
Oh Canada....The war...And hockey..

Today the USA has 8,000 Generals. Combined, retired and on active duty. That includes the Admirals, but for the purpose of this short note I lump them together. After the war in Vietnam ( that's the one the USA lost, to China really ) the Generals were severely criticized for not speaking out. To a large extend the war came to an end because of the ever increasing number of anti war protesters. The generals, then, remained largely silent. It is possibly for that reasons some of them, retired, are now speaking out. And good for them. The battle was won, the war is over, occupation does not work so well, get out now, because you will not make a working democracy out of this place called Iraq.

On to Canada now. The only good thing Cretien ( former prime minister who stayed on too long) ever did was to keep Canada out of this mis- adventure called Iraq war.

There is some argument about where hockey came from....Was it Nova Scotia? Or Quebec? The natives perhaps (Indians). Or was it somewhere else in Canada this sport was first played.

Relax, hockey is a Chinese thing. The picture is from 1375, featuring Chinese hockey players.
Marco Polo didn't tell us about this one. And how do you like the spiffy outfits?

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