28 KILLED IN CT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL:Lives Could have been Spared if- Not for Ban on Staff Carrying Guns.....wrong attitude all together.... 28 or more people have been murdered, including 20 defenseless children, in a Connecticut elementary school. Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, responded to the tragedy saying, "Gun control supporters have the blood of little children on their hands. Federal and state laws combined to insure that no teacher, no administrator, no adult had a gun at the Newtown school where the children were murdered. This tragedy underscores the urgency of getting rid of gun bans in school zones. The only thing accomplished by gun free zones is to insure that mass murderers can slay more before they are finally confronted by someone with a gun." Gun Owners of America urges state and federal lawmakers to overturn bans on guns in schools immediately. Larry and other spokespersons are available for interviews. For one, I disagree....there should be no firearms in the hands of people who have no business owning them. Aside from restricted use by the appropriate authorities handguns and other automatic weapons need to be banned. |
my view on world events...now, and past. Content is copyright to its owners. If you own rights to any of the images on my blog and do not wish for them to appear contact me and I'll remove them.
Guns in America, USA
According to Sarshik...
As the United States prepares to inaugurate Barack Obama for a second term in office, many Republicans are still struggling to understand Gov. Mitt Romney’s defeat.
Exit polls on Nov. 6, however, indicated that voters blamed former President George W. Bush for the country’s economic troubles, and most believe that Obama’s policies have helped the recovery.
Bush was such a poor president that conservatives no longer bother to defend the previous commander in chief, says New York attorney and political humorist Steven Sarshik.
“It has become conventional wisdom that Bush messed up so badly that pundits on both sides tend to gloss over the magnitude of his appalling legacy,” says Sarshik, author of the satirical novel, “The Apology,” (www.sarshik.com), a fantastical tale that begins on the day of Obama's second inauguration, when Bush gets himself into a jam in Europe.
“Conservatives won’t go anywhere near Bush’s eight years, except to tell liberals who blame him for the difficult recovery to stop living in the past. I mean … the guy wasn’t even invited to the Republican National Convention in Tampa,” Sarshik says. “The Democrats mentioned him more at their convention.”
Unfortunately, in political debate, reviewing Bush’s record has become a non-starter, “but that doesn’t mean his tenure didn’t happen,” Sarshik says.
He reviews some of the Bush policy flubs that directly contributed to Romney’s defeat:
Exit polls on Nov. 6, however, indicated that voters blamed former President George W. Bush for the country’s economic troubles, and most believe that Obama’s policies have helped the recovery.
Bush was such a poor president that conservatives no longer bother to defend the previous commander in chief, says New York attorney and political humorist Steven Sarshik.
“It has become conventional wisdom that Bush messed up so badly that pundits on both sides tend to gloss over the magnitude of his appalling legacy,” says Sarshik, author of the satirical novel, “The Apology,” (www.sarshik.com), a fantastical tale that begins on the day of Obama's second inauguration, when Bush gets himself into a jam in Europe.
“Conservatives won’t go anywhere near Bush’s eight years, except to tell liberals who blame him for the difficult recovery to stop living in the past. I mean … the guy wasn’t even invited to the Republican National Convention in Tampa,” Sarshik says. “The Democrats mentioned him more at their convention.”
Unfortunately, in political debate, reviewing Bush’s record has become a non-starter, “but that doesn’t mean his tenure didn’t happen,” Sarshik says.
He reviews some of the Bush policy flubs that directly contributed to Romney’s defeat:
• A party of extremists: In order to compete with this season’s Republican primary candidates and satisfy the hordes of Tea Party conservatives, “moderate Mitt” had to take a backseat in favor of pedal-to-the-metal, far-right Romney. The party took a dramatic shift to the far right as a result of Bush’s expensive, fiscally irresponsible policies. After the primaries, “flip-flopper” didn’t seem strong enough to describe Romney’s shifting stances; his proposed policies became “Etch-a-Sketch,” almost to the point of being Zen-like, Sarshik says. “Often, his answers to questions became exceedingly abstract, and I think the shifting discouraged independent and undecided voters.”
• A clear and simple foreign policy narrative: A recent Vanity Fair exposé shows that Bush was given ample warning of the attacks on American soil before Sept. 11, 2001. While the 43rd president followed up with what still seems to many a non-sequitur war in Iraq, Obama oversaw the end of that protracted campaign and killed the man responsible for 9-11. Romney’s foreign policy appeared to be a continuation of Bush’s costly approach.
• FEMA and the “heck of a job, Brownie” gaffe: “Frankenstorm” Sandy hit the Northeast days before the Nov. 6 election, which could have devastated Obama’s campaign had he handled it poorly. Instead, his cooperation with New Jersey Rep. Gov. Chris Christie was the perfect example of how to handle local and state-level emergencies. During debates, in an attempt to back up small-government rhetoric and explain away Bush’s poor handling of Hurricane Katrina disaster relief, Romney said the Federal Emergency Management Agency should be dismantled in favor of state control, and “even better,” be privatized.
Four more years...? THE AMERICAN ELECTION
..almost ready to get the results, hopefully four more years in four more days, things should settle down shortly.
It is my hope that Mr. Obama wins this election. My problem with Mr. Romney and the Republicans?
-They want to cancel the hard fought for health insurance arrangement and throw you back at the mercy of the insurance companies.
-They want to institute a new system for those under 55 to give you vouchers of some sort when you do retire, not a guaranteed payment per month when you get to be 65. Clearly a step backward.
I predict that the President will win this election, the results will be tight and close.
Amazing how quickly Americans forget, Chaney and his puppet Bush and Rice started two useless wars, Only Mr. Powell had the decency to leave this team, and he does in fact support Obama and the current administration, while remaining a member of the Republican party.
Anyway..my prediction, Mr.Obama will win this election and who knows but it is possible that his wife may want to contest the next election in four years to be the first female president and the second black president elected. Who knows.
Fred --
I didn't want this to get lost in the excitement of everything that will happen tomorrow, so I wanted to take a moment, right now, to say two simple words that I cannot say enough to all of you who have traveled this journey with us: Thank you.
Thank you for the kindness, warmth, and love that you have shown me, Barack, and especially our girls -- your support and your prayers mean the world to us. Thank you for the hard work and energy and passion that you have poured into this campaign -- from all those hours knocking on doors and making calls to all those times you dug a little deeper and gave what you could when it was needed the most.
Like me, you have done all this because you love this country, and you care deeply about the world we're leaving for our kids and grandkids. And you've done it because, for these last four years, you have had a chance to see the man I've known for the past 23 years: A man of honor and integrity who knows what he believes and stays true to his values. He is an honest man who knows the facts and gives them to us straight -- a man whose strength and resolve to build a better tomorrow has never wavered.
