

If anybody can help it's  the USA...and they are in the process of doing so.
The task is grim, difficult and thankless.
Haiti, a totally failed state and the poorest of the american hemisphere.
..almost reminds you of civilwar pictures in the congo or somalia...


Ugly...part 16

I found this  a picture of the highway of death...that's the stretch between Kuwait and somewhere in Iraq. That's back in the days when Saddam Hussain was playing his ill fated,stupid war games.
After the Iraqs invading, plundering army was driven out of Kuwait by the American Army ( C.Powel, General Schwarzkopf, Gulf war Bush One)....
...leading to " no fly zone" bullshit during the Clinton years,and eventually the invasion of Iraq by BushTwo and leading to the present quagmire in that country. But, please consider this:-
Go back for a moment to the highway of death...the  fleeing troups of Saddams army with their loot were running north, direction Iraq, in vehicles...on a dirt road in desert terrain.

The American Airforce cut of both ends of the fleeing army...and bombed them..burning, killing somewhere between 10,000 and 40,000 men.This invasionforce in their stuper to invade and occupy Kuwait had no airsupport...only tanks and ground vehicles, unable to even defend attacks from the sky.

Mass murder is my opinion today, no matter how you look at the  misdeeds of Saddam or his soldiers.The US Army/Airforce had no right to kill...execute these men.Based on the Geneva convention these soldiers should have been captured as soldiers, interned and eventually sent home.
What the American Walker Bush Two administration did is nothing short of mass murder.

American...that is...the ugly american...part 15

Much of what happened at wars end,45 has been swept under the carpet...there ane many lies, much misinformation and of course this is going on to this very day.
At this time, the USA has a fine President, a decent and well spoken man who truly cares for his nation and the well being of the world and it's people.
But we must also understand that he is almost obligated to accept the lies of those who have gone before him..remember this fellow is in charge of 2,500 Generals and Admirals, with the by far largest armament budget of any nation in the world.
Are we ready to face the truth about Iraq? Iran?Afghanistan? Are we ready to change our attitude obout other people on this earth? Surely if we are not the third world will gang up on America and or the so called West and take it's revenge in whatever form they can.