

Astonishing how time flies, another 2 weeks gone by since my last visit here..so much to do, and say, so little time.

Looks like Mrs.Clinton is done, the new up front Democratic Party winner is firmly in place and I hope he will soon be the new President of the United States. It will be a matter of " The King is gone...long live the new King". I never really realised just how much power the US President really has once in place. If Woodrow Wilson would have acted even slightly somewhat optional than he did, we would have a totally different World today. The fact of the matter is because of his lack of understanding the world today is not at all what it might have been.

If not for the slave trade, horrible as it was...none of the black/ colored/ somewhat racially mixed Americans obviously would be alive today.

It is good to reflect on these matters occasionally we might even learn a thing or two and avoid horrible costly mistakes in the future.

Vietnam....a complete screw up. There was no need for us to be there. What a joke, "to stop Communism". The Vietnamese simply did not want to be ruled by the Japanese, the French or the Americans, or for that matter by the Chinese.

Iraq, what a horrible mess we've created there and by the looks of it there's no way out. Was it bad information ( can't call it intelligence ) or how did we end up in this quagmire?