

The President was busy to meet with the prime minister ( head of state). of Israel just after his extensive North Africa speech.
 A few days later visits the area and hometown of his  maternal forefathers in Ireland.
 And, the Queen of England her majesty Queen Elizabeth ll.

President Obama suggested in his extensive speech that perhaps the borders of an eventual Palestinian state should be based on the delineation prior to the 1967 war. Just how many more times will Israel have to defend itself and win wars to keep the acquired territories. Israel should keep the lands it has won and fought for....in war and make the borders permanent. To redraw the boundaries to the pre 67 scene is not acceptable to this prime minister.Unless of course the USA is willing to do the same, by example and give some territories back to Mexico, like Texas,Arizona,New Mexico and California...the reasoning is the same.

England, or Great Britain if you like: (meeting with the Queen).
Apparently the President committed a few no No's. So what? Get over it. He was talking during the god save the queen playing, proposed a toast impromptu and a few other small not to do minor boboos..
Not to worry...stiff upper lip...they'll get over it.


Oh Canada..

No fireworks here on Victoria day..rained out...looks like we might as well keep the stuff for our annual 1st. of July Canada Day ( That's our 4th.of July thing...)..
Other comments and notes..
Oh Canada Post
Looks like we are facing another mail strike....it's a sick joke really, no I'm not anti labour, but these stupid and useless interruptions of the already tattered and tarnished Canada Mail joke has to end some day.
Canada Parks
Wonderful news about a new National Park in the works...Rouge Park. Toronto Ontario has three substantial valleys and rivers. The Humber, The Don and The Rouge.
A few years ago a friend,Lawyer and Environmental engineer produced a study on the Humber..river,valley etc.
I have it stashed somewhere, the Humber valley is in the west end of Canada's largest city,Toronto.
The Don river and valley runs north /south to the lake Ontario and much of it will need a great deal of help...soon. A rapid transit highway called the Don Valley Parkway ( or DV Parking lot) takes up much of it and a lot of old services, water,sewer and related big city links are grossly outdated and in infrastructure repair need.
And to the eastern limit of the city,formerly Scarborough, there is the Rouge...river and valley.



Indeed the last few days have been eventful. The world did not  end as predicted by a few religious ...well whatever.
D.Strauss-Khan  head of the IMF and possible future french head of state was arrested in New York for attempted rape of an African 32 year old single mother chambermaid and many are making a conspiracy thing out of the situation. Who would benefit..

America, President's speech May 19/11....North Africa etc.

“Today,( that was May 19th/11) President Obama signaled to the world that he is still serious about Israeli-Palestinian peace and that he is a true friend of Israel. We welcome his clear statement that the U.S. position is that a permanent status peace agreement will be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed on land swaps, and that the outcome must be secure and recognized borders, with a sovereign, contiguous Palestinian state and robust security arrangements for Israel. We also welcome his statement that such an agreement must find a way to resolve the issues of Jerusalem and refugees that is just and fair and that respects the rights and aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians.  
“What derives from these positions is clear. Palestinian leaders must come to terms with the fact that a future agreement will involve adjustments to the 1967 lines to accommodate some settlements – and educate their people to understand why this is so. They must also accept the fact that a future state will be demilitarized and that arrangements ensuring Israeli security will be paramount.
“At the same time, the Netanyahu government must accept that Israel’s appetite for settlements must be balanced, inch for inch, against its readiness to give up territory that is inside what is now sovereign Israel. This applies not only in the West Bank but also in East Jerusalem, where Netanyahu’s defiant determination to continue to expand settlements continues to send a message that he cares more about settlements than peace. Moreover, President Obama’s clear statement that a Palestinian state must be contiguous and have recognized borders with Jordan underscores the impossibility of Israel maintaining permanent control over the Jordan Valley.

