanses..

Today, a fact:
5% of the world population ( actually a bit less) that is 280 Million Americans, are using

25% of the worlds energy resources.
US population estimated at somewhere between 280 and 300 million; world population 6.5 Billion, somewhere in that range.

other interesting bits:-

G8....now includes Russia...sort of..I think; population 145 million, and shrinking.

Venezuela, oilrich, has the highest murder rate of any country in the world,
Nigeria, oilrich, is considered one of the most corrupt countries in the world,

Saudy Arabia, here is a joke...oilrich and one of the most repressive countries in the world.The so called royal family there is now up the about 8000 rich and highly privileged results of the countries founder who made himself king, Ibn Saud...

I'm actually not sure at all where I think I'm going with this and of course all this information is from bits and pieces off the daily tube..CNN/NBC/ABC/Fox/CTV/CBC/CBS/BBC...


¡ Hola Amigos! ..

At the invitation of Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Bush will travel to northeastern Germany in advance of his participation in the G-8 Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia. Chancellor Merkel will host President Bush on July 13, 2006 in the towns of Stralsund and Trinwillershagen, which are in the Chancellor's electoral constituency. The visit, which will take place in what had been communist East Germany, will underscore our two nations' commitment to advancing freedom and prosperity, and to strengthening the transatlantic partnership. The two leaders look forward to discussing a wide range of global challenges, in particular continuing their consultations on Iran and preparing for the G-8 Summit.

picture copied from weekle e mail from the white house shows prime minister Harper with president Bush

¿Chili con Carne?....not...

What’s in a Multivitamin?
It’s easy to pop a vitamin every day. It’s one of the less labor intensive steps in taking care of your health. But do you know what’s going on inside that pill? All vitamins are definitely not created equal. This means that there’s a decent chance that the $4 bottle bought from xxo might not stand up to a $30 bottle from a health food store, but it may also mean that the more expensive brand is all hype and no substance.

Vitamin A. Avoid preformed vitamin A (retinol). Taking 5,000 IU of retinol — often listed as vitamin A palmitate or acetate — a day has been shown to increase the risk of losing bone density and breaking a hip. It may be difficult to find a multi without preformed A, so at least try to limit your intake: If the label reads "vitamin A as beta-carotene," that's okay. Beta-carotene and other carotenoids, which the body converts to vitamin A, won't harm your bones.

B vitamins. Your multi should have 50 mg each of most B vitamins, except for folic acid (at least 400 mcg) and B-12 (at least 50 mcg). If you’re taking a multi with only the “Daily Value” for most B vitamins, an additional B-50 B-complex supplement is necessary.

Vitamin D. Check for at least 400 IU of vitamin D, or 100 percent of the Daily Value. Weil also encourages everyone to supplement with at least 1,000 IU of D a day, the amount shown in recent studies to greatly reduce the risk of breast, colon, and ovarian cancers. If your multi provides only 400 IU, you should take an additional vitamin D supplement to make up the difference. Look for products with the D3 (cholecalciferol) form of vitamin D, which is more readily utilized than D2 (ergocalciferol).

posted by Unlimited Wellness at href="http://unlimitedwellness.blogspot.com/2006/05/whats-in-multivitamin.html">2:03 AM 0 comments

is traditionally relegated to a mere garnish, but the herb has so much more to offer. Firstly, the leafy green is an excellent natural breath freshener. While mints and gum simply cover potent breath, parsley treats halitosis (or the aftermath of a garlicy dinner) from the inside out. Parsley comes in several varieties — Italian and flat leaf are the most popular — and is also an excellent source of calcium, iron, and Vitamins A and C. Parsley is also known for its volatile oils — myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and alpha-thujene — which may be linked to a the prevention of several cancers and also give the herb the title of "chemoprotective" food. Parsely can neutralize certain carcinogens ike the benzopyrenes that are part of cigarette smoke, charcoal grill smoke (see The Side Effects of BBQ), and the smoke produced by trash incinerators.According to this month’s Natural Health, several studies have found that parsley may also reduce blood sugar in diabetics, prevent stomach ulcers and act as a diuretic.
posted by Unlimited Wellness at 2:01 AM 0 comments


¡ Hola Amigos! ..

perfect summer wear, painted on..just had to give it a second look, not sure this works equally well for the lower part of a matching outfit...



