
Dear Hillary:

The ...last blog entry for the month...and it has nottn to do with nottn.

Like this King fellow said in La. after the riots and senseless destruction...why can't we all get along...or something like that.

I keep finding pictures or caricatures of the Spanish nobleman Don Quijote ( Don Quixote, really; pronounce the x somewhat like in the German ch for Bach, or the Scottish Loch.. like Loch Ness).

It is indeed like fighting windmills. Every day is a waste as far as this Iraq scene is concerned. The sooner we focus on the real problems in the world, the better. We've totally lost our aims, aspirations and if this nonsense keeps up we will face another catastrophic 20s style depression. All our efforts should be channeled into improving out life's and the life's of those around us, near and far. Instead we are fighting windmills and not the real enemy, like: starvation, a totally neglected infrastructure, loss of faith in us by most American states and friends in Europe.

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