

...new government..same party in power...a few more seats..the opposition party badly hammered. The ruling PC party now has 144 seats in the house ( of commons) as we call it, the opposition Liberal party is down to 77 seats, the strange phenomenon the Quebec bloc party got 50 seats and the NDP gained a few all at the liberal expense.

A clear majority would have called for 155 seats I believe, it did not happen and so, Mr. Harper will have to work with what he's got or risk another election in the near future.

Another problem the PCs are struggling with is the seats in the Senate. Because it is not an elected body the new PCs ( remember these are not the Torie's of old) had in mind to do away with the Senate....but to do that they need a clear majority. Now they may even be forced to appoint a few members to keep the liberals in check who at this point are able to slow down any new legislation.

And so, I've been musing....who was the last Tory? It is astounding to realise that this PC party is in reality a new party, grown out of the western reform party ( Manning) and has relatively little to do with the Progressive Conservatives from the days of Diefenbaker or Mulroney.

So, who is or was the last Tory?

Mulroney? Joe Clark? The Quebec Guy who turned Liberal to run the Province of Quebec? The Magnamans Daughter Stonachs old boyfriend with his dog?
Actually...I believe the last Tory in power was Kim Campbell, and in the election that followed her appointment she even lost her own seat...hard to believe that after two successive majority governments the party was reduced to two seats...

Or does it really matter. In any case after having been a supporter of the liberal party most of my life I've decided to vote PC the last two elections..

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