.....They're doing it again...
Funny thing, I've been hearing the same excuse or complaint for years. Many years. They're ( not there, no).
They are doing this, that and the other, in most cases they are doing no good. Right now they are doing the football or soccer thing...And I would not be surprised if the Germans, this time would stay with it til the end. And then they will do it all over again in four years, kind of like the Olympics. But not quite. The American eagle thing has nothing to do with it.




REF NO: EGS/2551256003/02
BATCH NO: 14/0017/IPD


Dear Winner,

We are pleased to inform you, that as a result of our RECENT LOTTERY DRAWS HELD on the 17th of FEB 2006,Youre-mail address attached to ticket number:11 23 34 38 48 49 46 750 with serial number:2113 ? 05 drew lucky numbers:13 15 ? 22 ? 37 39 which consequently won in the 2nd category.

you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay of US$715,810.00 (SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED AND TEN US DOLLARS ONLY) Note that All participants in this lottery program have been selected randomly through a computer ballot system drawn from over 20,000 companies and 30,000,000 individual email addresses from all search engines and web sites.This promotional program takes place every year,and is promotedand sponsored by eminent personalities like the Sultan of Brunei,Bill Gates of microsoft inc and other corporate Organisations.This is to encourage the use of the internet and computers worldwide.

For security purpose and clarity,we advise that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims have been processed and your money remitted to you.This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claims and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants.We look forward to your active participation in our next 4 million euro's slot.

You are requested to contact your clearance/cliam(AGENT KEN DUKE)Foreign Operations Manager,EUROCITY GRUPO SEGURIDAD S.A ON contact him with this. TEL:+447031910818

For processing and remittance of your prize money to a designated account of your choice(PLEASE NOTE:AGENT DUKE IS NOT THE PAYMENT BANK,YOU ARE CONTACTING HIM FOR YOUR CLAIM EVIDENCE WHACH THE PAYMENY BANK WILL REQUIRE FROM YOU BEFORE THEY CAN TRANSFER YOUR FUND TO YOU)once again All winnings must be claimed not later than one month After the date of this notice.

Please note,in order to avoid unnecessary delays and Complications,remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in Correspondence.Furthermore,shouldthere be any change of address do inform our agent as soon as possible.

Congratulations!!! once more and thank you for being part of our promotional program.



Imagine....I'm rich....this is one of about 100 of these things I've received lately...I usually just forward this stuff to info@phonebusters.com



Happy birthday Canada!


¡ Hola Amigos! ..

End of June/06
Canada Day...July 1st.
4th. of July in the USA...


This and that...

...now what?
The scanner screwed up, must reload the software...compupicSPic software screwed up, reloaded, oldpaidforversion no longer available, some squirly intelligencesetting got lost...and so it goes. I'm afraid to hook up the newer machine to the net, I think I just keep it clean fo the businessaccountng and spanglish lessons.
7 jerks arrested in Miami Florida, looks like the FBI provided the fake AlQuida connection.
Not sure about these home spun terrorists, there is a long history of these types here and elsewhere...I recall the so called Bader Meinhoff gang some years back in Germany.
I believe they all went to jail..heard nothing about it for years. These were nice and proper young Krauts, well educated living the good life whatever possessed them to play neonazi is beyond my comprehension.



the weatherpixie thing is a test to see how it works...can't figure ouut where to put it...


World troubles....

...mad cows? heck no they are not mad, as Kat would say they are just disappointed..

Kat has a bit of a T shirt printing business as part of her ikoditit.com thing..she is looking for interesting cow pictures, the picture here is something I snapped, copy it if you like, no credit needed, do what you want with it unless of course the cows object, no bull...really..

Photo by Fritz Bixler, no copywrigt


World troubles....learned nothing

I hesitate using the word war...I seldom get angry ...But, and I suppose it's a good thing that this fellow Al Zar-chickenshit is no longer among the living, can't even recall his name and I hope they don't make a martyr out of him.
Nevertheless, when I see a picture of dead children and the comments collateral damage, well:

I get angry.
I have contemplated long and hard, should I copy this picture . It has been on the tube-news often enough. Then I decided, yes, bring it on, one more time. This is far more vulgar than anything else I can think of.

