

Wake up, look at what's going on in Africa...your ancestral land. These horrors have been committed for years...I remember Biafra and the Mau Mau in the fifties. Enough, it is time to take action.
Just totally forget this stupid slavery excuse. Realise fully that none of you would have been born if not by the shear accident of somehow bringing your grandfather and grandmother together...

Enough whining...get over it already.
There must be more to life than hip hop, basketball and chasing blonds.
A local story on the metro news here tells all:
The Metropolitan Housing Authority is being sued for 5 million Dollars....Single mother of four...young son..8 and a nice kid I'm sure was shot in the leg with a pistol a year ago...he now has trouble walking.
Two black kids, about 16 were arrested and later released because of insufficient evidence.Gun play.
The Housing Authority tha is the local tapayers have provided thousands of homes for mostly immigrant families. Many from Jamaica. Some of these areas have turned into slums or ghettos. Not unusual.Lack of area supervision it is claimed. There should be more guards to patrol the developments the suit claims.

Now the taxpayers are sued and expected to pay for this mess.That's the thanks for helping the poor...I guess.
Get involved, do something positive...

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