With your help, over the past four years, Barack has been able to start moving this country forward. He's rescued our economy from the brink of collapse. He's passed health reform and ended the war in Iraq. He's fought to help women get equal pay for equal work, make sure students can afford college, ensure that our seniors can retire with dignity, and that our veterans can get the benefits they have earned.
For four years, Barack has been fighting to give every single one of us a fair shot at that great American dream, no matter what we look like, where we come from, or who we love.
He's been able to do all of this only because of people like you -- because of your hard work, determination, and commitment.
And tomorrow, everything we've been working for and fighting for is at stake. Tomorrow, we will decide whether we'll keep moving this country forward for four more years. So make sure to tell everyone you know to vote, and then help every last supporter get to the polls before tomorrow night. You can even make calls to voters from the comfort of your own home using our call tool.
Our family has been truly blessed to share these past four years with all of you -- and we can't wait to continue our work together for the next four years. So tomorrow, let's get out there and finish what we started:
Thank you again for everything you've done and everything you will continue to do to bring about that change we all believe in.
It is my hope that Mr. Obama wins this election. My problem with Mr. Romney and the Republicans?
-They want to cancel the hard fought for health insurance arrangement and throw you back at the mercy of the insurance companies.
-They want to institute a new system for those under 55 to give you vouchers of some sort when you do retire, not a guaranteed payment per month when you get to be 65. Clearly a step backward.
I predict that the President will win this election, the results will be tight and close.
Amazing how quickly Americans forget, Chaney and his puppet Bush and Rice started two useless wars, Only Mr. Powell had the decency to leave this team, and he does in fact support Obama and the current administration, while remaining a member of the Republican party.
Anyway..my prediction, Mr.Obama will win this election and who knows but it is possible that his wife may want to contest the next election in four years to be the first female president and the second black president elected. Who knows.
Fred --
I didn't want this to get lost in the excitement of everything that will happen tomorrow, so I wanted to take a moment, right now, to say two simple words that I cannot say enough to all of you who have traveled this journey with us: Thank you.
Thank you for the kindness, warmth, and love that you have shown me, Barack, and especially our girls -- your support and your prayers mean the world to us. Thank you for the hard work and energy and passion that you have poured into this campaign -- from all those hours knocking on doors and making calls to all those times you dug a little deeper and gave what you could when it was needed the most.
Like me, you have done all this because you love this country, and you care deeply about the world we're leaving for our kids and grandkids. And you've done it because, for these last four years, you have had a chance to see the man I've known for the past 23 years: A man of honor and integrity who knows what he believes and stays true to his values. He is an honest man who knows the facts and gives them to us straight -- a man whose strength and resolve to build a better tomorrow has never wavered.
With your help, over the past four years, Barack has been able to start moving this country forward. He's rescued our economy from the brink of collapse. He's passed health reform and ended the war in Iraq. He's fought to help women get equal pay for equal work, make sure students can afford college, ensure that our seniors can retire with dignity, and that our veterans can get the benefits they have earned.
For four years, Barack has been fighting to give every single one of us a fair shot at that great American dream, no matter what we look like, where we come from, or who we love.
He's been able to do all of this only because of people like you -- because of your hard work, determination, and commitment.
And tomorrow, everything we've been working for and fighting for is at stake. Tomorrow, we will decide whether we'll keep moving this country forward for four more years. So make sure to tell everyone you know to vote, and then help every last supporter get to the polls before tomorrow night. You can even make calls to voters from the comfort of your own home using our call tool.
Our family has been truly blessed to share these past four years with all of you -- and we can't wait to continue our work together for the next four years. So tomorrow, let's get out there and finish what we started:
Thank you again for everything you've done and everything you will continue to do to bring about that change we all believe in.
Remnants of the Ottoman Empire..the Kurds
During the Ottoman times the Kurds lacked national identity. They did not identify themselves as Kurds but as members of their family, tribe and religious group. They were in a proto-national stage. Described an ethnic group’s development towards nationalism. Although the group feels that they belong together because of their mutual ethnicity, they lack a common polity. It is possible to mobilise the existing national symbols for the creation of a modern state.
In the course of the fall and the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire, most of its subject peoples were able to set up their own states, but not the Kurds. With the Treaty of Sevrés, which was signed on August 20, 1920, the Kurds were promised a homeland. But the Allies, led by Great Britain and France, knew that the implementation of the Treaty would require difficult military enforcement. They were not prepared to make this commitment. The Treaty of Sevrés was a historical opportunity but the Kurdish leaders were unable to benefit of it.
The Treaty of Lausanne, signed on July 24, 1923, was the international accord, with which the Republic of Turkey was established. The word ‘Kurd’ was not even mentioned in it. Kurds were not regarded as a minority group. References to minorities were limited to non-Muslims. This was the second division of Kurdistan.
Also Iraq was established after World War I. Under a mandate from the League of Nations, the administration of Iraq was entrusted to Britain, but it adopted a policy of devolving responsibilities to an Iraqi government in 1921.
From 1918 to 1925, the Kurds lost an opportunity for statehood. They found themselves to be an unrecognised minority in Turkey and in Iraq. The Kurdish question became a frozen conflict. All the problems were left without solution, waiting for the right moment for the conflict to appear again. Now, this seems to happen. On the one hand, the Kurds move towards nationalism from proto-national level. Due to electronic mass media, satellite TV and the Internet – and especially social media like Facebook – they get information about each other and about global developments, which was totally out of their reach at the beginning of the last century. The Kurdish culture in Iraq is the most traditional and the most tribal. The Iranian Kurds are the best educated Kurds. The Kurds who live in Turkey are the most modern and the most aware in political terms, but many of them are partly assimilated into the Turkish culture. For example, many have lost their Kurdish mother tongue.
The young generation of Kurds continues the nation-building process from the point at which their grandfathers froze the issue after the days of Lausanne. On the other hand, new historic opportunities are emerging because all parts of Kurdistan are controlled by countries that are moving towards radical changes.
Since the end of the 19th century, the problem of the Kurds has been their inability to cooperate with each other. Kurdish politics is local politics. The Kurds have been rebelling against their oppressors for decades, but their uprisings have been local.
In 1991 three Kurdish provinces in South Kurdistan got autonomy after the First Gulf War in the uprising Raperin. But three Kurdish provinces - Mosul, Kirkuk and Diyala - were left outside the autonomous region. This was again a historical opportunity what the Kurdish leaders could not use. Twenty years have passed without much improvement despite United Nations decided referendum which is known as Article 140 according its status in the Iraqi constitution. If the referendum is not arranged this will be the third division of Kurdistan.
In the 1920s, Kurdish leaders could not make use of the historic opportunities, which were available during the collapse process of the Ottoman Empire. It seems that the next opportunity for the Kurds might come up soon. Dramatic changes may take place in the Middle East in the near future, taking into account the situations in Turkey, in Iraq, in Iran and in Syria. Especially the future of Iraq after the removal of the American troops is unclear.