I still have clearly in my head a picture of two farmers haywagen loads of dead German soldiers. They were not Nazis, just kids drafted for the so called defense of the fatherland by an insane dictator. I was just 7 years old when I stood in front of these 34 young men,young boys some of them stuck in ill fitting uniforms, bloodied bodies limbs missing in a backwoods little village in Franken, Germany.

The picture of these little kids in Iraq evoke a similar feeling, this time caused for far less good reason, but by soldiers of the same supposedly freedom loving nation, two generations later in another foreign land.


FROM: THE DIRECTOR EUROPEAN PRIZE AWARD DEPT. REF:EL3/9318/04 BATCH:8/163/EL. We are pleased to inform you of the result of the Lottery Winners International programs held on the 02/02/2006 Your e-mail address attached to ticket number :EL-23133 with serial number: EL-123542,batch number: EL-35,lottery ref number: EL-9318 and drew lucky numbers 7-1-8-36-4-22 which consequently won in the 1st category, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of US$1,000,000.00 (OneMillion, United States dollars). CONGRATULATIONS!!! Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been processed and your money Remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants. All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 40,000 company and 20,000,000 email addresses and names from all over the world. This promotional program takes place every year and it was and sponsored by a group of successful electronic dealers.we hope with part of your winning,you will take part in our next year US$20million international lottery. To file for your claim, please contact our paying officer: Contact Person: Dr Alpha Rex (Lottery Director) + 44-704-012-8537 LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM Email:alpharex22@yahoo.co.ukRemember, all winning must be claimed not later than 15TH Of JUNE2006.After this date all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake.Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications Please remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in all correspondence. Furthermore, should there be any change of address do inform our agent as soon as possible. Congratulations once more from our members of staff and thank you for beinpart of our promotional program. :Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified.Good luck from me and members of staff of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY.Yours faithfully, MRS MARYLIN BROWNOnline coordinator for UK NATIONAL LOTTERY Sweepstakes International Program. Copyright ? 1994-2006 The UK National Lottery Inc. All rights reserved. Terms of Service -

I believe this piece of poorly crafted junk was sent to me from Italy, fraud has really gone worldwide international. I receive these things daily and I suppose I've won unclaimed multimillions by now.

I usually forward this stuff to info@phonebusters.com they in turn send me an acknowledgement to have received it and that's about it.
More recently one of these superlotto things came from Sachsenlotto supposedly a German Lotto thing. Indeed this outfit exists, the numbers were correct but even this rich lotto outfit did not bother with a reply when I took the time to inform them of this nonsense.
Well here we go for what it's worth..Not sure what exactly the pay off is, either a so called agent wants a handling fee or it is in fact an effort toward identity theft.

the lovely and pieceful balloon scene has absolutely nothing to do with the text....just a pretty picture ....


And among us..

MAN against the elements-man against himself- man against nature, raping of the earth, like burning down the rain forests-useless waste of energy, resources that should be reserved for future generations-the anticipated bird flu-ongoing srewup in Iraq, war?- criminal elements living among us-the criminally insane-global warming-unacceptable behalvior by other earthlings and who knows...Possibly my own.

These are some of my concerns and I know I rambled on a bit. Population explosion in parts of the world and decline in the western hemisphere at the same time...And most of all the continued spread of what they like to call terrorism. And this so called terrorism used by some governments to unrelated idiotic actions like Iraq.


Inside, outside..And among us..

We are a target because of who we are and how we live, our society, our diversity and our values," Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in Ottawa.
"Their alleged target was Canada: Canadian institutions, the Canadian economy, the Canadian people."
Harper also praised the agencies involved in identifying and arresting the suspects.
"Today, Canada's security and intelligence measures worked," Harper.

Canada......At war...

Canada at war....And terrorism implications...Afghanistan..

