
America, 2012, politics

As much as I hope that Mr.Obama will be re-elected, one must always be aware that things can change, stranger events have happened in the recent past and if someone like Bush 2 the shrub can be elected...even for a second term, than anything is possible.

Much to my own surprise I see Mr. Gingrich, the obstructionist,speaker of days gone by, slowly emerging as a credible candidate...if the republicans should be in the position to elect the next president.
The man appears to have a good grasp of history, especially in the middle east region.

Palestine is not a country and never has been a country he says. And of course he is right.
The once mighty Ottoman Empire was friendly with the German Reich (1871-1918) and after the armistice somehow or other the British, France and the USA were involved  to a lesser extend decided to create a bunch of kings or regents to manage most of the orphans of the former Ottoman Empire, which was now reduced to Turkey.

Most of these puppet kings have by now disappeared, replaced one by one by emerging army commanders who took over as dictators and have only recently been killed or turned out of office.
There are a few of them left, one being Saudi Arabia, from Ibn Saud the self declared king the regime has grown to a royal family of about 6,000.
Ibn Saud apparently pointed out to Roosevelt that there were huge oil reserves available to the USA. The president remarked, we have Texas....of course that was in 1944 and long before Onassis started building supertankers as the Texas reserves started to be depleted.

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