This scares the hell out of me. George H.W. Bush is the kingpin behind all these evil plots against us by Dick, Karl Rove, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, the like.
I found this's a couple of years old but still interesting...
Old Pappy brought with him to power, and these crooks would include his worthless spoiled-brat rich-kid sons and his one daughter. The Bush family from Day 1 of its existence back in Ohio when old Sam Bush went into cahoots with the Harriman family to grab banksful of government-back railroad equipment contracts--on down through Prescott Bush who through the Bush Family-Harriman-connected banking interests kept Adolph Schickelgruber's money and investments safe for him--on through World War II up to this very day has lived off government doles and tax-break-loopholes and rich-family privilege. And this is especially true about the very worthless Pappy Bush and his worthless branch of the family. Pappy's the Prescott-Bush boy who after failing in his business attempts (for instance his Zapata Offshore Drilling company--which he had trouble making ends meet with even given the big tax breaks for oil people on the books back in the late 40s and early 50s--remember the oil-depletion allowance?) turned to politics for his We-the-People-provided nest egg.
So We the People keep on supporting these worthless old political baggages and family empires and hidden-wealth "non-profit" thereby tax-free foundationed families. These richer-than-God assholes all of whom have lived off We the People for over a century now. This bunch of freeloaders also includes now all these hedge-fund billionaires and their worthless families. Did you know thanks to their power in Washington, the District of Corruption, hedge-fund pirates pay no taxes on their capital gains? Another gift to these crooks from We the Stupid Scardie-cat People. Like Warren "Jive Ass" Buffett, a filthy-rich hedge-fund pirate. His old pappy was a conniving shiftless-skunk politician and Wall Street finagler, which means Buffett's family have also feathered their nest with government doles and tax breaks.
It is so frustrating for a clear-thinking American to comprehend how in spite of these creepy Republicans, the Teabagger or the rightwing nutjob side of the Party, whichever, being responsible for our ungodly deficits in the first place--starting with the Great Communicator and his economy-wrecking economic policies and going on through the further economy-wrecking voodoo economics of Pappy "Read My Lips" Bush--the largest-ever deficit until his son took over in 2000 with a Democrat President's surplus and drove us down to the point of economic disaster we are now in--We the People of the USA who vote keep putting them back into power--this in spite of the Democratic presidents of the past being the only leaders to overcome these economic depressions Republican Hoover-Reaganomics gets us into.
In the current budget, the Pentagon rakes in about 1 trillion bucks--and since the Pentagon hasn't been audited in over a decade, We the People of the USA have no idea how these military monkeys are wasting that grabbag of good ole worthless US bucks they've got their unregulated sticky mitts on--all of which We the People's hard-earned money--dumbass Americans working for $30,000-a-year for fat cats making 10-to-100 times as much. How dumb are We the People to be also keeping on struggling to keep up payments on credit cards designed by these fat cat accountants/bankers/financiers/corporate lawyers to keep us in a perpetual debt. Or keeping our money in these big Goliath banks (like it's gotten so out of hand, Snoopy has his Met-Life Bank; Walmart has declared itself a bank; PayPal is a bank) or continuing to go to them for loans or remortgaging schemes. We the People as income-earners are in debt and the corporate bosses ain't creating any new lower-or-upper-level jobs and the workers look around and see half of the old staff now gone, outplaced, leaving them with more work, maybe a new title, but with less money. Plus, the new "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" philosophy (which Mr. Compromise Obama has taken up as his philosophy, too) says it's up to the worker to take care of himself and his or her family in terms of getting ahead and not the job of the 1% Power Elite who now control the US government and as such control us, too. Workers either working or out of work have no time or the knowledge to stop and think about their situations. Instead they keep on faithfully struggling for honest bucks at the same time FEARING either losing what barely-making-it job they currently have or FEARING perhaps not being able to find another job when they eventually do get laid off or FEARING suddenly being hit with a crippling disease or being in a car wreck and becoming unable to work, blah, blah, blah--while up above these scared shitless workers in their luxurious top-floor corner offices--those sacred corporate upper rooms containing those altars to Mammon housed in those sacred cathedrals of high finance all full of corporate priests, the fat cats who are busy planning their next fabulous vacation ("We're sailing one of the yachts down to Bora Bora....") or their next teleconference ("I want to meet with the Cleveland office on this workplace spying technology one of their best and brightest has come up with....") or their next vision for the company ("How do we get more work for less money out of these high-paid lazy American workers?"). Our economy is tanking--wars actually wrecking us, but, hey, you can't complain about these wars--without them, we'd all be shoveling shit or selling rotten apples and lead pencils on the street corners--or maybe our women, including our mothers, our wives, or our daughters will have to become whores; fat cats with lots of money and power need whores. That's the true role of women in the Power Elite world.
It is a New World Order dropping down on us like a big net. And this New World Order is a military order. The Bush Family has made millions off all the wars they've put into motion--Pappy Bush and his futile Persian Gulf War (the only war we've won, according to Pappy, since WWII (paying for it using Pappy's scheme of forcing Japan and his Saudi-Arabian pals and other of our allies to help him pay for it) and the two unending wars perpetrated on us by his worthless, spoiled-brat, AWOL-coward, numbskull (Skull & Bones--"Hey, Georgie Porgie, come 'ere and suck my dick! It's a brotherhood thing, bro"), lying-like-a-dog son. The Bushes love war and money. And We the People keep giving their wars and all our money along with 'em.
my view on world, and past. Content is copyright to its owners. If you own rights to any of the images on my blog and do not wish for them to appear contact me and I'll remove them.
USA 150 years after the civil war...2011
I don't think any country is easy to govern. Even a democracy or especially a democratically elected government will have its considerable problems and obstacles.
But I still believe, firmly, that President Obama is the right person for the time and if anyone can change the totally screwed up scene in Washington then I still believe he is the right individual to do so...