Terrorism accused 17 charged with acquiring bomb-making materials Jun 3, 2006
Twelve men accused by the RCMP of terrorism-related offences remain in jail awaiting an appearance in court.
RCMP officers announced at a news conference that the 12 have been charged with a number of offences.. Five youth have also been charged.
“This group took steps to acquire three tonnes of ammonium nitrate and other components necessary to create explosive devices,” alleged RCMP in a release. “To put this in context, the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City that killed 168 people took one tonne of ammonium nitrate.”
The charges include: participating in or contributing to the activity of a terrorist group, including training and recruitment; the commission of indictable offences, including firearms and explosives offences, for the benefit of or in association with a terrorist group; and, providing or making available property for terrorist purposes.


America at war...

  • All and all, not a good week for the country...The USA that is:/
    Fox up from Mexico, promoting the take over of the USA by millions more Mexicans,
    B&B, that's Bush and Blair at the Casa Blanca for war strategy session
    as usual, more bad news from Iraq,
    Not easy times for the USA I'm sure...What next...


Bird Flu Virus, important link


17 pages of tips, you need adobe7 to view and print details, adobe can be downloaded free


world troubles....

Nothing much new, the immigration thing, Iraq, congress troubles...same old.
Figured I stop by and post a little picture....I just love pictures...Duerer this time


this and that...

Oshawa/Courtice Autotown then / painting by Diana / Black Creek runs thru my backyard



Watch out, Nigeria Fraud, usually the Central Bank of Nigeria is mentioned, with a name of a high official...a General or Professor or something.

So if you get one of those stupid fraud notices, inviting you to collect your overdue money owing ( usually from 7 to 35 Million Dollars),Just send a copy of this shit to the bank. If they get about 1,000 e mails a day they are bound to take action some day

  • ...Re the picture, call it a no brainer.

    Comments added since publishing this blog.
    Nigeria, central west coast of Africa is a beautiful country. Oilrich with a population of 134 Million (almost as many as Russia) this country is and has for many years been one of the most corrupt places on earth.


try this ;You will be astonished / it figures...

Have you ever, well, sort of given some thought to taking a penny, one cent ok? And then the next day, double it. Two cents. Third day, double that and you arrive at four cents.
Well, if you keep this up for a few days by day 10 you will have a figure of 510, that would be 5 bucks.
Suppose you keep this up for say 30 days, just one month, how much would you accumulate.
Astonishingly by day day 30, you arrive at over 5 million Dollars. I dropped the penny decimalpoint somewhere and still arrive at $5,368,705. Well that's figures. Hard to believe. And no wonder some of the pyramid schemes have made some people very rich indeed.


Does anybody care

does anybody care?

I learned a couple of weeks back that every second of the day ( and night for that matter) 4.1 new people arrive in this world. Newborns, Babies, of all colors, races etc., human beings.
The same little news item also claims that every 1.8 seconds somebody dies.
Old age, Murder, Famine, Hunger War...Whatever every 1.8 seconds, zip, another one bites the dust.
So I started figuring, these would be my calculations I could be off a bit but as a point of interest, here it is:
Current World Population is estimated to be 6.5 Billion ( almost half of this in Asia alone).
So if you figure 2.3 added per second x 60 (hour) x 24 (day) x 365 (year) I come up with about 75,000,000 a year... That is 75 Million
Or if this is easier to grasp over
200,000 a day...

In the meantime, we are burning the rain forests the glaziers are melting, haven't heard about the ozone layer lately, we are using up whatever oil and gas may be left in the ground. We are also creating nuclear waste and don't know what to do with it..

Quite frankly I am not a gloom and doom kind of guy but this must make you think.


This Morning I removed 3 (three) posts from this blog....
I did not remove them in anger, I rarely allow myself to get angry. I did not write them in the first place because of anger being annoyed or god knows what reason. I simply received about 8 of these stupid
communications in my E mail one day and somehow reacted to responding with what I figured is exposure to these illegal schemes. To all future requests for fake money laundering, agency offers, incredible world wide lotto winnings and related garbage:-(

I will henceforth respond as follows:

Name: Fritz Bixler
Address: 19 Division Street, Oshawa Ontario Canada, Postal Code is L1G 5L7
Telephone & Fax Numbers: The fax is switched on when needed and the phone rings far too much for my taste, so therefore if you insist you want to communicate with me, send a letter, give your phone number and I may call you back...or fax you.

