
America, presidents

America; a fine President
Woodrow Wilson

Thomas Woodrow Wilson

Born: 12/28/1856
Birthplace: Staunton, Va.
(Thomas) Woodrow Wilson was born in Staunton, Va., on Dec. 28, 1856. A Princeton graduate, he turned from law practice to post-graduate work in political science at Johns Hopkins University, receiving his Ph.D. in 1886. He taught at  Princeton, and in 1902 was made president of Princeton. After an unsuccessful attempt to democratize the social life of the university, he welcomed an invitation in 1910 to be the Democratic gubernatorial candidate in New Jersey, and was elected

In 1912, at the Democratic convention in Baltimore, Wilson won the nomination on the 46th ballot and went on to defeat Roosevelt and Taft in the election. Wilson proceeded under the standard of the New Freedom to enact a program of domestic reform, including the Federal Reserve Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, the establishment of the Federal Trade Commission, and other measures designed to restore competition in the face of the great monopolies. In foreign affairs, while privately sympathetic with the Allies, he strove to maintain neutrality in the European war and warned both sides against encroachments on American interests.

Reelected in 1916 as a peace candidate, he tried to mediate between the warring nations; but when the Germans resumed unrestricted submarine warfare in 1917, Wilson brought the United States into what he now believed was a war to make the world safe for democracy. He supplied the classic formulations of Allied war aims and the armistice of Nov. 11, 1918, was negotiated on the basis of Wilson's Fourteen Points. In 1919 he strove at Versailles to lay the foundations for enduring peace.
He reluctantly accepted the imperfections of the Versailles Treaty in the expectation that they could be remedied by action within the League of Nations ( forerunner of the United Nations an organization he helped to create).

He probably could have secured ratification of the treaty by the Senate if he had adopted a more conciliatory attitude toward the mild reservationists; but his insistence on all or nothing eventually caused the die hard isolationists and  Wilsonites to unite in rejecting a compromise.


America, presidents

America...the Yokel, one of the worst presidents leaving a mess...
Hey....Gingrich is back. Just as well, looks like this fellow is once again rising to the top of the republican bunch. Lord help us if they win the next term.
Hope he gets and stays there for the end run. I look forward to a second term by Mr.Obama but if this fails, Gingrich  may well be the best choice for the Republicans. He can't possibly be worse than this last yokel Bush the shrub.. who actually managed to stay onjob for two terms...two new wars......he did not finishthe wars and the financial mess he left for Mr. Obama to deal with.


about this new blog form...

I updated to this upgrade and things are not getting any easier. For one thing,new post efforts are more difficult than they used to be...too bad I can't get back to the old blog version.
In any case, CNN and other local,National TV channels are overloaded wit this Penn state ugliness as well as the financial turmoil in Greece and Italy.

I managed to revive my German blog ,Pirmasens,; for about six months there appeared to be a problem...this thing was stuck with hundreds of ridiculous spam related stuff in some strange to me languages...therefore, no more comments permitted. If you like the blog, fine. But no comments.Okay then..
I will try to write on the following topics:
  • India, the emerging nation democracy
  • China, the new great power emerging
  • Brazil, another emerging nation
...in the news today ,Brazil natives protesting the building of a new dam to be constucted,...I use the term Natives advisedly and will elaborate on this term..