
The Right and the Left...Canadian Scene..politics

The new PC's (recreated Progressive Conservative Part,with Manning touch) managed to get the Parliament majority they were looking for. Good for them.No fear of another election for the next four years.
The far Left, who after all these years still call themselves NDP, NEW Democrats are now the opposition, amazing. Under Jack they almost wiped out the separatist Quebec bloc party and managed to put my old Friends, the Liberal Party into third place.
(PC 167  /NDP103   /Lib43 and bloc 4...) Both, Liberals and the bloc could not even get their leaders elected in their own riding's, while a number of seats in Quebec for the NDP went to some kids,one of them 19 years old young students who almost ran as a joke against the blog.One seat for the green party.
We now have a Majority Party running the country, the Progressive Conservatives, Prime Minister the Honourable Stephen Harper. The Official Opposition, the NDP ( should change their name to National Democratic Party instead of New...) their gifted leader Jack ...no not Lenin...ah. Leighton... Full credit to this fellow.I think it is sad that the once mighty Liberal Party could not even get their leader elected and have been pushed into third place. A lot of rebuilding to be done here.
The Liberals, down to 43 seats...their own leader Michael Ignatieff..no seat..resigned.
The formerly powerful separatist Bloc, 4 seats...2 of them re-elected..leader resigned.
...the picture shows the prime minister and his wife returning to Ottawa from his Alberta riding..

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