Parag Khanna, former election advisor of Barack Obama and current director of the Global Governance Initiative, predicted 2008 that Kurds would get independent state in 2016 and 20 000 American troops would be stationed in Kurdistan by that time. He describes this vision in his book "The Second World : Empires and Influence in the New Global Order". Khanna argues that Kurdish oil and gas especially could play a desicive role in supporting the independence. Europe wants to decrease its dependency on Russian gas. Kurdish gas reserves of three to six trillion cubic meters is the source to replace the Russian gas. There is plan to build the Nabucco pipeline from Turkey to Austria to transport the Kurdish gas to Europe.
All big Kurdish parties in Iraq, Iran, and Turkey concentrate on the situation of their own geographical area. They do not have a common national agenda.
Kurdish leaders carry a big responsibility. Can they make cooperation? Can they use the historic opportunity, which seem to be available only once in a century? Only time will tell. I am sorry to say that at the moment the situation does not look good at least here in Sulaymania: Kurds struggle with each others the same way as they have done centuries instead of learning the modern skills of negotiation. This would benefit all Kurds in defending themselves against the neighbouring states. The plan to build the Nabucco pipeline or any other outside effort does not solve the Kurdish question if the Kurds can not cooperate with each others. Instead I have heard rumors that now they obtain more guns.
One thing is clear: problems, uprisings and struggles continue until a solution is found to the Kurdish question. In North Ireland, the struggle between the Irish and the British has already continued for seven hundred years. Let us hope that the Kurdish question will not remain unsolved for so long. It is a permanent source of instability in the whole Middle East until a political solution is found.
In the course of the fall and the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire, most of its subject peoples were able to set up their own states, but not the Kurds. With the Treaty of Sevrés, which was signed on August 20, 1920, the Kurds were promised a homeland. But the Allies, led by Great Britain and France, knew that the implementation of the Treaty would require difficult military enforcement. They were not prepared to make this commitment. The Treaty of Sevrés was a historical opportunity but the Kurdish leaders were unable to benefit of it.
The Treaty of Lausanne, signed on July 24, 1923, was the international accord, with which the Republic of Turkey was established. The word ‘Kurd’ was not even mentioned in it. Kurds were not regarded as a minority group. References to minorities were limited to non-Muslims. This was the second division of Kurdistan.
Also Iraq was established after World War I. Under a mandate from the League of Nations, the administration of Iraq was entrusted to Britain, but it adopted a policy of devolving responsibilities to an Iraqi government in 1921.
From 1918 to 1925, the Kurds lost an opportunity for statehood. They found themselves to be an unrecognised minority in Turkey and in Iraq. The Kurdish question became a frozen conflict. All the problems were left without solution, waiting for the right moment for the conflict to appear again. Now, this seems to happen. On the one hand, the Kurds move towards nationalism from proto-national level. Due to electronic mass media, satellite TV and the Internet – and especially social media like Facebook – they get information about each other and about global developments, which was totally out of their reach at the beginning of the last century. The Kurdish culture in Iraq is the most traditional and the most tribal. The Iranian Kurds are the best educated Kurds. The Kurds who live in Turkey are the most modern and the most aware in political terms, but many of them are partly assimilated into the Turkish culture. For example, many have lost their Kurdish mother tongue.
The young generation of Kurds continues the nation-building process from the point at which their grandfathers froze the issue after the days of Lausanne. On the other hand, new historic opportunities are emerging because all parts of Kurdistan are controlled by countries that are moving towards radical changes.
Since the end of the 19th century, the problem of the Kurds has been their inability to cooperate with each other. Kurdish politics is local politics. The Kurds have been rebelling against their oppressors for decades, but their uprisings have been local.
In 1991 three Kurdish provinces in South Kurdistan got autonomy after the First Gulf War in the uprising Raperin. But three Kurdish provinces - Mosul, Kirkuk and Diyala - were left outside the autonomous region. This was again a historical opportunity what the Kurdish leaders could not use. Twenty years have passed without much improvement despite United Nations decided referendum which is known as Article 140 according its status in the Iraqi constitution. If the referendum is not arranged this will be the third division of Kurdistan.
In the 1920s, Kurdish leaders could not make use of the historic opportunities, which were available during the collapse process of the Ottoman Empire. It seems that the next opportunity for the Kurds might come up soon. Dramatic changes may take place in the Middle East in the near future, taking into account the situations in Turkey, in Iraq, in Iran and in Syria. Especially the future of Iraq after the removal of the American troops is unclear.
Parag Khanna, former election advisor of Barack Obama and current director of the Global Governance Initiative, predicted 2008 that Kurds would get independent state in 2016 and 20 000 American troops would be stationed in Kurdistan by that time. He describes this vision in his book "The Second World : Empires and Influence in the New Global Order". Khanna argues that Kurdish oil and gas especially could play a desicive role in supporting the independence. Europe wants to decrease its dependency on Russian gas. Kurdish gas reserves of three to six trillion cubic meters is the source to replace the Russian gas. There is plan to build the Nabucco pipeline from Turkey to Austria to transport the Kurdish gas to Europe.
All big Kurdish parties in Iraq, Iran, and Turkey concentrate on the situation of their own geographical area. They do not have a common national agenda.
Kurdish leaders carry a big responsibility. Can they make cooperation? Can they use the historic opportunity, which seem to be available only once in a century? Only time will tell. I am sorry to say that at the moment the situation does not look good at least here in Sulaymania: Kurds struggle with each others the same way as they have done centuries instead of learning the modern skills of negotiation. This would benefit all Kurds in defending themselves against the neighbouring states. The plan to build the Nabucco pipeline or any other outside effort does not solve the Kurdish question if the Kurds can not cooperate with each others. Instead I have heard rumors that now they obtain more guns.
One thing is clear: problems, uprisings and struggles continue until a solution is found to the Kurdish question. In North Ireland, the struggle between the Irish and the British has already continued for seven hundred years. Let us hope that the Kurdish question will not remain unsolved for so long. It is a permanent source of instability in the whole Middle East until a political solution is found.
Kurdistan is going through a transition period. It is post-dictatorship and post-genocide society. It has experienced rapid and violent change from rural way of living to urban settlements. In the 1980s people did not move voluntarily to towns. They were deported by Saddam’s soldiers. Since that many problems have followed each others.
KRG has difficult work to rebuild Kurdistan from ruins caused by Saddam’s dictatorship, several wars, international embargo and increasing tension with the Baghdad government. Problems are not yet over, one of biggest problems is the situation in the disputed areas.
In other countries universities are centers for research and education. Teachers follow the latest development in their field and distribute the information to their students. When students graduate they bring fresh information to their working places.
During the Ba’athist times universities in Iraq were opposite to this model. They educated staff for the government’s needs and followed Saddam’s rules. The little research what existed here was strictly under Saddam’s control.
