
This and that...

...now what?
The scanner screwed up, must reload the software...compupicSPic software screwed up, reloaded, oldpaidforversion no longer available, some squirly intelligencesetting got lost...and so it goes. I'm afraid to hook up the newer machine to the net, I think I just keep it clean fo the businessaccountng and spanglish lessons.
7 jerks arrested in Miami Florida, looks like the FBI provided the fake AlQuida connection.
Not sure about these home spun terrorists, there is a long history of these types here and elsewhere...I recall the so called Bader Meinhoff gang some years back in Germany.
I believe they all went to jail..heard nothing about it for years. These were nice and proper young Krauts, well educated living the good life whatever possessed them to play neonazi is beyond my comprehension.

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