
*7* that is SEVEN

I am not too sure how to start with this or where I think it may take me. It is about 7s or multiples thereof. Worldconcern, hm. Maybe not. But I've had an interest in the number 7 for many years and can't quite figure why.

Number 7 is supposed to be a lucky number in western culture.Great.

The week has seven days, ok, so what.

Children are supposed to have outgrown early childhood by 7, in grade 2 usually.
At age 14 in many cultures boys are considered young men.
At 21 in many countries and cultures one is considered a fully legal adult.
Somehow I have always seen 28 as being a changepoint from young to adulthood.

At 35 one schould have established oneself as mature, the number rings bells somehow.
Mature and in full charge of ones life, between 35 and 42; I recall those years as being full of energy, having obtained some life experience and wisdom and in general feeling in charge somehow.

At 49...great years between 49 and 56; I was recently asked if I wanted to be any age and stay that way what would it be? Without hesitation I answered 55/56 and yet I am not sure why at this point.

At 63; looking forward to retirement. Lots of inner conflicts some people fear retirement,often start to feel old and useless but at the same time think of quieter days, walks on the beach, in the sun, holidays..travel.. hobbies.

And then 70...no I'm not there yet. And I am not exactly looking forward to it if I ever reach70.

All these plans made at 56 and 63 somehow no longer matter all that much.
North american life expectany for males has reached 78,well, close enough for 77 to keep this 7 thing going.Females apparently live 7 years longer.

As I stated at the beginning I am not at all sure what I want with this 7 thing. Perhaps I could have picked 10....or even 12 and multiples.

I am typing this on the fly, every few minutes the puter interupts me with some adope nonsense-dupestuff and that is annoying.

Some useful comments to add to this thing would be appreciated.

A little extra item I found years ago at a website of the
Universitaet des Saarlandes;-komischerweise; oddly enough...

  • watch your thoughts; they become words
  • watch your words;they become actions
  • watch your actions; they become habits
  • watch your habits; they become character
  • watch your character; it becomes your destiny

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