So much needs to be done. The infrastructure not only in the USA but as well in Canada needs to be updated,renewed,overhauled, repaired and brand new innovative ideas need to be put in place.
If we can find the money to keep the two idiotic war fronts going, with no gain or reward for us whatsoever, we should be able to find the resources to update the infrastructure systems of our country.
But I still believe, firmly, that President Obama is the right person for the time and if anyone can change the totally screwed up scene in Washington then I still believe he is the right individual to do so...
So much needs to be done. The infrastructure not only in the USA but as well in Canada needs to be updated,renewed,overhauled, repaired and brand new innovative ideas need to be put in place.
If we can find the money to keep the two idiotic war fronts going, with no gain or reward for us whatsoever, we should be able to find the resources to update the infrastructure systems of our country.
Dear Fred --
This time of year, Americans around the country are taking the time to exchange heartfelt messages with friends and loved ones, reflecting on the past year. They write of achievements and setbacks, of births, graduations, promotions, and moves.
These messages allow us to overcome the miles that separate us. And they allow us to continue one of the most basic American traditions that has held folks close for centuries -- the simple sharing of stories.
And as families gather around holiday tables this season, we also have the opportunity to share the stories of the change this movement has achieved together.
It is a narrative woven by individuals across America -- in big cities and small towns, hospitals and classrooms, in auto manufacturing plants and auto supply stores.
These are stories of rebuilding, and of innovation. Stories of communities breathing new life into old roads and bridges, of local plants harnessing alternative fuel into new energy. Stories of small businesses getting up, dusting themselves off, and beginning to grow again. Stories of soldiers who served multiple tours of duty in Iraq now coming home -- and enjoying the holidays this year in the company of loved ones.
These are stories of progress.
They unite us, and they are ours to share.
We've pulled many of them together in one place, PROGRESS. You can see what our reforms have meant to Americans in every state -- block by block, community by community.
The reforms that we fought long and hard for are not talking points.
And their effects don't change based on the whims of politicians in Washington. They are achievements that have a real and meaningful impact on the lives of Americans around the country. They are achievements that would not have been possible without you. PROGRESS localizes them -- and brings them to life.
It tells of how a green technology business in Phoenix, Arizona, is using a grant through the Recovery Act's Transportation Electrification program to bring the first electric-drive vehicles and charging stations to cities around the country.
And about how, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, 22,900 small businesses in Utah's 2nd Congressional District are now eligible for health care tax credits -- and how 17,500 residents in Idaho's 1st with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied coverage.
Let's celebrate the spirit of service and responsibility that brought them to fruition. And let's steady ourselves with the resolve to continue pressing forward.
Because the coming year will hold new challenges -- battles that have yet to be fought, and stories of progress that have yet to be written.
Happy holidays, and God bless,
This time of year, Americans around the country are taking the time to exchange heartfelt messages with friends and loved ones, reflecting on the past year. They write of achievements and setbacks, of births, graduations, promotions, and moves.
These messages allow us to overcome the miles that separate us. And they allow us to continue one of the most basic American traditions that has held folks close for centuries -- the simple sharing of stories.
And as families gather around holiday tables this season, we also have the opportunity to share the stories of the change this movement has achieved together.
It is a narrative woven by individuals across America -- in big cities and small towns, hospitals and classrooms, in auto manufacturing plants and auto supply stores.
These are stories of rebuilding, and of innovation. Stories of communities breathing new life into old roads and bridges, of local plants harnessing alternative fuel into new energy. Stories of small businesses getting up, dusting themselves off, and beginning to grow again. Stories of soldiers who served multiple tours of duty in Iraq now coming home -- and enjoying the holidays this year in the company of loved ones.
These are stories of progress.
They unite us, and they are ours to share.
We've pulled many of them together in one place, PROGRESS. You can see what our reforms have meant to Americans in every state -- block by block, community by community.
The reforms that we fought long and hard for are not talking points.
And their effects don't change based on the whims of politicians in Washington. They are achievements that have a real and meaningful impact on the lives of Americans around the country. They are achievements that would not have been possible without you. PROGRESS localizes them -- and brings them to life.
It tells of how a green technology business in Phoenix, Arizona, is using a grant through the Recovery Act's Transportation Electrification program to bring the first electric-drive vehicles and charging stations to cities around the country.
And about how, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, 22,900 small businesses in Utah's 2nd Congressional District are now eligible for health care tax credits -- and how 17,500 residents in Idaho's 1st with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied coverage.
Let's celebrate the spirit of service and responsibility that brought them to fruition. And let's steady ourselves with the resolve to continue pressing forward.
Because the coming year will hold new challenges -- battles that have yet to be fought, and stories of progress that have yet to be written.
Happy holidays, and God bless,
2010 almost over, many issues unresolved. America,the federal state as well as all or most individual states are in dire straits, hard to believe that this wealthy country could have sunk so deeply into a quagmire with no easy out.
Most of the euro group is in the same mess, either bankrupt or nearly so. How could this modern world with all it's universities and well educated people get into such a horrible rut? Greed.
Most of the euro group is in the same mess, either bankrupt or nearly so. How could this modern world with all it's universities and well educated people get into such a horrible rut? Greed.
And a happy thanksgiving to you and your family..sir
Fred --
When Michelle and I sit down with our family to give thanks today, I want you to know that we'll be especially grateful for folks like you.
Everything we have been able to accomplish in the last two years was possible because you have been willing to work for it and organize for it.
And every time we face a setback, or when progress doesn't happen as quickly as we would like, we know that you'll be right there with us, ready to fight another day.
So I want to thank you -- for everything.
I also hope you'll join me in taking a moment to remember that the freedoms and security we enjoy as Americans are protected by the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces. These patriots are willing to lay down their lives in our defense, and each of us owes them and their families a debt of gratitude.
