
¡ Hola Amigos! Los Presidentes Americanses..

Today, a fact:
5% of the world population ( actually a bit less) that is 280 Million Americans, are using

25% of the worlds energy resources.
US population estimated at somewhere between 280 and 300 million; world population 6.5 Billion, somewhere in that range.

other interesting bits:-

G8....now includes Russia...sort of..I think; population 145 million, and shrinking.

Venezuela, oilrich, has the highest murder rate of any country in the world,
Nigeria, oilrich, is considered one of the most corrupt countries in the world,

Saudy Arabia, here is a joke...oilrich and one of the most repressive countries in the world.The so called royal family there is now up the about 8000 rich and highly privileged results of the countries founder who made himself king, Ibn Saud...

I'm actually not sure at all where I think I'm going with this and of course all this information is from bits and pieces off the daily tube..CNN/NBC/ABC/Fox/CTV/CBC/CBS/BBC...

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