
War...Or is it?

Time and time again war...The American way.
Or is it. Really?
Surely there must be a better way to progress, make the life of our people the best in the world use our incredible resources in more intelligent ways.

We still have no real national health insurance plan in this country.
The infrastructure in our large cities is rapidly falling apart.
No country in the world in the history of the world has ever been able to muster the extensive resources this nation keeps finding somehow.
The current quagmire in Iraq surely is another conflict we somehow got sucked into.
Why? Because of Misinformation? Bad Information? Screwball information which in the end was feeding on itself?

In any case, for this country to move forward and to continue being the important actor on the world stage the current scene must come to and end soon.


Anonymous said...

Alright, beat the drums, recruit,train send them over...

Fred Leis said...

the counter...thing...just added this starting with numero 1000

Fred Leis said...

My point here was simple. If nothing much happens at home, no work, people restless, that sort of scene, get involved in a war. Or start one. Primitive? Yes you bet. But that appears to be the american way.

We would be much better of especially after the deasaster on our own shores if we turned our attention inside for a while. Fix up things. It's about time.

Fred Leis said...

...much better off...it should read.
In any case. Not sure just what it takes, I've asked the White House to look at my blog ( big deal)..