
This War Businmess

I suppose President Regan should have dealt with this Hezbollah scene 23 Years ago. He did not. Or better, he did make a decision and his then Secretary of War stopped the action. Unbelievable but that's what happened.
I'm deeply disturbed by the loss of these poor children, they deserved better than to die in this horrible mess.

Mr. President Jimmie Carter , President prior to Mr. Reagan, should have dealt appropriately with Iran, the Embassy Hostages Affair;

Reagan as well should have insisted on completing what was decided after several hundred marines were blown away instead of having Kaspar W. Interfere in it.

From this point of view and where we find ourselves today?
Lebanon the only sort of working Democracy in the region is being ripped apart.

I'm almost ready to congratulate Mr. Bush on his continued efforts to resolve the situation...Somehow and with the assistance and incredibly courageous participation of Israel.
....Where do we go from here?

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