Despite almost twenty years of autonomy KRG has not been able to create new research policy to replace the old model. All agree about the problems of the universities. There are reasons for them. International embargo isolated Iraqi universities and prevented the staff from getting fresh ideas. Another problem is huge brain drain. Many intellectuals escaped from Iraq during three decades and now their skills benefit Europe instead of their own country.
It is difficult to establish research policy from point zero but it is the only way to find long term solutions to the present problems. I give two examples: the situation of the youth and disagreements about the disputed areas.
Kurdish teenagers grow up in difficult conditions: their parents had experienced destruction of the villages. Their childhood was unsecure because of the civil war between the Kurdish parties. Present problems and lack of motivation for studies are reflections of this history.
KRG has difficult work to rebuild Kurdistan from ruins caused by Saddam’s dictatorship, several wars, international embargo and increasing tension with the Baghdad government. Problems are not yet over, one of biggest problems is the situation in the disputed areas.
In other countries universities are centers for research and education. Teachers follow the latest development in their field and distribute the information to their students. When students graduate they bring fresh information to their working places.
During the Ba’athist times universities in Iraq were opposite to this model. They educated staff for the government’s needs and followed Saddam’s rules. The little research what existed here was strictly under Saddam’s control.
Despite almost twenty years of autonomy KRG has not been able to create new research policy to replace the old model. All agree about the problems of the universities. There are reasons for them. International embargo isolated Iraqi universities and prevented the staff from getting fresh ideas. Another problem is huge brain drain. Many intellectuals escaped from Iraq during three decades and now their skills benefit Europe instead of their own country.
It is difficult to establish research policy from point zero but it is the only way to find long term solutions to the present problems. I give two examples: the situation of the youth and disagreements about the disputed areas.
Kurdish teenagers grow up in difficult conditions: their parents had experienced destruction of the villages. Their childhood was unsecure because of the civil war between the Kurdish parties. Present problems and lack of motivation for studies are reflections of this history.
The Kurdish culture in Iraq is the most traditional and the most tribal.
The Iranian Kurds are the best educated.
The Kurds of Turkey are the most modern and the most aware in political terms, but many of them are partly assimilated into the Turkish culture. For example, many have lost their Kurdish mother tongue.
Kurdish leaders carry a big responsibility. Can they make cooperation? Can they use the historic opportunity, which seem to be available only once in a century? Only time will tell. I am sorry to say that at the moment the situation does not look good at least here in Sulaymania: Kurds struggle with each others the same way as they have done centuries instead of learning the modern skills of negotiation. This would benefit all Kurds in defending themselves against the neighbouring states. The plan to build the Nabucco pipeline or any other outside effort does not solve the Kurdish question if the Kurds can not cooperate with each others. Instead I have heard rumors that now they obtain more guns.
The Iranian Kurds are the best educated.
The Kurds of Turkey are the most modern and the most aware in political terms, but many of them are partly assimilated into the Turkish culture. For example, many have lost their Kurdish mother tongue.
Kurdish leaders carry a big responsibility. Can they make cooperation? Can they use the historic opportunity, which seem to be available only once in a century? Only time will tell. I am sorry to say that at the moment the situation does not look good at least here in Sulaymania: Kurds struggle with each others the same way as they have done centuries instead of learning the modern skills of negotiation. This would benefit all Kurds in defending themselves against the neighbouring states. The plan to build the Nabucco pipeline or any other outside effort does not solve the Kurdish question if the Kurds can not cooperate with each others. Instead I have heard rumors that now they obtain more guns.
what next?
When searching for a solution the first thing is to understand the problem in details.


...and no end in sight...
"Arab Spring"
Ever since a Tunesian man self-immolated in December 2010, a wave of protests has shaken the Arab world. Romantically referred to as the "Arab Spring", these events have inspired optimism for many in the western world, who were quick to joyously proclaim an Arab embracing of democracy. "The Arabs are ready for freedom", we were told. Tom Friedman of the New York Times was quick to adopt this theme, hailing the "Facebook generation" of youth who will bring enlightenment and democracy to Egypt and other countries. Well, it hasn't taken long for us to sober up and receive a bucket of cold water in our faces. Those of us in Israel and elsewhere who were skeptical and warned of the threat of extremism, were ridiculed as naysayers and hypocrites. If we enjoyed democracy, we were asked, how could we deny others the same rights?
Well, the answer has come more quickly than I anticipated. Egypt has decended into chaos, with the very real possibility of Muslim extremists being voted "democractically" into power. The Sinai desert has become a haven for a wide assortment of gangs and terrorists. Yesterday, a crazed mob attacked the Israeli embassy in Cairo, while security services stood by. Only frantic calls from the White House induced the Egyptians to intervene and rescue the trapped embassy staff, avoiding a bloodbath.
Well, the answer has come more quickly than I anticipated. Egypt has decended into chaos, with the very real possibility of Muslim extremists being voted "democractically" into power. The Sinai desert has become a haven for a wide assortment of gangs and terrorists. Yesterday, a crazed mob attacked the Israeli embassy in Cairo, while security services stood by. Only frantic calls from the White House induced the Egyptians to intervene and rescue the trapped embassy staff, avoiding a bloodbath.
Once again the Canadian political landscape
has been rewitten with huge changes. As the Conservatives finally have a
Majority Government and the days of the Liberals being the Natural Government of
Canada or the Government in Waiting might as well be ancient
Conservates 167 Seats (+23) -- Stephen Harper's unwavering support of Israel has been rewarded with the defeat of Liberals Ken Dryden and Joe Volpe. Now that he has a majority he can focus more on governing and spending less time on partisan politics. Highly ranked and skilled Lawrence Cannon was the only significant Convesrvative casualty of the election. The new influx of talent should allow for an even stronger cabinet.
NDP 102 Seats (+66) -- Under Jack Layton, the NDP played the roll of Effective Opposition, while the Liberals were floundering under Stephane Dion. They started by taking Outremont in a by-election and have grown in Quebec ever since. They will should serve the title of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition well. The only potential drawbacks that will emerge, will be from candidates that won who had no business running in the election.
Liberals 34 Seats (-43) -- It looks like Michael Ignatieff will join Stephane Dion and become the 4th Liberal leader not to become Prime Minister. He was ineffective at rebuilding the party. He lost his seat, along with former leadership race contenders Martha Hall-Findley and Gerard Kennedy. Bob Rae is the only one left from that group. The Liberals need to rebuild from the ground up with a real vision and a strong leader. Without the fear of an election or forming a coalition they have the opportunity they need. Now it is a matter of taking advantage of the time they have.
Bloc Quebecois 4 Seats (-44) -- They lost official party status. Gilles Duceppe lost his seat and resigned as party leader. This is good news for Canada and as bad as it gets for the Seperatist movement. In Quebec there is always room for a rebound but at least for the time being they will not be doing very much.
