
Canada......At war...

Sad. Four Canadian Soldiers killed in Afghanistan.
Since our soldiers are killed I suppose we must be at war. Otherwise I suppose you would call it murder rather than killed in action.

I watched a short CBC interview last night, Newsanchor Mansbridge of the CBC talking with David Gergen a former adviser of several US Presidents.
Mr George Walker Bush should listen to this man, he may not have the right answers but he is certainly aware of the incredible world problems and US specific challenges which need to be faced. It was interesting to see that he expresses a similar opinion to mine on Richard Nixon.

The Canadian flag picture was taken at Lake Ontario looking south from a place I owned for a couple of years. A Typical Florida type gated community. Controlled by the owner-keepers one leased the land but owned the house sort of. The flagpole was not allowed. In my case it was a hamradio transmitter antenna. That was ok. On a clear winter night one can see the Rochester NY city lights.

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