

Friends and family are not interested in my blog,too negative and depressing they tell me. So be it.
If we do not think or talk about  hunger,misery,neglect,starvation, violence,war,conflict, poverty...how can we effect any change. We must face it and even in minute and small ways attempt to try and change things.

E.T./ If you feel called upon to alleviate suffering in the world, this is a noble thing to do, but remember  not to focus exclusively on it. Otherwise, you will encounter a great deal of frustration and despair yourself.
Without a profound change in human consciousness, the world's suffering ( of all creatures) is a bottomless pit.
So do not let your compassion become one-sided. Empathy with someone else's pain or lack and want to help must be balanced with a deeper  realization of the eternal  nature of all life and the ultimate illusion of life.

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