Green Party 1 Seat (+1) -- In 2008 Elizabeth May
This time round she took a different strategy. She moved over to the more cushy riding of Saanich--Gulf Islands. She spent the entire campaign in her own riding.
Conservates 167 Seats (+23) -- Stephen Harper's unwavering support of Israel has been rewarded with the defeat of Liberals Ken Dryden and Joe Volpe. Now that he has a majority he can focus more on governing and spending less time on partisan politics. Highly ranked and skilled Lawrence Cannon was the only significant Convesrvative casualty of the election. The new influx of talent should allow for an even stronger cabinet.
NDP 102 Seats (+66) -- Under Jack Layton, the NDP played the roll of Effective Opposition, while the Liberals were floundering under Stephane Dion. They started by taking Outremont in a by-election and have grown in Quebec ever since. They will should serve the title of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition well. The only potential drawbacks that will emerge, will be from candidates that won who had no business running in the election.
Liberals 34 Seats (-43) -- It looks like Michael Ignatieff will join Stephane Dion and become the 4th Liberal leader not to become Prime Minister. He was ineffective at rebuilding the party. He lost his seat, along with former leadership race contenders Martha Hall-Findley and Gerard Kennedy. Bob Rae is the only one left from that group. The Liberals need to rebuild from the ground up with a real vision and a strong leader. Without the fear of an election or forming a coalition they have the opportunity they need. Now it is a matter of taking advantage of the time they have.
Bloc Quebecois 4 Seats (-44) -- They lost official party status. Gilles Duceppe lost his seat and resigned as party leader. This is good news for Canada and as bad as it gets for the Seperatist movement. In Quebec there is always room for a rebound but at least for the time being they will not be doing very much.
Green Party 1 Seat (+1) -- In 2008 Elizabeth May
This time round she took a different strategy. She moved over to the more cushy riding of Saanich--Gulf Islands. She spent the entire campaign in her own riding.
The best news about this election is the new Government will have time to govern and the parties will have time to recover before the next election. The Conservatives, NDP and Green Party will have a chance to prove themself while the Liberals and Bloc will have time to rebuild.
Serco....what? Serco!
Writing...writer J.Grisham
I am really not all that talented when it comes to writing stuff..I read a lot and occasionally I like to comment on some of what I manage to take in. I can be quite critical if the writing does not make much sense or is hastily put together or inaccurate.
Recently I have enjoyed reading most of the books by John Grisham, an American novel writer. Generally I do not read much fiction, but J.Grisham's Lawyer stories are to a large extend based on true happenings and contain a lot of social and cultural facts.
Pollution, racial tensions, exploitation of certain regions,tort lawyers and their dirty tricks, big tobacco, the chemical industry, drug cartels, international oil companies are some of his subject matter.
They all become targets of finely spun yarn by this great writer.
Recently I have enjoyed reading most of the books by John Grisham, an American novel writer. Generally I do not read much fiction, but J.Grisham's Lawyer stories are to a large extend based on true happenings and contain a lot of social and cultural facts.
Pollution, racial tensions, exploitation of certain regions,tort lawyers and their dirty tricks, big tobacco, the chemical industry, drug cartels, international oil companies are some of his subject matter.
They all become targets of finely spun yarn by this great writer.
...jokes, why not...a bit of national humor
Here's a joke. Of course being about Israel, its not funny.
Why has Israel banned half-starved women from modelling?
Because it gave the Palestinians too many job opportunities
Why has Israel banned half-starved women from modelling?
Because it gave the Palestinians too many job opportunities
Back in the old soviet union a version of the american exhibitiion
thing on Ripleys BELIEVE IT OR NOT would be BELIEVE IT OR ELSE.
The state and the workers agreed:
Workers,- we pretent to work,
State,- we pretent to pay you.
Poland. Apparently many luxury cars are stolen in germany and somehow find
their way east ( to poland I guess). A polish politician recently remarked that there is less
crime in poland
crime in poland
than there is in germany, for instance, there are far less cars stolen in poland than
compared to germany.
Take three americans and you have a street gang. Three englishmen, a quire.
Three canadians together and surely you have a strike. Three frenchmen apparently make
a perfect marriage...
something like that.
something like that.
BRIC nation Russia
Map of the Union Republics from 1956-1991 | |||||||||||||||
Soviet socialist republic | member since | population (1989) | pop./ USSR pop. (%) | area (km²) (1991) | area/ USSR area (%) | capital | independent state | No. | |||||||
1922 | 7008147386000000000147,386,000 | 700151400000000000051.40 | 700717075400000000017,075,400 | 700176620000000000076.62 | Moscow | 1 | |||||||||
1922 | 700751706746000000051,706,746 | 700118030000000000018.03 | 7005603700000000000603,700 | 70002710000000000002.71 | Kiev (Kharkov before 1934) | 2 | |||||||||
1924 | 700719906000000000019,906,000 | 70006940000000000006.94 | 7005447400000000000447,400 | 70002009999999999992.01 | Tashkent (Samarkand before 1930) | 4 | |||||||||
1936 | 700716711900000000016,711,900 | 70005830000000000005.83 | 70062727300000000002,727,300 | 700112240000000000012.24 | Alma-Ata | 5 | |||||||||
1922 | 700710151806000000010,151,806 | 70003540000000000003.54 | 7005207600000000000207,600 | 69999300000000000000.93 | Minsk | 3 | |||||||||
1936 | 70067037900000000007,037,900 | 70002450000000000002.45 | 700486600000000000086,600 | 69993900000000000000.39 | Baku | 7 | |||||||||
1936 | 70065400841000000005,400,841 | 70001880000000000001.88 | 700469700000000000069,700 | 69993100000000000000.31 | Tbilisi | 6 | |||||||||
1929 | 70065112000000000005,112,000 | 70001780000000000001.78 | 7005143100000000000143,100 | 69996400000000000000.64 | Dushanbe | 12 | |||||||||
1940 | 70064337600000000004,337,600 | 70001510000000000001.51 | 700433843000000000033,843 | 69991500000000000000.15 | Kishinev | 9 | |||||||||
1936 | 70064257800000000004,257,800 | 70001480000000000001.48 | 7005198500000000000198,500 | 69998900000000000000.89 | Frunze | 11 | |||||||||
1940 | 70063689779000000003,689,779 | 70001290000000000001.29 | 700465200000000000065,200 | 69992899900000000000.29 | Vilnius | 8 | |||||||||
1924 | 70063522700000000003,522,700 | 70001230000000000001.23 | 7005488100000000000488,100 | 70002190000000000002.19 | Ashkhabad | 14 | |||||||||
1936 | 70063287700000000003,287,700 | 70001150000000999991.15 | 700429800000000000029,800 | 69991300000000000000.13 | Yerevan | 13 | |||||||||
1940 | 70062666567000000002,666,567 | 69999300000000000000.93 | 700464589000000000064,589 | 69992899900000000000.29 | Riga | 10 | |||||||||
1940 | 70061565662000000001,565,662 | 69995500000000000000.55 | 700445226000000000045,226 | 69992000000000000000.20 | Tallinn |
The Euro Thing...translation funnies
The Euro Thing...( this is the link back to my posting for what it is worth)
On one of my blogs which I try to keep up in German to a large extend I posted the following:
On one of my blogs which I try to keep up in German to a large extend I posted the following:
Man vergleicht the bailing out of the delinquent countries to an English robin hood situation, apparently the whole thing is revenue neutral...es kostet niemanden etwas, alles ist innerhalb des euro...
