Friends..and all that...
and so it goes...Three friends...friends...One is an old friend, on his way out. The other a new friend, still cutting his teeth he is new...On his way in...And then the man, man in a mess. Half way thru his second term, but unfortunately stuck in the mud.
Immigration troubles, mostly from the south but more than just Mexico.
Losing touch with our hemisphere,( yes America..North central and south)
being far too preoccupied with this oil thing.
Look out for China, really look out, look ahead things are rapidly changing.
Iraq. Lets just get out of this godless country,tomorrow is not too soon.
The sultans. What a joke, while other Moslems starve to death, they can't figure out what to do with their incredible oil money resources.
War. On drugs, poverty, rebuild the gulf, the infrastructure in the rest of the country.
North Korea ,Iran, get the rest of the intelligent world involve in this.
Stuck with the somewhat gutless...Unsupported UN.. Mostly because of the third world ganging up on the seven..or is it eight. Support the UN.
What next?
Come forward people ( or folks as the Americans prefer to say) Get on with it. Find new solutions. You are....We are a resourceful people...Let's have some input as to just how we can change, improve things.
The next hurricane season is almost here..Remember the last one.
Man hat da zwei Kanadische Touristen ermodet. Italiener.Hochzeit der Tochter wurde gefeiert in Mexico und man hat dann Mann und Frau die Kehle durchgeschnitten.
Fox hat sich da reingehaengt und behaupted das waeren keine Mexikaner gewesen. Sondern Mafia;wer weiss? asked me once, in Florida...have you lived here all your life...I answered...not yet.
Thank you for your interest.
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