“We also welcome President Obama’s pragmatic articulation of his approach to Palestinian efforts to establish a unity government. It is indeed incumbent on the Palestinians to provide a credible answer to those who suggest that Israel cannot negotiate peace with a unity government. As we have long argued, any Palestinian government should be judged by its actions and positions, not it composition. 
“By articulating these positions, President Obama demonstrated that he is a real friend to Israel – one who recognizes that Israel’s security and viability as a Jewish state and a democracy depends on peace. He has also made clear his understanding that Israel’s future cannot be divorced from the fate of the Palestinians or from its relations with the rest of the region. We welcome President Obama’s message of support for freedom, rights, security, and democracy in the Middle East – a Middle East that include both Israelis and Palestinians. 

The state of the State of Israel was only one component of Mr.Obama's well articulated speech, which on the whole tried to deal with the turmoil and rapidly developing events of the region of North Africa. Notably absent from his comments was any reference to this place called Saudi Arabia. I suppose this was to avoid dealing with a 900 pound gorilla, the wrong or critical approach to this subject could result in the price of a barrel of oil in the range of well over $200,and therefore the subject was best left alone.


The Right and the Left...Canadian Scene..politics

The new PC's (recreated Progressive Conservative Part,with Manning touch) managed to get the Parliament majority they were looking for. Good for them.No fear of another election for the next four years.
The far Left, who after all these years still call themselves NDP, NEW Democrats are now the opposition, amazing. Under Jack they almost wiped out the separatist Quebec bloc party and managed to put my old Friends, the Liberal Party into third place.
(PC 167  /NDP103   /Lib43 and bloc 4...) Both, Liberals and the bloc could not even get their leaders elected in their own riding's, while a number of seats in Quebec for the NDP went to some kids,one of them 19 years old young students who almost ran as a joke against the blog.One seat for the green party.
We now have a Majority Party running the country, the Progressive Conservatives, Prime Minister the Honourable Stephen Harper. The Official Opposition, the NDP ( should change their name to National Democratic Party instead of New...) their gifted leader Jack ...no not Lenin...ah. Leighton... Full credit to this fellow.I think it is sad that the once mighty Liberal Party could not even get their leader elected and have been pushed into third place. A lot of rebuilding to be done here.
The Liberals, down to 43 seats...their own leader Michael Ignatieff..no seat..resigned.
The formerly powerful separatist Bloc, 4 seats...2 of them re-elected..leader resigned.
...the picture shows the prime minister and his wife returning to Ottawa from his Alberta riding..

Osama/Obama/the mafia hit scene...

I'm convinced this Usama Bin  Laden fellow was a horrible man .Someone  with his intelligence, organizing skills, wealth connections and more  went terribly  wrong somewhere. Acting like a religious mystic of Islam...I can't imagine that he was much of a Muslim if a humanitarian at all. Almost 10 years after the miserable 9/11 misdeed he is finally dead it looks like. I'm not sure the world is any safer than last week but it least it's the end of one mass murder chapter...

Not much more I can add here, I'm sure it has all been said, not much else on the news here the last day or so. The North African region is ready for an individual or group to make something out of this area. By distributing the incredible oil wealth the people of the African Continent (over a billion) could easily prosper together instead of living in poverty. For a few thousand this ridiculous wealth,much of it totally wasted. Bin Laden should have taken aim at Saudi Arabia and similar related oil rich areas to do some good and distribute some of the riches. Instead, he ended up hiding in a big house in Pakistan...with wives and children..some hero,some mystic,until he finally got bumped of by an American hit squad.The highly trainet elite group, Navy Seals....
The picture shows the presidents team watching the action as it unfolds..
Der amerikanische Mob jubelt vor dem Weißen Haus über die Nachricht vom Tod des "Terror-Teufels" (BLÖD). Die USA sind eines der gewalttätigsten Länder der Erde mit den meisten Feuerwaffen in Privatbesitz und der höchsten Mord- und Totschlagsrate....German news detail..
The Germans are not all that enthused about this Bin  Laden killing...not that the monster has been eliminated but how this was accomplished......they usually go right along with uncle Sam's strange ways...but appear to have reservations about this latest turn of events. Guess they've had their fill of world politics and are more interested in the fuss ball scores...