In Robin Hood.....man nimmt von den Reichen und gibt es den Armen...die dusseligen Deutschen werden wieder mal geprellt...
An appropriate translation could be....(all in English this time)...:
One compares..the bailing out of the delinquent countries to an English robin hood situation,apparently the whole thing is revenue neutral...it does not cost anyone anything,everything is within the euro...
In Robin Hood...one takes from the rich and gives to the poor...the dippy Germans are once more being cheated...
Taking the blog posting and asking the available translator to put the text into English we get this:
Comparing the bailing out of the delinquent countries to an English robin hood situation , apparently the whole thing is revenue neutral ... it will(word not is missing) cost anyone anything, everything is within the euro ...
In Robin Hood ..... you take from are the rich and the poor ... the dimwitted Germans are again
cheated by ...
Note two glaring errors...bad ones at that:Note first of all I am indicating that the bail out will not cost anyone anything because it is within the euro, therefore from the euro point of view is revenue neutral..in the translation this is obviously totally wrong. The second point is my cynical comment that the dippy (dusselig) Germans are once again cheated is translated as dimwitted..not exactly what I had in mind.
Simply put, my point is that one must be careful with these instant translations they can and often are wrong and quite inaccurate. Translations must be on content and context rather than words and short burst sentences.
In Robin Hood.....man nimmt von den Reichen und gibt es den Armen...die dusseligen Deutschen werden wieder mal geprellt...
An appropriate translation could be....(all in English this time)...:
One compares..the bailing out of the delinquent countries to an English robin hood situation,apparently the whole thing is revenue neutral...it does not cost anyone anything,everything is within the euro...
In Robin Hood...one takes from the rich and gives to the poor...the dippy Germans are once more being cheated...
Taking the blog posting and asking the available translator to put the text into English we get this:
Comparing the bailing out of the delinquent countries to an English robin hood situation , apparently the whole thing is revenue neutral ... it will(word not is missing) cost anyone anything, everything is within the euro ...
In Robin Hood ..... you take from are the rich and the poor ... the dimwitted Germans are again
cheated by ...
Note two glaring errors...bad ones at that:Note first of all I am indicating that the bail out will not cost anyone anything because it is within the euro, therefore from the euro point of view is revenue neutral..in the translation this is obviously totally wrong. The second point is my cynical comment that the dippy (dusselig) Germans are once again cheated is translated as dimwitted..not exactly what I had in mind.
Simply put, my point is that one must be careful with these instant translations they can and often are wrong and quite inaccurate. Translations must be on content and context rather than words and short burst sentences.
world dictators,

Napolean Abdicated at Fontainbleau, Paul Delaroche, 1845
While driving to work today, I heard in the radio of how Napoleon's arrogance took the best of him. It is a known fact that in spite of his diminutive stature, Napoleon became a dictator that conquered many lands. At the Battle of Waterloo, something unexpected happened. Napoleon's might had increased to such an extent that he believed he was all powerful. Napoleon believed that winning Waterloo was not going to be any different.
Speaking to one of his officers Napoleon said "We will put the infantry here, the cavalry over there, and the artillery in that spot. At the end of the day, England will be at the feet of France, and Wellington will be the prisoner of Napoleon."
The officer responded, "But, we must not forget that man proposes and God disposes."
Napoleon responded angrily, "I want you to understand, sir, that Napoleon proposes and Napoleon disposes!"
Speaking to one of his officers Napoleon said "We will put the infantry here, the cavalry over there, and the artillery in that spot. At the end of the day, England will be at the feet of France, and Wellington will be the prisoner of Napoleon."
The officer responded, "But, we must not forget that man proposes and God disposes."
Napoleon responded angrily, "I want you to understand, sir, that Napoleon proposes and Napoleon disposes!"
The Urantia Book...
The book says that a person ultimately is destined to fuse with his or her divine fragment and become one inseparable entity with it, if the person chooses to accept the Adjuster's leadings and become self-identified with it. The act of fusion is the moment when a human personality has successfully and unalterably won eternal life, described as typically taking place in the afterlife, but also a possibility during earthly life. The result during human life is a "fusion flash," with the material body consumed in a fiery light and the soul "translated" to the afterlife. The Hebrew prophet Elija being taken to heaven without death in "chariots of fire" is said to be a rare example in recorded history of a person who attained fusion.The great God makes direct contact with mortal man and gives a part of his infinite and eternal and incomprehensible self to live and dwell within him. God has embarked upon the eternal adventure with man. If you yield to the leadings of the spiritual forces in you and around you, you cannot fail to attain the high destiny established by a loving God as the universe goal of his ascendant creatures from the evolutionary worlds of space.
Once fused with his or her fragment of God, a person continues as an ascending citizen in the universe and travels through numerous worlds on a long, adventurous pilgrimage of growth and learning that eventually leads to God and residence on Paradise. Mortals who reach this stage are called "finaliters." The book goes on to discuss the potential destinies of these "glorified mortals."
The Urantia Book places much emphasis on the idea that all individuals have the same opportunity to know God, and it says nothing can hinder a human being's spiritual progression if he or she is motivated to be spirit led.
The book regards human life on earth as a "short and intense test," and "is not so much a probation as an education"and the afterlife as a continuation of training that begins in material life. The "religion of Jesus" is considered to be practiced by way of loving God the Father with a person's whole being, thereby learning to love each person the way Jesus loves people; that is, recognizing others as brothers and sisters and being of unselfish service to them.
