

With the financial meltdown, (Fanny May & Freddy Mac)...Banks in troubles and failures, the departure of large brokerage firms etc., the USA has reached a point which at least in some ways reminds me of the great depression.
A quick fix appears almost impossible a few weeks prior to the election and unless the two parties get together to seriously bail out the country with workable solutions, the next few years spell serious trouble.
It was only the involvement in WWII that got the the states out of the depression and into a whole new world scene .
This will be a turning point in history and it is almost impossible to guess what the next few months will bring us.
It is truly unfortunate that we ended up with an individual in the White house who is clueless, has no sense of history, does not have the brains or talent to deal with either the American or World problems. A president who started this quagmire scene in the middle east, lost touch with the Americas and Europe and totally lost touch with the domestic scene. His go shopping attitude in the face of the 9/11 disaster has dragged us down to where we are today.

Yes...I have some solutions:-

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