Have a wonderful day, and God bless.
When Michelle and I sit down with our family to give thanks today, I want you to know that we'll be especially grateful for folks like you.
Everything we have been able to accomplish in the last two years was possible because you have been willing to work for it and organize for it.
And every time we face a setback, or when progress doesn't happen as quickly as we would like, we know that you'll be right there with us, ready to fight another day.
So I want to thank you -- for everything.
I also hope you'll join me in taking a moment to remember that the freedoms and security we enjoy as Americans are protected by the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces. These patriots are willing to lay down their lives in our defense, and each of us owes them and their families a debt of gratitude.
Have a wonderful day, and God bless.
flashpoints Korea and Iran...
Welcome to Iran Magazine ( copied)
Iran is one of the biggest news stories. But it is being covered by the mainstream media in sound bites or by information disseminated by Web sites connected to interest groups, political parties and bloggers with no experience in journalism.The trend in journalism is toward specialization. But even as America’s central geopolitical position becomes ever more tied to the social, cultural and political conditions in the rest of the world, U.S. news organizations continue their contraction, closing or scaling back foreign bureaus, choosing to invest fewer and fewer resources to cultivate editorial and reporting staffs who can become, in effect, area experts.
The gap that has widened between the mainstream media coverage and the goings on in the region has contributed to increasing tensions between the West and East, dehumanizing the perception of Middle Easterners — Iranians in particular.
Tehran Bureau is a virtual bureau connecting journalists, Iran experts and readers all over the world. Our stories are written by Iranians in Iran and the Middle East, foreigners viewing or interacting with our culture for the first time, and hyphenated Iranians best suited to bridge the cultures.
Tehran Bureau is an independent news organization. It is not affiliated with or funded by any government, religious organization, political party, lobby or interest group. Read more about us on the Columbia Journalism School Web site.Iran...
North Korea:
It appears that the two serious flash points for the USA is Iran as well as North Korea. To a degree the attitude to North Korea is somewhat understandable, we must remember that the war with this nation was never concluded, finalised or whatever. Where this is going, nobody knows. I found the parade of young women on TV yesterday, with machine guns as rather grotesque.
This country under the Shaw/King was a friend of the USA. It was USA and Canada I believe who sold Iran all sorts of atomic energy junk...they probably never needed it in the first place. Mr. Carter was unable to deal with the hostage crises and relations with this country never got back on the rails. It was okay with us for Iran and Iraq to beat up on one another, the west did not care and sold arms to both sides.
Iran is one of the biggest news stories. But it is being covered by the mainstream media in sound bites or by information disseminated by Web sites connected to interest groups, political parties and bloggers with no experience in journalism.The trend in journalism is toward specialization. But even as America’s central geopolitical position becomes ever more tied to the social, cultural and political conditions in the rest of the world, U.S. news organizations continue their contraction, closing or scaling back foreign bureaus, choosing to invest fewer and fewer resources to cultivate editorial and reporting staffs who can become, in effect, area experts.
The gap that has widened between the mainstream media coverage and the goings on in the region has contributed to increasing tensions between the West and East, dehumanizing the perception of Middle Easterners — Iranians in particular.
Tehran Bureau is a virtual bureau connecting journalists, Iran experts and readers all over the world. Our stories are written by Iranians in Iran and the Middle East, foreigners viewing or interacting with our culture for the first time, and hyphenated Iranians best suited to bridge the cultures.
Tehran Bureau is an independent news organization. It is not affiliated with or funded by any government, religious organization, political party, lobby or interest group. Read more about us on the Columbia Journalism School Web site.Iran...
North Korea:
It appears that the two serious flash points for the USA is Iran as well as North Korea. To a degree the attitude to North Korea is somewhat understandable, we must remember that the war with this nation was never concluded, finalised or whatever. Where this is going, nobody knows. I found the parade of young women on TV yesterday, with machine guns as rather grotesque.
This country under the Shaw/King was a friend of the USA. It was USA and Canada I believe who sold Iran all sorts of atomic energy junk...they probably never needed it in the first place. Mr. Carter was unable to deal with the hostage crises and relations with this country never got back on the rails. It was okay with us for Iran and Iraq to beat up on one another, the west did not care and sold arms to both sides.
Germany.. huge ransom paid, ten thousand tons of gold... ounce of gold in today's market sells for between 1200 and 1300 Dollars...I believe an ounce is equal to 35 grammes...1000 grammes per kilogram or 1,000- Kilogrammes per ton (2,000 pounds per ton or is it 2240#) do the's horrendous.
The amount set by the so called victors, mostly France and Britain amounted to trillions of Gold marks or dollars...the equivalent of 9,800 tons of gold. After over 90 years, apparently Germany just paid off the last part of this horrendous assessment.
It must be remembered that four years after the end of WW1, the victors imposed this on Germany. It must be undersdtood that this war was not won or lost, there was an armistice but it also was the end of the golden years for Germany, lasting from 1871 when Germany was created until 1918, the end of WW I and the turmoil that followed.
It was the Versailles Treaty which to a large extend brought about the Hitler 3rd. Reich fascism regime and the disastrous second world war. (1939-1945 ending in total capitulation and destruction of Germany,loss of large regions of the country to Poland and Russia, and finally the creation of two german a puppet state of the USA, the other an even worse puppet dictatorship of the Soviet Union)....
Back in 1870....
Prussia beat the French ( Napoleon 3rd.) and Germany was created (1871)out of hundreds of bits and pieces of German speaking duchies and communities,( Flickenteppich they called it, or Carpetpatchwork).. miniature bits and pieces of what once was supposed to have been the holy roman empire of German nations.....which was never holy or roman, or for that matter much of an empire...The largest original component was the Kingdom of Prussia..
