

Watch out, Nigeria Fraud, usually the Central Bank of Nigeria is mentioned, with a name of a high official...a General or Professor or something.

So if you get one of those stupid fraud notices, inviting you to collect your overdue money owing ( usually from 7 to 35 Million Dollars),Just send a copy of this shit to the bank. If they get about 1,000 e mails a day they are bound to take action some day

  • ...Re the picture, call it a no brainer.

    Comments added since publishing this blog.
    Nigeria, central west coast of Africa is a beautiful country. Oilrich with a population of 134 Million (almost as many as Russia) this country is and has for many years been one of the most corrupt places on earth.

1 comment:

Fred Leis said...

at this time....I receive about 10 e mails a day...money laundering...fraud connected garbage.
I've won every concievable lottery, most of it British but several others as well.Requsts to assist in tranfering millions of US Dollars, and similar efforts to make questionable connections.
I forward all this nonsense to