
...dear Sarah.....!

I will try to work on this posting a bit more when I have a chance ...for now, just a few comments on what I think about the recent efforts by the Republican Party to run Alaska Governor Sarah as future V.P. of the ticket.
No question about it, she comes across as a wonderful down to earth, beautiful lady and she was obviously picked by the party to capture or convert the Hillary votes when it became clear that Mr.Obama had made up his mind not to ask Senator Clinton to be his V.P.
To run for high office, president or vice, in the United States today,one should have a basic minimum of qualifications to be prepared for a job like this. A background in political science, history,geography and human relations should be an absolute base or minimum requirement...imagine the comment of D.Q. a few years ago I better brush up on my Latin so I can talk to people on my upcoming trip to Latin America..or something like that.Governor Sarah was under the impression that they speak African in Africa, she was not sure..is Africa a country or a continent.Incredible really....I will add more to this post soon...

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