French provinces or territories, Elsass and Lothringen became part of the newly created German Reich.
Neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post shares Time’s malevolence toward the Jewish state, but both of these papers ran major features in the past week discussing whether Israel’s hawkish Benjamin Netanyahu could turn into a peacemaker.
All Israeli prime ministers have seized any opportunity for peace. The hawkish Begin returned the Sinai for a peace treaty with Egypt and sought one with Lebanon as well.
The even more hawkish Sharon ordered the Gaza withdrawal. The left-of-center hawk,
Rabin, signed the 1994 peace treaty with Jordan and the Oslo agreements with the PLO, and,
Barak, a former military commander, pulled Israeli forces entirely out of Lebanon. The Israeli public’s yearning for peace is so strong that no leader, of whatever feather, can afford to spurn a chance for it.
In contrast, Arab publics have rarely supported peace and few of their rulers have espoused it. The exceptions have mostly been assassinated, notably Jordan’s first King Abdullah, Egypt’s Anwar Sadat, and Lebanon’s Bashir Gemayel.
President Abbas, who presides over the West Bank, is clearly more a man of peace than his predecessor, Yasir Arafat, or than Hamas, the anti-Semitic terror group that rules Gaza. Is he ready and able to make a deal? Would he dare? And does he or the Palestinian Community Network represent Palestinian sentiment? These are the real questions, and not whether Israelis want peace, which only the blind or the bigoted could doubt.
All Israeli prime ministers have seized any opportunity for peace. The hawkish Begin returned the Sinai for a peace treaty with Egypt and sought one with Lebanon as well.
The even more hawkish Sharon ordered the Gaza withdrawal. The left-of-center hawk,
Rabin, signed the 1994 peace treaty with Jordan and the Oslo agreements with the PLO, and,
Barak, a former military commander, pulled Israeli forces entirely out of Lebanon. The Israeli public’s yearning for peace is so strong that no leader, of whatever feather, can afford to spurn a chance for it.
In contrast, Arab publics have rarely supported peace and few of their rulers have espoused it. The exceptions have mostly been assassinated, notably Jordan’s first King Abdullah, Egypt’s Anwar Sadat, and Lebanon’s Bashir Gemayel.
President Abbas, who presides over the West Bank, is clearly more a man of peace than his predecessor, Yasir Arafat, or than Hamas, the anti-Semitic terror group that rules Gaza. Is he ready and able to make a deal? Would he dare? And does he or the Palestinian Community Network represent Palestinian sentiment? These are the real questions, and not whether Israelis want peace, which only the blind or the bigoted could doubt.
9/11 a day to remember.
But more later,
I just wanted to get this date on the blog. I usually write my stuff on the fly..but this subject needs a bit of thinking and putting down the right words. The deed itself, blowing up the world trade center towers, part of the Pentagon and attempting to do even more damage, all on one day, is actually quite remarkable for a bunch of suicide committing religious fanatics. Subsequently, for the USA to murder 1.3 million people in Iraq and totally destroying their country is of course another matter.
We are lucky to have a fellow like Mr. Obama who may possibly be able to bring this totally idiotic nonsense to an end. Will the responsible parties ever have to face justice? Probably not. I'm talking about Blair and Bush 2...along with the military ammo pushers who promoted these crimes in the first place.
....the picture has nothing to do with it...Muslim females running from of them dead or wounded in the gutter...could be Gaza for all I know, but the effect is the same.
An end must be found to stop this.
But more later,
I just wanted to get this date on the blog. I usually write my stuff on the fly..but this subject needs a bit of thinking and putting down the right words. The deed itself, blowing up the world trade center towers, part of the Pentagon and attempting to do even more damage, all on one day, is actually quite remarkable for a bunch of suicide committing religious fanatics. Subsequently, for the USA to murder 1.3 million people in Iraq and totally destroying their country is of course another matter.
We are lucky to have a fellow like Mr. Obama who may possibly be able to bring this totally idiotic nonsense to an end. Will the responsible parties ever have to face justice? Probably not. I'm talking about Blair and Bush 2...along with the military ammo pushers who promoted these crimes in the first place.
....the picture has nothing to do with it...Muslim females running from of them dead or wounded in the gutter...could be Gaza for all I know, but the effect is the same.
An end must be found to stop this.
"Only tyrants can take a nation to war without the consent of the people. The planned war against Iraq without a Declaration of War is illegal. It is unwise because of many unforeseen consequences that are likely to result.It is immoral and unjust, because it had nothing to do with United States security and because Iraq had not initiated aggression against us."
Congressman Ron Paul (How true that statement has proved to be).

The U.S. occupation of Iraq continues and the reduction of U.S. troops in Iraq can at best be called only a rebranded occupation. While the number of U.S. troops in Iraq will be reduced from a high of 165,000, there will still be 50,000 troops left behind, some 75,000 contractors, five huge “enduring bases” and an Embassy the size of Vatican City.
The U.S. military’s overthrow of the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein did not lead to a better life for Iraqis—just the opposite. It resulted in the further destruction of basic infrastructure—electricity, water, sewage—that continues to this day. The U.S. dropped more tons of bombs on Iraq than in all of WWII, destroying Iraq’s electrical, water and sewage systems. Iraq’s health care and higher education systems, once the best in the entire region, have been decimated. The U.S. war on Iraq unleashed a wave of violence that has left over one million Iraqis dead and four million displaced, as well as ethnic rivalries that continue to plague the nation. We have seriously wounded millions of Iraqis, creating a lifetime of suffering and economic hardship for them, their communities and the entire nation as it struggles to rebuild.
Life expectancy for Iraqis fell from 71 years in 1996 to 67 years in 2007 due to the war and destruction of the healthcare system. The U.S. use of weapons such as depleted uranium and white phosphorous has taken a severe toll, with the cancer rate in Fallujah, for example, now worse than that of Hiroshima.
