
The bomb

I have made a few flippant remarks on my posts about the American scene, the so called war, to be clear I mean Iraq and my opinion of the various administrations and along with that the occupants of the white house. My miniconclusion was that Nixon was a far greater man than he was given credit for, Carter should be a saint some day, Truman because of the second needless bomb was a criminal....And so on. My own opinion from what I've observed over the years.

This bomb thing. The US has over 2400, it costs every US Citizen about 10,000 bucks a year just to keep the mobile ones moving, that's the airborne and submarine version of these things.
Russia, former Sovietunion has 2200 or so. Even this joke of a country Israel owns about 200 A bombs I just learned. I can't imagine that the UK and France have any less. That leaves India, Pakistan and China I believe. Apparently North Korea and now Iran want to join this horror club. I'm stuck here....not sure what to say next...no conclusion to it.....

I learned a few years ago, student at Ryerson University (then Institute of Technology) that any story should have a beginning-a middle and an end. Or, a little better expressed: an introduction into the theme you want to cover, hitting on the main points. Then, the body of the story with supporting elements. And, finally the conclusion or summing up.

My point to write the above notes . Nottin, nada, nunca, nichts. In a short note a writer I respect recently touched on why I left Europe 50 years ago.I believe he mentioned the bomb as part of his comments, I'm frantically looking for this piece. I may want to translate it.
It is in German, the man is a prolific writer an intelligent man, he is my brother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine that nobody read this thing....or it's just too big to fully comprehend...the bomb...the big one..