

And now,...another three Canadian Soldiers return in boxes...I watched the scene in Trenton on TV as the families of the three participated in another military ritual...this time numbers 109-110 & 111.

Killed like most of the casualties by an explosive device blowing up their patrol vehicle.

I know we all believe we make a difference in being there,offering our talents, young men and women to try and help in a land that has to be one of the strangest places on earth. More so it appears that the population as a whole does not want our help or interference in their culture. If it's a matter of digging up BinLadin then all efforts should be made to find him and his band..wipe them out and be done with it. Beyond that I can't think of what good we are doing there.

We've had a successful peacekeeper role in many places of this universe, perhaps in the near future we can assist in Somalia and other flash point places once there is a peace to keep. But in Afghanistan we are in a middle of a tribal warlord scene much of it over dope and for what little good we are doing I for one am not sure it is worth it.

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