
another Bush thing...promise,no more...

Top 10 Reasons Bush Should Apologize!
10. He was the first president in more that 200 years to have his vice president shoot someone (while still in office). It happened one time before in 1804 when Vice President Aaron Burr, serving under Thomas Jefferson, shot Alexander Hamilton.
9. He set back the cause of reading 300 years. He read My Pet Goat and had trouble with the big words. Bush reportedly said in 2000: “One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures.”
8. He set back the cause of science 200 years when he proclaimed to a crowd in 2005, “The jury is still out on evolution.”
7. He appointed John Ashcroft as attorney general. One of Ashcroft’s first tasks was to cover up the exposed breast of the Spirit of Justice statue at the Department of Justice.
6. Kim Kardashian first came to prominence during his administration.
5. He was responsible for hanging chads, swinging chads and the Florida election count, and ultimately for the lame Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore.
4. He spent more than 400 vacation days at his ranch in Crawford, Texas.
3. He said in all seriousness: “Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job.”
2. He unfurled the “Mission Accomplished” banner seven years too soon.
1. He couldn’t find Osama Bin Laden

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