

There is increasing fear that recent developments in Europe and the middle east could further explode into a third world war. Like it or not, as the only current superpower the USA would be dragged into it.
What can be done to reduce this risk.
It would appear that the indiscriminate use of car and personal boms scene is if anything getting worse, more common and in some ways more sophisticated.
As well, the recent happenings started with a stupid and primitive simple caricature in the tiny country of Danmark has been used to promote unspeakable hatred. Where is this going.
The start and reasons for WW1 are too incredible to believe. WW2 was more of the same, supposedly to control fachism. The resulting cold war created an armsrace such as has never been seen on this planet.
And now, that things have cooled down we find ourselves sitting on a powderkeg, ready to explode and once more engulf the world in a horrific and in the end totally useless conflict.
No real purpose that I can see. Fanatism for its own sake.

1 comment:

Fred Leis said...

this is to see if it works, waste of space but I was told the comments thing geht nicht...warum nur?