
USSR by the numbers...


2-Azerbaijan, 86,000 Sq Km


4-8-& 9, Estonia,Latvia, Lithuania the 3 Baltic countries swallowed up after WWII

5-Georgia, 69,000 Sq Km

6-Kyrgyzstan, 2,780,000 Sq Km, earth land surface 2-3/4% 9Th. largest country in the world


11-Russia, now The Russian Federation...17,000,000 Sq. Km, still the largest country in the World 12% of earths dry land surface 11 timezones...


13-Turkmenestan, 488,000 Sq Km. .33%

14-The Ukraine, 603,000 Sq Km., second largest country in Europa .41% of earth land surface

15-Uzbekistan 448,000 Sq Km .30% of land surface of the earth

Just to compare: other countries within Europe....

France- 633,000Sq Km .43% of world dry land surface

Germany- 357,000 Sq Km .24% of world dry land surface

U.K.,Britain- 243,000 Sq Km or .16% of Worlds dry land surface

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