
war and o canada


Clarington Ontario Canada
Close to home; that's Bowmanville Ontario about 50 miles east of Toronto, this young trooper Caswell ,22 ,killed a few days back was given a fitting farewell ...number 57 of the canadians murdered really in this horrible place Afghanistan.
And while the ceremony was going on, another three canadian soldiers were killed in a similar roadside bomb ambush scene. (Yes, Canadian Soldiers killed so far is now up to 60)..

Does any of this make sense?

Do we need to be there?

What happens if we are not?

The truth is that we should have left Afghanistan to the Soviets years ago. They had their hand full and finally disappeared from the scene long before the USSR Empire itself fell apart. Today, still, American aid weapens, bombs the technology to make this junk, most of it leftovers of the USA cold war efforts to keep communism in check. They need not have bothered, the writing was on the wall and the Soviet Empire would have fallen apart....as it did eventually.
I know the situation looks a bit complicated. In my view, we and all the others ( most certainly the Americans ) who in the end really have no business in this place, should simply get out. Go home. Take care of your own problems America....there are plenty.


...about time...

I think I'll call this one evolution...and I know if my goofball relative happens to see this he will once more be pissed off...so be it...

My next comments, if I can get it together...will deal with China, Japan, and whatever disaster I can think of...like the impending cathastrophic totally avoidable money screw up..that is the diminishing value of the greenback, and whatever caused it and why nobody cares. Bitter lessons of 1929 somebody should take note of.



Mother and child this picture is called...would you believe it's a picasso?

Drawing by Albrecht Duerer; it must be noted that this fellow went srictly by how the rhino was described to him....he has never seen one or pictures of this beast...


It is extremely frustrating to see what's going on in the world....and feeling that there's not a lot one can do about it.

So, intead of whining the least I can do is either make fun of it or for my own peace of mind put it on this blog, that way while nothing is resolved my standing on the soap box and yelling may eventually find a few listeners...blah blah blah...

What else can I call this.? ..Mistakes by the big man...who is mr. big..how big? What else can he do with what's left of his mandate...other big men and their mistakes.

If Bush one had completed the task to remove Saddam we would all be a lot better off. But he did not, and so we are stuck with the bad mistakes of Bush two.