
Dear Hillary:

...just an idea...big deal decision time..why not make a deal with Obama...you run and be president for one term...he will be the Vice...and in 4 years you will not run...might work.
...by the way...I do not like this line of Truman's : " if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen"...good line but Truman was a war criminal in my view...or war crimes criminal, whatever. No matter how badly the Japs acted at the start and during the war, to let lose the two atomic bombs on a large population at a time when the Japanese were ready to capitulate is in my opinion a dastardly crime...about as bad a Churchill's bombing of Dresden or Stalin's mass killings of his own population or in fact Hitlers mass extermination of the Jews and Gypsies.
Leave Truman's wise ass sayings in the history books, don't quote him as if he was someone to be honored or revered as a good human being...he was not.



I've been using the little word "normal" recently, probably more than I should..What's normal? The norm, a standard to measure by ? now hear this...:these comments are not mine, excuse the spellies but I found the comments interesting.

So we were talking today about normality, and i thought it was so true. i want what isn't normal. i want something different, i want something i have thought about, something that resonates with me, has personal meaning, a journey shaped into a life shaped into the creases of lines on my face from sun and wind and laughter shaking down the days.we were talking about relationships, about lifestyles, about dreams and movements in our lives. about trying to find the spark to let the art out, to give ourselves the freedom to live as we dream to.and i was thinking of him, of how he told me he was normal, but how to me he is intriguing and mysterious. how i told him i was boring and he said i was anything but. whose measuring stick are we using? how can we be all these things and yet truly be nothing all at once?

interesting, si?