The majority of the refugees and internally displaced persons created by the US intervention have been abandoned. Of the nearly 4 million refugees, many are now living in increasingly desperate circumstances in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and around the world. As undocumented refugees, most are not allowed to work and are forced to take extremely low paying, illegal jobs ($3/day) or rely on the UN and charity to survive. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) has documented a spike in the sex trafficking of Iraqi women.
Iraq still does not have a functioning government. Many months after the March 7 elections, there is still a political vacuum and violence that is killing roughly 300 civilians a month. There is no functioning democracy in place and little sign there will be one in the near future.
The Iraq War has left a terrible toll on the U.S. troops. More than one million American service members have deployed in the Iraq War effort. Over 4,400 U.S. troops have been killed and tens of thousands severely injured. More than one in four U.S. troops have come home from the Iraq war with health problems that require medical or mental health treatment. PTSD rates in the military have skyrocketed. In 2009, a record number of 245 soldiers committed suicide.
The war has drained our treasury. As of August 2010, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $750 billion on the Iraq War effort. Counting the cost of lifetime care of wounded vets and the interest payments on the money we borrowed to pay for this war, the real cost will be in the trillions. This misappropriation of funds has contributed to the economic crises we are experiencing, including the lack of funds for our schools, healthcare, infrastructure and investments in clean, green jobs.
The U.S. officials who got us into this disastrous war on the basis of lies have not been held accountable. Not George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld. No one. Neither have the Bush administration lawyers who authorized torture, including Jay Bybee and John Yoo. The “think tanks,” journalists and pundits who perpetuated the lies have not been fired—most are today cheerleading for the war in Afghanistan.
The war has led to the pillaging of Iraqi resources. The U.S. Department of Defense has been unable to account for $8.7 billion of Iraqi oil and gas money meant for humanitarian needs and reconstruction after the 2003 invasion. The invasion has also led to the dismantling of Iraqi government control over the nation’s oil. In 2001, Vice President Dick Cheney’s energy task force, which included executives of America’s largest energy companies, recommended opening up areas of their energy sectors to foreign investment. The resulting Iraq Oil Law has led to the global grab for Iraq’s resources.
The war has not made us more secure. The US policy of torture, extraordinary rendition, indefinite detention, violent and deadly raids on civilian homes, gunning down innocent civilians in the streets and absence of habeas corpus has fueled the fires of hatred and extremism toward Americans. The very presence of our troops in Iraq and other Muslim nations has become a recruiting tool.
Congressman Ron Paul (How true that statement has proved to be).

The U.S. occupation of Iraq continues and the reduction of U.S. troops in Iraq can at best be called only a rebranded occupation. While the number of U.S. troops in Iraq will be reduced from a high of 165,000, there will still be 50,000 troops left behind, some 75,000 contractors, five huge “enduring bases” and an Embassy the size of Vatican City.
The U.S. military’s overthrow of the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein did not lead to a better life for Iraqis—just the opposite. It resulted in the further destruction of basic infrastructure—electricity, water, sewage—that continues to this day. The U.S. dropped more tons of bombs on Iraq than in all of WWII, destroying Iraq’s electrical, water and sewage systems. Iraq’s health care and higher education systems, once the best in the entire region, have been decimated. The U.S. war on Iraq unleashed a wave of violence that has left over one million Iraqis dead and four million displaced, as well as ethnic rivalries that continue to plague the nation. We have seriously wounded millions of Iraqis, creating a lifetime of suffering and economic hardship for them, their communities and the entire nation as it struggles to rebuild.
Life expectancy for Iraqis fell from 71 years in 1996 to 67 years in 2007 due to the war and destruction of the healthcare system. The U.S. use of weapons such as depleted uranium and white phosphorous has taken a severe toll, with the cancer rate in Fallujah, for example, now worse than that of Hiroshima.
The majority of the refugees and internally displaced persons created by the US intervention have been abandoned. Of the nearly 4 million refugees, many are now living in increasingly desperate circumstances in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and around the world. As undocumented refugees, most are not allowed to work and are forced to take extremely low paying, illegal jobs ($3/day) or rely on the UN and charity to survive. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) has documented a spike in the sex trafficking of Iraqi women.
Iraq still does not have a functioning government. Many months after the March 7 elections, there is still a political vacuum and violence that is killing roughly 300 civilians a month. There is no functioning democracy in place and little sign there will be one in the near future.
The Iraq War has left a terrible toll on the U.S. troops. More than one million American service members have deployed in the Iraq War effort. Over 4,400 U.S. troops have been killed and tens of thousands severely injured. More than one in four U.S. troops have come home from the Iraq war with health problems that require medical or mental health treatment. PTSD rates in the military have skyrocketed. In 2009, a record number of 245 soldiers committed suicide.
The war has drained our treasury. As of August 2010, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $750 billion on the Iraq War effort. Counting the cost of lifetime care of wounded vets and the interest payments on the money we borrowed to pay for this war, the real cost will be in the trillions. This misappropriation of funds has contributed to the economic crises we are experiencing, including the lack of funds for our schools, healthcare, infrastructure and investments in clean, green jobs.
The U.S. officials who got us into this disastrous war on the basis of lies have not been held accountable. Not George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld. No one. Neither have the Bush administration lawyers who authorized torture, including Jay Bybee and John Yoo. The “think tanks,” journalists and pundits who perpetuated the lies have not been fired—most are today cheerleading for the war in Afghanistan.
The war has led to the pillaging of Iraqi resources. The U.S. Department of Defense has been unable to account for $8.7 billion of Iraqi oil and gas money meant for humanitarian needs and reconstruction after the 2003 invasion. The invasion has also led to the dismantling of Iraqi government control over the nation’s oil. In 2001, Vice President Dick Cheney’s energy task force, which included executives of America’s largest energy companies, recommended opening up areas of their energy sectors to foreign investment. The resulting Iraq Oil Law has led to the global grab for Iraq’s resources.