Sex: Hard (pun) to believe I would be asked this question. The answer is about twice a week not that this is any of anybodies business. I suspect that the question should be
Salutation: like in Mr. Mrs. Miss it appears the originators of these questions are not too conversant in the english language.
Other items frequently asked for are: Bank and Bank account; Copy of Passport , a few other goodies I can't quite recall at the moment. So, forget all that.

This fraud nonsense is not new. The most common is the Nigeria thing. This used to be in letter/ chainletter form, then faxes and wouldn't you know, now e-mail.

There is in fact so much of this going on, and so many people are milked out of so much money that appropriate warnings are easily available from the web. Just Google fraud and you will see.


Oh Canada....The war...And hockey..

Today the USA has 8,000 Generals. Combined, retired and on active duty. That includes the Admirals, but for the purpose of this short note I lump them together. After the war in Vietnam ( that's the one the USA lost, to China really ) the Generals were severely criticized for not speaking out. To a large extend the war came to an end because of the ever increasing number of anti war protesters. The generals, then, remained largely silent. It is possibly for that reasons some of them, retired, are now speaking out. And good for them. The battle was won, the war is over, occupation does not work so well, get out now, because you will not make a working democracy out of this place called Iraq.

On to Canada now. The only good thing Cretien ( former prime minister who stayed on too long) ever did was to keep Canada out of this mis- adventure called Iraq war.

There is some argument about where hockey came from....Was it Nova Scotia? Or Quebec? The natives perhaps (Indians). Or was it somewhere else in Canada this sport was first played.

Relax, hockey is a Chinese thing. The picture is from 1375, featuring Chinese hockey players.
Marco Polo didn't tell us about this one. And how do you like the spiffy outfits?


The bomb

I have made a few flippant remarks on my posts about the American scene, the so called war, to be clear I mean Iraq and my opinion of the various administrations and along with that the occupants of the white house. My miniconclusion was that Nixon was a far greater man than he was given credit for, Carter should be a saint some day, Truman because of the second needless bomb was a criminal....And so on. My own opinion from what I've observed over the years.

This bomb thing. The US has over 2400, it costs every US Citizen about 10,000 bucks a year just to keep the mobile ones moving, that's the airborne and submarine version of these things.
Russia, former Sovietunion has 2200 or so. Even this joke of a country Israel owns about 200 A bombs I just learned. I can't imagine that the UK and France have any less. That leaves India, Pakistan and China I believe. Apparently North Korea and now Iran want to join this horror club. I'm stuck here....not sure what to say next...no conclusion to it.....

I learned a few years ago, student at Ryerson University (then Institute of Technology) that any story should have a beginning-a middle and an end. Or, a little better expressed: an introduction into the theme you want to cover, hitting on the main points. Then, the body of the story with supporting elements. And, finally the conclusion or summing up.

My point to write the above notes . Nottin, nada, nunca, nichts. In a short note a writer I respect recently touched on why I left Europe 50 years ago.I believe he mentioned the bomb as part of his comments, I'm frantically looking for this piece. I may want to translate it.
It is in German, the man is a prolific writer an intelligent man, he is my brother.


on the lighter side...impress her

Impress Her in Under 20 Minutes - For Less Than $20
By Katharine Leis
In the news, there’s always some love-crazed celebrity flying his sweetheart off to Paris or Aspen and plunking down millions of dollars on bobbles to adorn her fingers. Well, let’s say you are NOT one of those 50 rich-beyond-belief guys, but you’d still like to give your girlfriend the same amount of appreciation.

Impossible? Not in the least. It just requires a bit of thought and effort.

Women want to feel like they are their special. You’ve no doubt been subject to a dirty glare after pronouncing a stranger on TV as “hot” while in your girlfriend’s presence. It could be Pamela Anderson or Rebecca Romijn, but the most likely immediate response out of your girlfriend will be something negative about the woman. Believe it or not, it’s just as easy to make your girlfriend feel special as it is to make her feel, well, unspecial.

