My December 07 blog...something positive for a change...
I firmly believe that in 50 years or more the world will still talk about and perhaps appreciate the life and times of this individual and the positive changes he accomplished in his lifetime.
This fellow (now 73) did more good than Mother Theresa, managed to have more influence on the US Government than Al Gore, in fact he even ran for President four times ( a mistake in my view) in 92/96/2000 and again in 2004, as a left wing Democrat, Independent and for the Green Party.
A Spoiler for the Democratic Party, a pain in the ass for big business and the government, a Lawyer, teaching Professor, Organizer , this fellow will not in his lifetime receive anywhere near the recognition or rewards for what he has accomplished.
His writings alone consisting of 30 bestsellers (books) and numerous articles should have earned him a Nobel Prize.
His first book Unsafe at any Speed, condemning the 60s GM abortion the rear engine Covair should have been enough to make him man of the year.
Aside numerous accomplishments in laws, improved food safety, additional institution's he managed to create,we can thank this man for the automobile of belts, airbags...and totally redesigned interiors to give you a better chance for survival in case of a crash.
Ralf Nader, Social Activist, Son of immigrants from Lebanon, the most decent American alive today...perhaps some day they'll make him a saint.
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