The war has not made us more secure. The US policy of torture, extraordinary rendition, indefinite detention, violent and deadly raids on civilian homes, gunning down innocent civilians in the streets and absence of habeas corpus has fueled the fires of hatred and extremism toward Americans. The very presence of our troops in Iraq and other Muslim nations has become a recruiting tool.
Barack Obama
September 1, 2010 12:21:43 AM
Tonight marks the end of the American combat mission in Iraq.As a candidate for this office, I pledged to end this war responsibly. And, as President, that is what I am doing.Since I became Commander-in-Chief, we've brought home nearly 100,000 U.S. troops. We've closed or turned over to Iraq hundreds of our bases.As Operation Iraqi Freedom ends, our commitment to a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq continues.
Under Operation New Dawn, a transitional force of U.S. troops will remain to advise and assist Iraqi forces, protect our civilians on the ground, and pursue targeted counter terrorism efforts.By the end of next year, consistent with our agreement with the Iraqi government, these men and women, too, will come home.Ending this war is not only in Iraq's interest -- it is in our own. Our nation has paid a huge price to put Iraq's future in the hands of its people.
We have sent our men and women in uniform to make enormous sacrifices. We have spent vast resources abroad in the face of several years of recession at home.We have met our responsibility through the courage and resolve of our women and men in uniform.
In seven years, they confronted a mission as challenging and as complex as any our military has ever been asked to face.Nearly 1.5 million Americans put their lives on the line. Many returned for multiple tours of duty, far from their loved ones who bore a heroic burden of their own. And most painfully, more than 4,400 Americans have given their lives, fighting for people they never knew, for values that have defined our people for more than two centuries.What their country asked of them was not small. And what they sacrificed was not easy.For that, each and every American owes them our heartfelt thanks.Our promise to them -- to each woman or man who has donned our colors -- is that our country will serve them as faithfully as they have served us. We have already made the largest increase in funding for veterans in decades.
So long as I am President, I will do whatever it takes to fulfill that sacred trust.Tonight, we mark a milestone in our nation's history. Even at a time of great uncertainty for so many Americans, this day and our brave troops remind us that our future is in our own hands and that our best days lie ahead.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama
Barack Obama
September 1, 2010 12:21:43 AM
Tonight marks the end of the American combat mission in Iraq.As a candidate for this office, I pledged to end this war responsibly. And, as President, that is what I am doing.Since I became Commander-in-Chief, we've brought home nearly 100,000 U.S. troops. We've closed or turned over to Iraq hundreds of our bases.As Operation Iraqi Freedom ends, our commitment to a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq continues.
Under Operation New Dawn, a transitional force of U.S. troops will remain to advise and assist Iraqi forces, protect our civilians on the ground, and pursue targeted counter terrorism efforts.By the end of next year, consistent with our agreement with the Iraqi government, these men and women, too, will come home.Ending this war is not only in Iraq's interest -- it is in our own. Our nation has paid a huge price to put Iraq's future in the hands of its people.
We have sent our men and women in uniform to make enormous sacrifices. We have spent vast resources abroad in the face of several years of recession at home.We have met our responsibility through the courage and resolve of our women and men in uniform.
In seven years, they confronted a mission as challenging and as complex as any our military has ever been asked to face.Nearly 1.5 million Americans put their lives on the line. Many returned for multiple tours of duty, far from their loved ones who bore a heroic burden of their own. And most painfully, more than 4,400 Americans have given their lives, fighting for people they never knew, for values that have defined our people for more than two centuries.What their country asked of them was not small. And what they sacrificed was not easy.For that, each and every American owes them our heartfelt thanks.Our promise to them -- to each woman or man who has donned our colors -- is that our country will serve them as faithfully as they have served us. We have already made the largest increase in funding for veterans in decades.
So long as I am President, I will do whatever it takes to fulfill that sacred trust.Tonight, we mark a milestone in our nation's history. Even at a time of great uncertainty for so many Americans, this day and our brave troops remind us that our future is in our own hands and that our best days lie ahead.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama
USA, midterm circus
Housing sales down, unemployment up...but why are we so unfair with this fellow Obama.
He is probably the best man for the job and on the job since Woodrow Wilson.
It will take years to repair what this last yokel screwed up and or allowed to happen.
Had McCain been elected things would be even worse.
Give the man a chance, he's on the right track.
He is probably the best man for the job and on the job since Woodrow Wilson.
It will take years to repair what this last yokel screwed up and or allowed to happen.
Had McCain been elected things would be even worse.
Give the man a chance, he's on the right track.
The recent G8 G20 conference in Toronto cost about 1.2 Billion Dollars to run and police. That is 1,000 million and 200 million, total, 1.2 billion.
In contrast, Canada so far has come up with the support of 32 million dollars for the catastrophe assistance in Pakistan. Combined with all the efforts and support from Europe, about 800 million dollars have been pledged for the support in Pakistan. Compare that with the G policing cost in Toronto and it tells you how much we (humanity) are prepared to spend for useless efforts as compared to true human urgent needs.
more...on the Israel scene...
Since its founding in 1897, the Zionist Organization of America has been fighting for the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. Under the leadership of such illustrious presidents as Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, Rabbi Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, and current National President Morton A. Klein, the ZOA has been on the front lines of Jewish activism.
With a national membership of over 30,000, and chapters throughout the United States (including Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles, Miami, Milwaukee, North Jersey, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, South Jersey and Washington D.C.), the ZOA today works to strengthen US-Israeli relations, through educational activities, public affairs programs, working every day on Capitol Hill, and by combating anti-Israel bias in the media, textbooks, and on campuses.
