

9/11  a day to remember.
But more later,
 I just wanted to get this date on the blog. I usually write my stuff on the fly..but this subject needs a bit of thinking and putting down the right words. The deed itself, blowing up the world trade center towers, part of the Pentagon and attempting to do even more damage, all on one day, is actually quite remarkable for a bunch of suicide committing religious fanatics. Subsequently, for the USA to murder 1.3 million people in Iraq and totally destroying their country is of course another matter.
We are lucky to have a fellow like Mr. Obama who may possibly be able to bring this totally idiotic nonsense to an end. Will the responsible parties ever have to face justice? Probably not. I'm talking about Blair and Bush 2...along with the military ammo pushers who promoted these crimes in the first place.
....the picture has nothing to do with it...Muslim females running from something...one of them dead or wounded in the gutter...could be Gaza for all I know, but the effect is the same.
An end must be found to stop this.

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