

Most of the TV networks were occupied last week with the shooting of a kid in Florida. The 14 year old  happened to be black, wearing a hoody and was killed with a pistol, a single bullet by a neighourhood watch type,white.

Two things here,first:- black kid wearing hoody in a neighborhood he did not appear to be part or resident of. Late April a few years ago my front area alarm went off, at 5 o.clock in the morning.
Bare feet, shorts half asleep I rushed out of the door to confront three hoody charactors attempting to break into my van.Yes blacks, yes hoodies and yes I've had two previous thefts from the van within a year. I was stupid enough and enraged to chase these three idiots away,it took the police more than an hour to respond to my call. They told my I was silly to chase the three, they could have been armed.

And, second:-handguns are illegal, here. Mere possession of such a device will lead to criminal prosecution. A neighbourhood watch volunteer type would never get a permit to carry such a weapon.
What is my point?
Crimes, such as break in's into or theft of vehicles are often not reported or ignored. Most of the residents on my street have had their vehicle broken into or stolen. But rarely will this sort of crime end up in killing the culprit.

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