Here are three cheap and quick ways to let her know you care:

Flowers, please.

In every grocery store in this country, you’ll see bunches of mixed bouquets with price tags ranging from $2.99 to $9.99. On most every corner of every busy intersection, you’ll find one of these grocery stores. It will take you probably 10 minutes to run in and get a $7.99 bouquet to surprise your girlfriend with.

Roses are more expensive, but they also die more quickly (best bets are mixed bouquets with lots of color). A lot of guys wait until they do something bad before buying flowers, which is a huge mistake.

Think of it: If you buy her something as an apology, every time she looks at it she will think of what it was that got you into trouble in the first place. Flowers or cards -- for no reason -- require so little effort and have great reactions. If you don’t believe me, pick up a bouquet today and see what happens…

And Boy, My Arms Are Tired.

When your girl goes out of town, more than likely you’ll be dropping her off and picking her up at the airport. Airports, delays, connecting flights, and all the rest are exhausting. Then getting that huge bag off the flying carousel is no picnic either. Instead of circling round and round the airport starting from 10 minutes after she’s landed, arrive five minutes early.

Park your car (many airports offer the first 20 minutes free to encourage people to park and not keep circling) and go to the meeting area. If you’re feeling really creative, write yourself a sign with something goofy on it like “Princess Rachael.” Just make sure her name is Rachael before you do that…

When you see her, take her carry-on bag, give a hug and kiss and carry the bag to the baggage claim. Be the gentleman and get her bag when it comes off the carousel. The difference between making her do these things and you doing them is seriously around 20 minutes tops and $0, but it is a tiny bit of effort at a great time, and you’ll no doubt be hero of the day for doing it.

Soap It Up.

Say she cooks dinner, it is an unwritten rule that if you want to impress her, you’ll do the dishes. More than likely, if you just offer, she’ll say “No, it’s ok,” but that’s when you insist. You may even end up doing them together…which can be fun.

If, when dinner’s done, you go watch TV and leave her to clean up after cooking, you’re also going to subconsciously discourage her from cooking again. If you’re not a rich man, going out to dinner instead of cooking at home can add up quickly. It might be in your better interest to encourage her to cook.

Also, if she’s always cooking and buying the groceries to do so, you might want to occasionally drop by the grocery store that she shops at and get her a $20 gift card. While $20 more than covers the ingredients for a home-cooked dinner, it usually is barely enough to cover lunch at a restaurant that doesn’t have a drive-through. You’ll look like the considerate nice guy and save money, too.

You don’t like doing dishes? Well, guess what? Nobody actually likes doing dishes, but they only take a few minutes to do and aren’t exactly painful.

With a little bit of thought and for less than a couple hours’ wages, you can go from Mr. Average to Prince Charming. You don’t need to be rich, or suave or even do anything wild and outrageous. A tiny amount of consideration and well-placed effort can go a long way.

I tried to upload the picture a couple of times, finally...picture and article by i-katharine.com a busy writer,movie actor, movie producer, photographer,and, with her bodyguard keeper of my florida estate..etc


does anybody care

Care...? I guess not and why should they. It's been a few days since I commented on this blog, busy with my taxes. Turns out I have to pay back whatever I received this past year in the form of old age pension ( that's what the government gives you when you are over 65) and canada pension plan ( another old age thing but this one based on your past contributions). It's called clawback.

No further comment on this for now. Oh...the pictures, Diana and I, Barney,Barney and Chicita..


Canada......At war...

Sad. Four Canadian Soldiers killed in Afghanistan.
Since our soldiers are killed I suppose we must be at war. Otherwise I suppose you would call it murder rather than killed in action.

I watched a short CBC interview last night, Newsanchor Mansbridge of the CBC talking with David Gergen a former adviser of several US Presidents.
Mr George Walker Bush should listen to this man, he may not have the right answers but he is certainly aware of the incredible world problems and US specific challenges which need to be faced. It was interesting to see that he expresses a similar opinion to mine on Richard Nixon.