With a national membership of over 30,000, and chapters throughout the United States (including Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles, Miami, Milwaukee, North Jersey, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, South Jersey and Washington D.C.), the ZOA today works to strengthen US-Israeli relations, through educational activities, public affairs programs, working every day on Capitol Hill, and by combating anti-Israel bias in the media, textbooks, and on campuses.
the boatpeople have arrived
....about 500 passengers and crew arrived this morning at the west coast, boat people from Somalia. Tigers.Smugglers. Who knows. This has happened before and no doubt the scene is being watched for more of the same. They will be processed...takes about a year and a half and going by recent history about 80% will receive refuge status and be allowed to remain here. Most will probably end up in Toronto...apply to bring a bunch of other family members over within the next fife years and on the Summer weekends they all end up here uptown at the Cobourg beach.
What's wrong with that? Nothing.\It will give our government departments something to do...
Anyway that is what's in the news today and after being crammed up in a small ship for over three months on the pacific journey, these folks need a break, no matter what or why they find themselves in this situation.
What's wrong with that? Nothing.\It will give our government departments something to do...
Anyway that is what's in the news today and after being crammed up in a small ship for over three months on the pacific journey, these folks need a break, no matter what or why they find themselves in this situation.
why more time?
Standing meekly aside while Karzai's cadre rips-off the country; blissfully ignoring the total ineffectiveness of COIN; and, shelving our real strategic advantage--our commitment to self-government, an independent judiciary, and the rule of law - is a formula for self-defeat. Hawk Ann Marlowe thinks that's exactly what America is doing. And more time, of more of the same, will give the same result. Google Anne Marlowe, writer.
I remember...way back when...1949..50..51..etc I used to feel sorry for the poor, displaced people of Palestine who were forced into UN camps to make room for the new Israeli settlements..such horror, such injustice.
War is hell and Israel has bravely fought several wars for their conquered space, territory and Independence.
And then...they end up giving part of it back, only to be sniped at and attacked from these areas.
I can not think of any wars or conflicts in the world since Hitlers Army crossed Poland to take on the Soviet Union that have resulted in permanent territorial gain for the aggressors...Israel is about the only nation I know of which has been formed, exists as a country ( and the only democracy in the region).
Just how many wars does Israel have to win to be able to build the kind of country they deserve. Enough is enough time fight for , keep and defend the conquered lands for good...
This may include part or all of Lebanon,Saudi of Egypt if need be, and a host of other neighboring Territories. Iraq, Iran, Syria,as well as Jordan which already is home to many Palestinians. There, I finally said it...
War is hell and Israel has bravely fought several wars for their conquered space, territory and Independence.
And then...they end up giving part of it back, only to be sniped at and attacked from these areas.
I can not think of any wars or conflicts in the world since Hitlers Army crossed Poland to take on the Soviet Union that have resulted in permanent territorial gain for the aggressors...Israel is about the only nation I know of which has been formed, exists as a country ( and the only democracy in the region).
Just how many wars does Israel have to win to be able to build the kind of country they deserve. Enough is enough time fight for , keep and defend the conquered lands for good...
This may include part or all of Lebanon,Saudi of Egypt if need be, and a host of other neighboring Territories. Iraq, Iran, Syria,as well as Jordan which already is home to many Palestinians. There, I finally said it...
billions of dollars...wasted
Well, ...this week pictures the cover of Time as a young woman, a girl from Afghanistan with her nose and ears cut off by the Taliban. That's why we're there to stop this outrageous nonsense.
...and this picture is of a woman, pregnant widow, being executed with three rifle shots to the head...I don't think we can leave this horrible and corrupt place until some kind of humanity has come to it to protect women and children.
...and this picture is of a woman, pregnant widow, being executed with three rifle shots to the head...I don't think we can leave this horrible and corrupt place until some kind of humanity has come to it to protect women and children.
Dear Fred:
I want to thank you for signing my birthday card.
Michelle told me that she was planning something a little different this year, and I was overwhelmed by the kind words I received from so many supporters like you.
Thank you again for taking a moment to sign my card. As far as birthdays go, it is hard to imagine topping this one. But then again, Michelle always has a way of surprising me.
I want to thank you for signing my birthday card.
Michelle told me that she was planning something a little different this year, and I was overwhelmed by the kind words I received from so many supporters like you.
This job has a way of offering humbling moments. And the support you have shown me, time and time again, has sustained me through any number of difficult days. It is more than any president deserves, and I could not be more grateful.
On my birthday, I spent some time considering what the year ahead will bring -- a new set of challenges and opportunities, some that we can foresee and some that we cannot.
If we continue to stand together, I know we will continue to move America forward and win these fights for change.Thank you again for taking a moment to sign my card. As far as birthdays go, it is hard to imagine topping this one. But then again, Michelle always has a way of surprising me.
Mr.Obama is probably one of the finest men and best choice to occupy the white house since Woodrow Wilson. I signed his Birthday Card along with another million or more others and above is the nicely worded response.
a billion dollars...waste
It's difficult to get my head around this billion dollar thing. The Germans call it Milliards...instead of Billion. I believe a billion is is 1,000 Millions.
The recent in Toronto Canada G8 & G20 event apparently cost over a billion dollars to police. Including local ,provincial, federal together a billion dollars cost to police this event.
Unless I'm out a decimal point...that's the equivalent of the cost of building 4,000 homes at $250,000 each or over 20,000 seniors residences at $50,000 each. What a waste.
Other billion dollar efforts with little or nothing to show for are:
The long rifle gun registry efforts, money wasted by the last federal liberal government ...
The E-Health registry attempt, Ontario Provincial government waste by the current Ontario Liberal government.
The recent in Toronto Canada G8 & G20 event apparently cost over a billion dollars to police. Including local ,provincial, federal together a billion dollars cost to police this event.
