
G20 and all that...

In the nutshell....America wants to run the world. OK. Can't do it alone, so they asked the British to join them...after all they saved their butt in WW11. France was added...the world war 2 winners were: the USA, Britain, France (?) and the communist Soviet Union. The principal losers of course, Germany and Japan...
Back to the G20.
Because the U.N. as it is structured accomplishes little or nothing on the worlds economic scene, the G club added Japan and Germany to the original 3 participants...G5 then...They later added Canada and Italy and there you are, G7. More recently The Russian Federation was invited and the G8 created.

As a result of the G8 & G20 meeting here in Toronto Ontario Canada an expense of over a Billion Dollars incurred....not sure if that included the damage a bunch of idiots caused during the meeting...on the whole apparently the meeting went well...not sure what agreements resulted and what world piece progress was made.

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