

It's not that I'm hung up as to who is president in the USA, or why...? But the fact of the matter is that the chief of the US government especially if the party is in power as well, will have a tremendous effect on the lives of many Americans as well as many other earthlings the American Imperialist ruling class happens to control.

Bush the Younger...God knows how he got there. He is probably a decent man. With a nice wife. And a great dad....but then what?

The world is screwed up. Again. Another stupid war.
No real enemy..can't even call it a war. More like the war on drugs, the war on cancer...the war on terrorism. Why call it a war.What else should we call it. Once more people who believe they are doing it for the freedom of their country and the world I suppose...are needlessly dying or getting crippled and mamed for what? What exactly? So the Saudi Royal family of about 6,000 and other oil barons and their pals can live the lifestyle they've become used to?

Or is it to supress the ever under the surface brewing restlessness in the worlds oldest democracy.The key effort always being to supress another 20s type of depression. Perhaps without a warlike situation somewhere in the world the USA would fall apart. Like the USSR did just a few years back. Who knows. Perhaps it is worth the lifes of a few thousand mostly young Americans and the useless spending of billions of taxdollars to keep this country hanging together somehow.

Some key industries are in trouble...GM, Ford, Chrysler, Aviation, Airlines...and all that in spite of good employment statistics. Where is all that going to lead us. Billions of trade deficit with China.??
More on the subject later...I have to look up some history facts...like how did we get into this situation...was it after the defeat of the japs and nazis when Stalin and Truman divided the world or at a much later key point?

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