totally screwed up
Just to demonstrate how translator mechanisms work, I have taken a short articly by brother Lars written in german and employed the google translator to convert it to english...hopeless...or cute:
At some point a few years ago .... I then times behaupted that German was funded in large part by Luther and the Brothers Grimm. Partly true, yet the very knowledgeable scribe that described much better than me ... Anyway, here again: The Luther, Goethe and the Brothers Grimm. - Well - if that were all, it would be less than nothing. German is much older. Older than French or even English. Gensfleisch Since the Lord, which was named after Gutenberg, printed in German, was written in German a bit earlier. Much earlier. Until about 1200, Latin was the lingua universalis in Europe. Each farmer spoke Latin. The people in the cities anyway. There were regional languages. Almost all regional languages are extinct. Dialects have survived. - When did the Middle Ages to the end, as it was also with the wits end. Nation-states emerged. England. Spain. Portugal. France. Sweden. Russia. Germany appeared the 1871st This was then the 2.Reich. The Holy Roman Empire Teutscher nation (1.Reich) existed since Charlemagne (crowned 800) for a thousand years and was only liquidated by Napoleon. Kaiser Karl did not speak German. Dissemination of salvation was important to him. His ideas were European. apart from brief interruptions (Okupation the remaining states by Prussia. Nazism and Hitlerism), Germany was never a nation state. Is still not today. Germany is a federation of states with several free states, provinces and city-states. are here states that dreamed of regionalists in Europe are (Basques, Bretons, Scots, Welsh ...)! In fact, it has never been Germany. A dream muddled brains. There Swabia, Rheinhessen, Sauerland, Bavaria, Berlin and recently again Saxony, etc. These people can be in the German language to communicate. The parlierenden in German Swiss are no Germans, though they speak German, read, write and understand. This also applies to Austria.
About Time and doing it now...
I have a number of great books on my night-table and I pretty well look at most of them every day...or every night I should say.
One of them is on the subject of...procrastination....it's about the fourth or fifth one down in the pile...
The Spanish have a proverb: Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week. Clever wordsmiths, those Spaniards.
One of them is on the subject of...procrastination....it's about the fourth or fifth one down in the pile...
The Spanish have a proverb: Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week. Clever wordsmiths, those Spaniards.
We all
procrastinate. We dawdle and delay, dally and defer. My office floor
is still home to a pile of papers that needed filing two months ago; I'm waiting
for them to stop dallying and file themselves.
Whatever the task, whatever the excuse, the tips below will help you
do today what most people put off to next month.
1. Ask yourself, What's the
holdup? People procrastinate for many reasons. Some fear failure.
Some avoid boring jobs. Others shy away from getting tangled in a
complicated mess (i.e., my pile of papers). Knowing the cause of the problem may
open your eyes to an obvious solution.
2. Do you need to do
it? Simple question, but it's a good one. Sometimes we put something
off because it's not important. If you don't really need to do it, free
yourself of the mental burden and drop the task from your
to-do list.
3. Ask for
help. I have a pile of stuff in the lane bettwenn the garage and the house, things I'm workingb on. The Impala has a parasitic battery leak, this has been going on for a while. There are boxes in the basement which have not been opened since I moved in herev 4 years ago. The garage is a mess of stuff, it includes about 5 bikes...I only use one...occasionally.
4. Commit just five
minutes. That's it--just 300 seconds. Telling yourself you only have
to do something for a sliver of time does two things. It transforms a big job
into a tiny matter: Five minutes? I can do that. And because getting started is
the hardest part, once your five minutes is up you'll often drive
5. Focus on the
end. Thinking about how you'll feel when you've done whatever needs
to be done may motivate you to make it happen.
I don't much like to organize, but I love to be
organized. This is what I focus on--the feeling of having everything in its
place, clean and tidy--when I need to declutter a space. Although my pile of
papers proves that I have some work to do.
6. Just do it.
Quit stalling. Quit rationalizing. Stand up, walk to the danger zone,
and get to work.
another Bush thing...promise,no more...
Top 10 Reasons Bush Should Apologize!
10. He was the first president in more that 200 years to have his vice president shoot someone (while still in office). It happened one time before in 1804 when Vice President Aaron Burr, serving under Thomas Jefferson, shot Alexander Hamilton.9. He set back the cause of reading 300 years. He read My Pet Goat and had trouble with the big words. Bush reportedly said in 2000: “One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures.”
8. He set back the cause of science 200 years when he proclaimed to a crowd in 2005, “The jury is still out on evolution.”
7. He appointed John Ashcroft as attorney general. One of Ashcroft’s first tasks was to cover up the exposed breast of the Spirit of Justice statue at the Department of Justice.
6. Kim Kardashian first came to prominence during his administration.
5. He was responsible for hanging chads, swinging chads and the Florida election count, and ultimately for the lame Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore.
4. He spent more than 400 vacation days at his ranch in Crawford, Texas.
3. He said in all seriousness: “Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job.”
2. He unfurled the “Mission Accomplished” banner seven years too soon.
1. He couldn’t find Osama Bin Laden
I am really not all that talented when it comes to writing stuff..I read a lot and occasionally I like to comment on some of what I manage to take in. I can be quite critical if the writing does not make much sense or is hastily put together or inaccurate. Lately I have enjoyed reading most of the books by John Grisham, an American novel writer. I do normally do not read much fiction but J.Grisham's Lawyer stories are to a large extend based on true happenings and contain a lot of social and cultural facts. Pollution, racial tensions, exploitation of certain regions,tort lwayers and their dirty tricks, big tobacco,chemical industry, big drug cartel internationals, they all become targets of finely spun yarn by this great writer.
About writing

“If you tell the reader that Bull Beezley is a brutal-faced, loose-lipped
bully, with snake’s blood in his veins, the reader’s reaction may be, ‘Oh,
yeah!’ But if you show the reader Bull Beezley raking the bloodied flanks of his
weary, sweat-encrusted pony, and flogging the tottering, red-eyed animal with a
quirt, or have him booting in the protruding ribs of a starved mongrel and, boy,
the reader believes!”—Fred East, June 1944
“We writers are apt to forget that, as the gun smoke fogs and the hero rides
wildly to the rescue, although the background of this furious action is fixed
indelibly in our own minds, it is not fixed in the mind of the reader. He won’t
see or feel it unless you make him—bearing always in mind that you can’t stop
the gunfight or the racing horse to do the job.” —Gunnison
Steele, March 1944
or evolution, is life responding to environment; and not only is this response
always in terms of conflict, but the really great struggle, the epic struggle of
creation, is the inner fight of the individual whereby the soul builds up
character.”—William Wallace Cook, July 1923
“Plot is people. Human emotions and desires founded on the realities of life,
working at cross purposes, getting hotter and fiercer as they strike against
each other until finally there’s an explosion—that’s Plot.”
