
America North...

Looks like things have settled down o bit. The Canadian elections long over, the new same old government is in place, still a minority situation in this country.

It is hoped that this new, government will last a bit, while the Liberals attempt to find their feet and a new leader. Anybody but this washed up NDP Rae I hope. clothesline watercolour by permission of the artist Diana Holditch,copywright
Too bad about S.Dion, he may have been OK but to talk about new tax ideas during an election especially something like a carbon tax... is deadly.

New Government, this time the Democrats rapidly getting their stuff together to commence governing early in the new year, probably not a moment too soon. Bush2, the shrub, had a meeting in Washington with 20 heads of state...the G 7 and sympathisers..supposedly all about the money fix bailout. Not sure how much the decider can decide these days. Can this guy do any more damage than he has caused already. Time for change.

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