
...and more trouble at the rim...

A few months back no-one ever heard of icis the new selfmade muslim state developing out of areas of Syria, Iraq and bits of pieces as far as the border of Turkey.

Finally avoiding the total takeover of Iraq which seemed imminent the USA commenced bombing of the supply lines and bits and pieces of this alquida like group...First estimated at between 10,000 or so followers it is now believed as many as  200,000 have joined the ranks or have been forced to do so or be killed.

The expensively trained,well equipped Iraqi army badly or poorly managed has pretty well run away from most contacts and many of the soldiers were simply shot or beheaded, called Malachie's dogs...
The Bush picked leader has been replaced and once more the Americans are pumping money they can ill effort into this hopeless mess.

The only enemy on the ground the new extremists are facing are a relatively small group of ill equipped Kurds from Syria-Iraq and probably Turkey. They have for the longest time attempted to form their own country in the region, obviously with no support by these three countries.

And so, the only Boots on the ground as the media refers to the scene, are the regrouping Iraqi's and the newly assembled Kurds to fight this gang of murderers....
The question is:?
Where are the Arab states and countries to appose this monster?

Gingrich the former Republican presidential candidate says:-
Palestine is not a country and never has been a country. And of course he is right.
The once mighty Ottoman Empire was friendly with the German Reich (1871-1918) and after the armistice (ww1) somehow or other the British, France ( the USA were involved  to a lesser extend) decided to create a bunch of kings or regents to manage most of the orphans of the former Ottoman Empire, which was now reduced to  just Turkey.

Most of these puppet kings have by now disappeared, replaced one by one by emerging army commanders who took over as dictators and have only recently been killed or turned out of office.
There are a few of them left, one being Saudi Arabia, from Ibn Saud the self declared king the regime has grown to a royal family of about 6,000.