The Canadian flag picture was taken at Lake Ontario looking south from a place I owned for a couple of years. A Typical Florida type gated community. Controlled by the owner-keepers one leased the land but owned the house sort of. The flagpole was not allowed. In my case it was a hamradio transmitter antenna. That was ok. On a clear winter night one can see the Rochester NY city lights.


america at war...

American Revolution (1775–1783) Great Britain forced its 13 American colonies to pay taxes but did not give them representation in the British Parliament. This and other injustices led the colonies to declare independence on July 4, 1776. Independence was achieved in 1783, when the Treaty of Paris was signed with Britain.

War of 1812 (1812–1815) British interference with American trade, impressment of American seamen, and “war hawks” in Congress calling for western expansion into British territory led to war. At the war's conclusion, trade issues remained unresolved, but Britain gave up some of its territorial claims on the continent.Ontario, now Canada was involved.

Mexican War (1846–1848) The U.S. annexation of Texas, and its stated desire to acquire California and other Mexican territory, precipitated this war. Mexico was forced to give up two-fifths of its territory. This land eventually became the states of California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.

Civil War (1861–1865) Economic and political rivalry between an agrarian South and an industrial North grew into a civil war fought over slavery and states' rights. Eleven states seceded from the Union to form the Confederate States of America. The Union victory led to the reunification of the country and ended slavery.

Indian Wars (colonial era to 1890) U.S. expansionism led to numerous military conflicts with the indigenous inhabitants of North America, forcing them to give up their land. The massacre at Wounded Knee, S.D., in 1890 is generally considered the last of these conflicts.

Spanish American War (1898) The U.S. supported Cuba's desire for independence from Spanish rule, and seized the opportunity to expand U.S. powers in other parts of the world. At the end of the brief conflict, Cuba gained its independence, and the U.S. gained several former Spanish territories: Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.USA built extensive road network in Cuba 1912.

World War I (1914–1918) Rivalries over power, territory, and wealth led to the “Great War.” In 1917, the U.S. joined the Allies (Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and Japan), who were at war with the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey), after German submarines began sinking unarmed ships.Outbreak of the influenca probably stopped this mad war.

World War II (1939–1945) The Axis powers—Germany, Italy, and Japan—attempted to dominate the world. The Allies (U.S., Britain, France, USSR, and others) fought to stop them. The United States entered the war in 1941, after Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. Germany surrendered in 1945, and Japan surrendered later that same year, after the U.S. dropped the atomic bomb on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Korean War (1950–1953) Communist North Korea, supported by China, invaded non-communist South Korea. UN forces, principally made up of U.S. troops, fought successfully to protect South Korea. The Korean War was the first armed conflict in the global struggle between democracy and communism, called the cold war.

Bay of Pigs (1961) The U.S. orchestrated the invasion, an unsuccessful attempt by Cuban exiles to overthrow Fidel Castro's communist regime in Cuba.President Kennedy took full responsibility for this.Miniature conflict not a war. But here it is as a point of interest.

Vietnam (1961–1973) In 1955, communist North Vietnam invaded non-communist South Vietnam in an attempt to unify the country and impose communist rule. The United States joined the war on the side of South Vietnam in 1961, but withdrew combat troops in 1973. In 1975 North Vietnam succeeded in taking control of South Vietnam.The USA inherited this mess from France; Indochina.

Dominican Republic (1965) President Lyndon Johnson sent marines and troops to quash a leftist uprising in the Dominican Republic, fearing the island nation would follow in the footsteps of Cuba and turn communist.

Lebanon (1982–1984) U.S. troops formed part of a multinational peacekeeping force to help the fragile Lebanese government maintain power.

Grenada (1983) President Reagan invaded the Caribbean nation of Grenada to overthrow its socialist government, which had close ties with Cuba.

Panama (1989) President George H.W. Bush invaded Panama and overthrew Panamanian dictator and drug-smuggler Manuel Noriega.

Gulf (1991) Iraq invaded Kuwait, and a U.S.-led multinational force came to Kuwait's aid and expelled Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's forces.

Somalia (1993) A U.S.-led multinational force attempted to restore order to war-torn Somalia so that food could be delivered and distributed within the famine-stricken country.

