

...right after the war..the big one, 1945 statistics indicate that the number of newborn babies surviving the first year had dramatically changed, American policy or applied action systematically starved the Germans to death. I know it's true, I was part of it 1945 to 48. That's history,by now 3 generations back.

I recently viewed a bunch of blogs...the next blog feature of this blogspot Google thing. On a Spanish language blog I found a picture of what looks like a little boy eating trash from the ground. Filth.

I think it's a crime by humanity, that's all of us to allow this sort of thing to happen in the year 2007.

You will notice the war cost web counter on the left side here. About 4000 dollars are spent every second on this idiotic Iraq scene. Over half a trillion by now. I observed a figure on CNN recently quoting close to a trillion dollars spent, wasted.

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