The year is 2006....
My mother was born in 1906, that's 100 years ago...She was part of a family with 11 children and only four made it to age 50.
Her parents, stepmother and several siblings perished from the influenza 1918-1920. A younger brother ended up in Russia victim of the 2nd world war.
By 1906 the world population was 1.4 Billion that is 1 billion 400 million inhabitants on the earth at that time.
In spite of ww1, ww2, other wars since, the influenza, aids, famine, hunger and innumerable conflicts all over the world since 1906, the atomic bombs over Japan, carpetbombing over Germany, Stalins massacre of his people, Cambodia, Somalia, Yugoslavia and all the rest of the horrible destruction humanity has brought upon itself, ......It is estimated that today the world population is at about 6.4 billion...
In other words it has quadrupled in less than 4 generations.
Countries such as France, Russia, Germany, the UK, and a number of other European countries have reported as much as 20 % population decline in the last 25 years.
no comment...other than..hirngespinste eines irren..or more crap from a poor nut.
the commentator could have stated his/her opinion or believ based on the subject at hand, which is simply telling that over the past 100 years the world population has quadrupled while at the same time the western or occidental regions have seen a 25% population reduction in the past 25 years and if this subject is too difficult to grasp, just leave it alone, no comment needed
comments relavent to the subject at hand are welcome, argue or correct the numbers, guess on where this may lead us, anything but it must relate to the subject or inevitably bill be junked..
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