—Leigh Brackett, July 1943
—Leigh Brackett, July 1943
“You can’t
write a novel
all at once, any more than you can swallow a whale in one gulp. You do have to
break it up into smaller chunks. But those smaller chunks aren’t good old
familiar short stories. Novels aren’t built out of short stories. They are built
out of scenes.”—Orson Scott Card, September 1980
“Don’t leave your hero alone very long. Have at least two characters on stage
whenever possible and let the conflict spark between them. There can be conflict
with nature and your hero can struggle against storm or flood, but use
discretion. … You could write a gripping story about a struggle between a lone
trapper and a huge, clever wolf. But the wolf is practically humanized in such a
story and fills every role of villain. The wolf too wants something and does
something about it. A storm doesn’t want anything and that’s why its conflict
with man is generally unsatisfactory. It doesn’t produce the rivalry which is
the basis of good conflict.”—Samuel Mines, March 1944
“The first sentence can’t be written until the final sentence is
written.” —Joyce Carol Oates, April 1986
“The writing of a mystery story is more of a sport than a fine art. It is a
game between the writer and the reader. If, once in a while, a really fine book
comes out of this contest, that is good; but the game’s the thing. If, on Page
4, the reader knows that the soda cracker is spread with butter mixed with
arsenic, and later on this is proven to be true, then the reader has won the
game. If, however, when the reader finishes the book, he says, ‘I didn’t get
it—all the clues were there, plain as who killed Cock-Robin, but I didn’t get
it,’ then the author has won the game. The author has to play fair, though. He
has to arrange his clues in an orderly manner, so that the reader can see them
if he looks hard enough.”—Polly Simpson Macmanus, January
“Authors of so-called ‘literary’ fiction insist that action, like plot, is
vulgar and unworthy of a true artist. Don’t pay any attention to misguided
advice of that sort. If you do, you will very likely starve trying to live on
your writing income. Besides, the only writers who survive the ages are those
who understand the need for action in a novel.”
—Dean R. Koontz, August 1981
—Dean R. Koontz, August 1981
And now, something
totally new...well, new to me anyway. Doe Zantamata a writer from Florida sent
me this wonderful 120 page book in the mail. I think this is a very special
book. Aside from the cover, no illustrations. Just modern well written words of
wisdom. This is not the kind of book you look over and then stash it on the
shelf or in some obscure drawer. No, this book and possibly some others now in
the works should quickly become your daily reminder as to what is important in
life and how to stay focused on staying happy and therefore healthy as
2012 London Games, the Olympics
Just mouse click on the country name in blue and full search results will appear...nifty...
China and the USA, the results were expected, no surprises here. The Brits as number three in medal numbers, nicely done, great efforts and results for the host. Here are the final medal numbers:gold, silver bronce...and totals, scroll for more details...: |
| ![]() | United States | 43 | 29 | 29 |
| ![]() | China | 38 | 27 | 22 |
| ![]() | Great Britain | 28 | 15 | 19 |
| ![]() | Russia | 21 | 25 | 32 |
| ![]() | Korea | 13 | 7 | 7 |
| ![]() | Germany | 11 | 19 | 14 |
| ![]() | France | 10 | 10 | 12 |
| ![]() | Hungary | 8 | 4 | 5 |
| ![]() | Australia | 7 | 16 | 12 |
| ![]() | Italy | 7 | 6 | 8 |
| ![]() | Japan | 6 | 14 | 17 |
| ![]() | Netherlands | 6 | 6 | 8 |
| ![]() | Kazakhstan | 6 | - | 4 |
| ![]() | New Zealand | 5 | 3 | 5 |
| ![]() | Iran | 4 | 5 | 3 |
| ![]() | Ukraine | 4 | 4 | 9 |
| ![]() | Jamaica | 4 | 4 | 4 |
| ![]() | Cuba | 4 | 3 | 5 |
| ![]() | DPR Korea | 4 | - | 2 |
| ![]() | Spain | 3 | 9 | 4 |
| ![]() | Brazil | 3 | 4 | 8 |
| ![]() | Belarus | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| ![]() | Czech Republic | 3 | 3 | 3 |
| ![]() | South Africa | 3 | 2 | 1 |
| ![]() | Ethiopia | 3 | 1 | 3 |
| ![]() | Romania | 2 | 5 | 2 |
| ![]() | Denmark | 2 | 4 | 3 |
| ![]() | Kenya | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| ![]() | Poland | 2 | 2 | 6 |
| ![]() | Azerbaijan | 2 | 2 | 5 |
| ![]() | Turkey | 2 | 2 | 1 |
| ![]() | Croatia | 2 | 1 | 1 |
| ![]() | Norway | 2 | 1 | 1 |
| ![]() | Switzerland | 2 | 1 | - |
| ![]() | Canada | 1 | 5 | 12 |
| ![]() | Colombia | 1 | 3 | 4 |
| ![]() | Mexico | 1 | 3 | 3 |
| ![]() | Sweden | 1 | 3 | 3 |
| ![]() | Georgia | 1 | 3 | 2 |
| ![]() | Ireland | 1 | 1 | 3 |
| ![]() | Argentina | 1 | 1 | 2 |
| ![]() | Lithuania | 1 | 1 | 2 |
| ![]() | Slovenia | 1 | 1 | 2 |
| ![]() | Serbia | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| ![]() | Tunisia | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| ![]() | Dominican Republic | 1 | 1 | - |
| ![]() | Trinidad and Tobago | 1 | - | 3 |
| ![]() | Uzbekistan | 1 | - | 3 |
| ![]() | Latvia | 1 | - | 1 |
| ![]() | Algeria | 1 | - | - |
| ![]() | Bahamas | 1 | - | - |
| ![]() | Grenada | 1 | - | - |
| ![]() | Venezuela | 1 | - | - |
| ![]() | Thailand | - | 2 | 1 |
| ![]() | Egypt | - | 2 | - |
| ![]() | India | - | 1 | 4 |
| ![]() | Mongolia | - | 1 | 3 |
| ![]() | Slovakia | - | 1 | 3 |
| ![]() | Armenia | - | 1 | 2 |
| ![]() | Belgium | - | 1 | 2 |
| ![]() | Finland | - | 1 | 2 |
| ![]() | Bulgaria | - | 1 | 1 |
| ![]() | Estonia | - | 1 | 1 |
| ![]() | Indonesia | - | 1 | 1 |
| ![]() | Malaysia | - | 1 | 1 |
| ![]() | Puerto Rico | - | 1 | 1 |
| Chinese Taipei | - | 1 | 1 |
| |
| ![]() | Botswana | - | 1 | - |
| ![]() | Cyprus | - | 1 | - |
| ![]() | Guatemala | - | 1 | - |
| ![]() | Montenegro | - | 1 | - |
| ![]() | Portugal | - | 1 | - |
| ![]() | Greece | - | - | 2 |
| ![]() | Moldova | - | - | 2 |
| ![]() | Qatar | - | - | 2 |
| ![]() | Singapore | - | - | 2 |
| ![]() | Afghanistan | - | - | 1 |
| ![]() | Bahrain | - | - | 1 |
| ![]() | Hong Kong, China | - | - | 1 |
| ![]() | Saudi Arabia | - | - | 1 |
| ![]() | Morocco | - | - | 1 |
| ![]() | Tajikistan | - | - | 1 |
| ![]() | Kuwait | - | - | 1 |
| ![]() | Canada | 1 | 5 | 12 |
While in North Africa, Syria this time the folks go on killing each other ( about 20,000 victims so far) in another sort of civil war.
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