my view on world, and past. Content is copyright to its owners. If you own rights to any of the images on my blog and do not wish for them to appear contact me and I'll remove them.
Hollywood...and all that
sorry to see the trouble Mel got into...somehow I have a feeling it was just the booze, 1.2 does not sound too bad but probably sufficient to do him in.
I would like to help him if I can with a small but true story about a fellow who got stoned and because of his big mouth ended up with a fine and two weeks behind bars.
His stupid drunken utterance was something like - hey you are one of those that Hitler forgot to send to the gas chamber- I know for a fact that under normal circumstances this fellow would first of all never say anything that stupid and second he really does not believe it in the first place. He was drunk, somebody rubbed him the wrong way and he ended up with this comment and paid the price for it.
I do not know actor Mel Gibson, but I doubt somehow that he meant the nonsense he blabbert...
This War Businmess
I'm deeply disturbed by the loss of these poor children, they deserved better than to die in this horrible mess.
Mr. President Jimmie Carter , President prior to Mr. Reagan, should have dealt appropriately with Iran, the Embassy Hostages Affair;
Reagan as well should have insisted on completing what was decided after several hundred marines were blown away instead of having Kaspar W. Interfere in it.
From this point of view and where we find ourselves today?
Lebanon the only sort of working Democracy in the region is being ripped apart.
I'm almost ready to congratulate Mr. Bush on his continued efforts to resolve the situation...Somehow and with the assistance and incredibly courageous participation of Israel.
....Where do we go from here?
And among us..
xxx xxx is a pseudointelectual person. A little bit stupid. Geschaeftsman mit einer sehr traurigen Vergangenheit. Ein Volldepp! Sein Schwanz fuehrt ihn! - Er hat mich um etwa hunderttausend Can-Dols betrogen. Schande seiner Asche!!!
time and time again like a little child I am puzzled and at the same time amazed at the increadible mean-ness of people...why would someone write this absolute crap about me?
Should I be upset? Amused? Puzzled? If I were a shrink I would want to figure out just what kind of an idiot is producing this totally pointless nonsense.
I guess in the end it does not matter, this world has more to worry about than stupid personal insults.
Inside, outside..And among us..
About 40,000 Canadians are looking to the Canadian Federal Government to bring them home. Apparently they are stuck in Lebanon and have no way to get "home"...
This is either a mistake, or the numbers are wrong or something is seriously wrong with this scene, unless of course there are that many Canadians of Lebanese extraction visiting Lebanon at this time. I doubt it.
Sounds to me like these unfortunate Canadians are looking at a dual citizen situation and for the time being they could just be out of luck. Can't blame the state for their inability to come to the rescue...Just too many and something makes no sense.
¡ Hola Amigos! Los Presidentes Americanses..
Today, a fact:
5% of the world population ( actually a bit less) that is 280 Million Americans, are using
25% of the worlds energy resources.
US population estimated at somewhere between 280 and 300 million; world population 6.5 Billion, somewhere in that range.
other interesting bits:- includes Russia...sort of..I think; population 145 million, and shrinking.
Venezuela, oilrich, has the highest murder rate of any country in the world,
Nigeria, oilrich, is considered one of the most corrupt countries in the world,
Saudy Arabia, here is a joke...oilrich and one of the most repressive countries in the world.The so called royal family there is now up the about 8000 rich and highly privileged results of the countries founder who made himself king, Ibn Saud...
I'm actually not sure at all where I think I'm going with this and of course all this information is from bits and pieces off the daily tube..CNN/NBC/ABC/Fox/CTV/CBC/CBS/BBC...
¡ Hola Amigos! ..
At the invitation of Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Bush will travel to northeastern Germany in advance of his participation in the G-8 Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia. Chancellor Merkel will host President Bush on July 13, 2006 in the towns of Stralsund and Trinwillershagen, which are in the Chancellor's electoral constituency. The visit, which will take place in what had been communist East Germany, will underscore our two nations' commitment to advancing freedom and prosperity, and to strengthening the transatlantic partnership. The two leaders look forward to discussing a wide range of global challenges, in particular continuing their consultations on Iran and preparing for the G-8 Summit.
picture copied from weekle e mail from the white house shows prime minister Harper with president Bush
¿Chili con Carne?....not...
What’s in a Multivitamin?
It’s easy to pop a vitamin every day. It’s one of the less labor intensive steps in taking care of your health. But do you know what’s going on inside that pill? All vitamins are definitely not created equal. This means that there’s a decent chance that the $4 bottle bought from xxo might not stand up to a $30 bottle from a health food store, but it may also mean that the more expensive brand is all hype and no substance.
Vitamin A. Avoid preformed vitamin A (retinol). Taking 5,000 IU of retinol — often listed as vitamin A palmitate or acetate — a day has been shown to increase the risk of losing bone density and breaking a hip. It may be difficult to find a multi without preformed A, so at least try to limit your intake: If the label reads "vitamin A as beta-carotene," that's okay. Beta-carotene and other carotenoids, which the body converts to vitamin A, won't harm your bones.
B vitamins. Your multi should have 50 mg each of most B vitamins, except for folic acid (at least 400 mcg) and B-12 (at least 50 mcg). If you’re taking a multi with only the “Daily Value” for most B vitamins, an additional B-50 B-complex supplement is necessary.
Vitamin D. Check for at least 400 IU of vitamin D, or 100 percent of the Daily Value. Weil also encourages everyone to supplement with at least 1,000 IU of D a day, the amount shown in recent studies to greatly reduce the risk of breast, colon, and ovarian cancers. If your multi provides only 400 IU, you should take an additional vitamin D supplement to make up the difference. Look for products with the D3 (cholecalciferol) form of vitamin D, which is more readily utilized than D2 (ergocalciferol).
posted by Unlimited Wellness at href="">2:03 AM 0 comments
is traditionally relegated to a mere garnish, but the herb has so much more to offer. Firstly, the leafy green is an excellent natural breath freshener. While mints and gum simply cover potent breath, parsley treats halitosis (or the aftermath of a garlicy dinner) from the inside out. Parsley comes in several varieties — Italian and flat leaf are the most popular — and is also an excellent source of calcium, iron, and Vitamins A and C. Parsley is also known for its volatile oils — myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and alpha-thujene — which may be linked to a the prevention of several cancers and also give the herb the title of "chemoprotective" food. Parsely can neutralize certain carcinogens ike the benzopyrenes that are part of cigarette smoke, charcoal grill smoke (see The Side Effects of BBQ), and the smoke produced by trash incinerators.According to this month’s Natural Health, several studies have found that parsley may also reduce blood sugar in diabetics, prevent stomach ulcers and act as a diuretic.
posted by Unlimited Wellness at 2:01 AM 0 comments
¡ Hola Amigos! ..
.....They're doing it again...
Funny thing, I've been hearing the same excuse or complaint for years. Many years. They're ( not there, no).
They are doing this, that and the other, in most cases they are doing no good. Right now they are doing the football or soccer thing...And I would not be surprised if the Germans, this time would stay with it til the end. And then they will do it all over again in four years, kind of like the Olympics. But not quite. The American eagle thing has nothing to do with it.