

An election has been called and sometime next month Canada will have a new Government.
I suspect that the Progressive Conservatives will have a slight majority or at the very least be back with a minority government.
For many years I've supported the Liberal Party, but I think it would be premature to have them back to run this country.
Canada is a very difficult country to govern ( what country isn't?).
The west feels detached from the rest of the land. Oil rich Alberta is in a boom state and has the attitude "let the eastern bastards freeze in the dark".
Saskatchewan and Manitoba don't appear to matter much. Liberal Ontario with the loss of manufacturing jobs claims to be a have not province no longer willing to support the other regions. Quebec with the separatist party making up the opposition as well as being elected federally is a joke. The eastern Provinces are still in have not mode, and, finally, Newfoundland with the offshore oil development would like to keep it all, never mind the many years of substantial support by Canada..

At this time I believe our best hope is a slight majority government of the PC Party. My choice, Steven Harper.
About the clover
....Diana keeps finding 4 leaf and sometime 5 leafclovers in the backyard...I've never found one in my lifetime.....

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