I recently received a call from a collection agency...D&C or something like that..looking for about 1200 bucks...a collection effort for Bell Cellular...overdue bill.
Closer scrutiny by the collection agency caller quickly revealed that this bill obviously was not for me...not sure why Bell were not able to figure this out before handing their crap-bill to their collectors. They have phone records and to track this down does not appear to be a big task.
I do have a Bell Cellular account, have had a Bell Cell account for many years and for what little I use it..it's paid up.
It is hard to believe how I got switched around talking to all sorts of telephone company reps...all over the world...to get this sorted out.( Costa Rica, India, and somewhere out east..)..I got nowhere until I visited a local Bell-Phone l center and insisted that a security representative contact me.
Some piece of lowlife garbage managed to use my name with Bell ,supposedly used my social insurance number and set up an account. Apparently with a home location and references in Etobicoke that is part of ol Toronno .
I have never lived in or near Etobicoke.
I have not lost my wallet, or identification, heaven knows how this kreep got my I.D.
The collection agency contracted by Bell:
D&A Corporation 131 Brunell Rd Mississauga Ont L4Z 1X3
employee to contact me,
Sam at 905-507-8889 1-888-395-1147 x6273
unpaid account, Bell ref 508851175 amount to collect $1139.345
name Fred
at 35 28th Street or St.Attol St. Etobicoke or similar
work phone 416-259-6322 turned out to be a leave message number by electronics firm?
refererred cel phone number...289-257-1205...that was the fraudulent Bell cel number...
My first contact with Bell Cellular about this fraud scene was shabby at best. The only way I was able to make contact was by using my actual existing cel phone reference. I was informed that I should file a police report and submit it to Bell Cellular by fax, number 1-800-865-3055. Bell, at that time appeared to be totally uninterested in putting this right.
My visit to the Bell center (mall outlet) resulted in a contact with and a promise that Bell Security would contact me within 5 working days...they called me the next morning , a nice professional sounding lady finally understood the situation and cancelled this fraudulent account and collection order.
What more do I want?
To begin with, it appears that it is made far too easy for fraudsters to aquire cel phone in other peoples name.
Finally, instead of going after a long time customer with a fraudulent collection order, Bell shoulde have contacted me..with their extensive resources and phone contact records they should have been able to do at least as much as this collection outfit was able to do.That is, contact me to establish if this is a valid claim and then gone after the damned fraudster.
In all,
Shabby service by old Mother Bell to be sure....
I am now expected to connect with the various credit rating agencies to put the record straight .