Bosnia (1994–1995) During the Bosnian civil war, which began shortly after the country declared independence in 1992, the U.S. launched air strikes on Bosnia to prevent “ethnic cleansing,” primarily by Serbs against Bosnians. The U.S. became a part of NATO's peacekeeping force in the region.

Kosovo (1999) Yugoslavia's province of Kosovo erupted into violence in the spring of 1999. A U.S.-led NATO force intervened with air strikes after Slobodan Milosevic's Serbian forces uprooted the population and embarked on the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo's ethnic Albanian population.

Afghanistan (2001) The Taliban government harbored Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaeda terrorist group, responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. After Afghanistan refused to turn over Bin Laden, the U.S. and UN coalition forces invaded. The Taliban government was ousted and many terrorist camps in Afghanistan were destroyed. U.S. and NATO troops remain in Afghanistan to support its fragile new government.

Iraq (2003– ) The U.S. and Great Britain invaded and toppled the government of dictator Saddam Hussein. Troops remain in Iraq to combat the insurgency that formed after Hussein's defeat.

¡ Hola Amigos! ..

Illegal Immigration Crackdown Just a ploy, or a sign of real enforcement to come?

The Department of Homeland Security (D.H.S.) completed sweeping raids at multiple U.S. plants run by a Netherlands owned company that manufactures shipping pallets and crates. The raids snared over a thousand illegal aliens as well as nine corporate managers who had conspired to employ the illegals, flaunting Social Security Administration (S.S.A.) rules and other federal, state and local employment laws.

Over half of the company's 5,300 employees were using fake Social Security numbers and the company had received numerous warning letters from the S.S.A. in the months leading up to the raid. Nationwide, the S.S.A. has sent out over one hundred thousand letters to employers, but such information regarding ficticious Social Security accounts is considered by the agency to be "confidential" and - therefore, not shared with immigration (or other law enforcement) authorities.

Given the current level of rhetoric throughout the nation - on all sides of the illegal immigration issue - amid growing anger and frustration of Americans over lack of any meaningful border security measures coming out of Congress (or the Bush Administration) some political analysts are questioning whether these raids are merely "window-dressing" designed to ameliorate the more vocal factions among us. I certainly hope such is not the case.

Whether or not there is a consensus in America for the construction of a physical wall along our porous southern border, there does seem to be an overwhelming sentiment - even among many "legal" immigrant American constituencies - that something meaningful must be done. Perhaps strict application of our laws against illegal hiring and Social Security (as well as other social, economic and political benefits) fraud perpetrated in the name of cheap, undocumented labor is one cost-effective answer.

If so, however, it must be brought about through rigorous monitoring and enforcement. Not just the occasional "photo-op" raid and press release designed to placate the public and give the illusion that our government is really doing something to strengthen our domestic security against terrorism; as well as finally stemming the tide of illegals streaming into our nation that burdens our social service systems and depresses the wages of our middle class.

If the Bush Administration seriously wants to regain any of its domestic credibility, then this move toward real enforcement must begin with substantial additional hiring and training of agents dedicated to investigation and enforcement; as well as promoting necessary changes to promote information sharing of relevant employment information between the various agencies and much more severe financial disincentives to employers (e.g., stiff corporate fines and forfeitures of assets).

Increased border surveillance and security measures must also be undertaken. But reducing the ease of undocumented employment opportunities for the flood of illegals is indeed a step in the right direction.

Bush, China so what?

Dear Mr. Bush:
The heckler Chinese looking lady at the reception. So what? Democracy at work.
And the screw up of referring to china as the republic of....Instead as the Peoples republic of.
Big deal. If I've ever given a more recent US President any credit, it is Nixon who started this whole detant thing with china. In the meantime let us not forget, in Vietnam we lost the war to the Chinese, not the Vietnamese.
Without the USA, China today would be part of the hinterlands of Japan, providing cheap labor and comfortwomen for their army. Without the USA I firmly believe that most of the oriental component of Asia would be under Japanese rule. They went and invaded to obtain Lebensraum as the Germans called it.
So, Mr. Bush, not to worry about a couple of screwed up diplomatic niceties.