Unless I'm out a decimal point...that's the equivalent of the cost of building 4,000 homes at $250,000 each or over 20,000 seniors residences at $50,000 each. What a waste.
Other billion dollar efforts with little or nothing to show for are:
The long rifle gun registry efforts, money wasted by the last federal liberal government ...
The E-Health registry attempt, Ontario Provincial government waste by the current Ontario Liberal government.
G20 and all that...
In the nutshell....America wants to run the world. OK. Can't do it alone, so they asked the British to join them...after all they saved their butt in WW11. France was added...the world war 2 winners were: the USA, Britain, France (?) and the communist Soviet Union. The principal losers of course, Germany and Japan...
Back to the G20.
Because the U.N. as it is structured accomplishes little or nothing on the worlds economic scene, the G club added Japan and Germany to the original 3 participants...G5 then...They later added Canada and Italy and there you are, G7. More recently The Russian Federation was invited and the G8 created.
As a result of the G8 & G20 meeting here in Toronto Ontario Canada an expense of over a Billion Dollars incurred....not sure if that included the damage a bunch of idiots caused during the meeting...on the whole apparently the meeting went well...not sure what agreements resulted and what world piece progress was made.
Back to the G20.
Because the U.N. as it is structured accomplishes little or nothing on the worlds economic scene, the G club added Japan and Germany to the original 3 participants...G5 then...They later added Canada and Italy and there you are, G7. More recently The Russian Federation was invited and the G8 created.
As a result of the G8 & G20 meeting here in Toronto Ontario Canada an expense of over a Billion Dollars incurred....not sure if that included the damage a bunch of idiots caused during the meeting...on the whole apparently the meeting went well...not sure what agreements resulted and what world piece progress was made.
Well, it has been an eventful month, the G20 thing in Toronto, the soccer scene, the Queen visit, busy month indeed..
My hope was that the financial happenings would improve somewhat but sadly another pile of money is lost in mutual funds, it looks like while the stockmarket is only down about 1% from last year end, the mutuals took a loss of over 4 points in the last three wonders where this is going.
My hope was that the financial happenings would improve somewhat but sadly another pile of money is lost in mutual funds, it looks like while the stockmarket is only down about 1% from last year end, the mutuals took a loss of over 4 points in the last three wonders where this is going.
four years...
I've been writing in bits and pieces on this blog for exactly 4 years. My main attempt in putting some lines togeter from time to time was to point out the stupidity of our ways in this world.
Finally the yokel administration of this idiot in the USA has come to an end, but we may have to live for a long time with the screw ups and inaction of this fellow Bush 2. To this day I don't think he has a clue why some people in this world hate America. It looks like Mr. Obama is quite capable in reversing the downhill route america was on. I wish him far so good.
Finally the yokel administration of this idiot in the USA has come to an end, but we may have to live for a long time with the screw ups and inaction of this fellow Bush 2. To this day I don't think he has a clue why some people in this world hate America. It looks like Mr. Obama is quite capable in reversing the downhill route america was on. I wish him far so good.
in the news...
.The BP Oil mess in the Gulf of Mexico...they call it a spill,it's a disaster..
.Tea Party member elected, blows in the face of both, the democrats and republicans....
.The Greek bailout by the other Euromembers put pressure on the dropped versus the Dollar..
.New faith in the Greenback acted to reduce the Can. $ from parity to 94cents US; at this moment it is undervalued..
On 16 July 1945, the Americans successfully tested an atomic bomb at Alamogordo in the New Mexico desert, USA. July 21; Churchill and Truman agreed that the weapon should be used. Truman did not tell Stalin of the weapon until July 25 when he advised Stalin that America had 'a new bomb of unusually destructive force.' While Stalin seemed unaffected at hearing this news, he was later noted as being outraged at President Truman for not sharing this information earlier. Stalin was actually aware of the atomic bomb before Truman was as he had two spies that had infiltrated the Manhattan Project. By the 26th of July, the Potsdam Declaration had been broadcast to Japan, threatening total destruction unless the Imperial Japanese government submitted to unconditional surrender.
happy...happy...happy...happy. was my birthday...number...oh well...and Diana took me for dinner to a German Restaurant in Toronno...I just had one beer and can not explain the somewhat dipped look on my face..back to more serious stuff like Obama,Sarah Palin King George the Shrub and related events.
In the news, the bailout of Greece by mostly Germany and their grip on the Euro, and...the ridiculous disaster in the Gulf of Mexico the event they like to call the spill....
In the news, the bailout of Greece by mostly Germany and their grip on the Euro, and...the ridiculous disaster in the Gulf of Mexico the event they like to call the spill....
Please,do not mistake my comments as sour grapes or any kind of attemptto badmouth Americans, not at all. German born in Palatinate at the French border 1937, I spent my first 18 years in Germany. I emigrated to Canada in 1956 and became a Citizen of Canada in 1967 our centennial year.
In the 80s I obtained a proper "green card" and decided for mostly climate preference reasons to buy a home in Florida. But.
I therefore consider myself ethnic German with Canadian Citizenship and American Alian (green Card).
But History is what it is. Truth, a bunch of dates and many distortions. I like Mr. Obama, what he stands for and what he appears to believe in. My remarks are directed to those who have no clue as to the past, that includes Frau Merkel and most likely Mrs. Sarah Palin..among others.
I disaprove most of what Mr.Bush II had a part in, involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, the World financial crisis and his inability to even try to cope with many domestic and world problems.(Hurricane Katherina, for instance). I suspect that for most bof his eight years in power he had no clue of what he was doing. One of his more ignorant remarks after 9/11 was "why do they hate us?"
In the 80s I obtained a proper "green card" and decided for mostly climate preference reasons to buy a home in Florida. But.
I therefore consider myself ethnic German with Canadian Citizenship and American Alian (green Card).
But History is what it is. Truth, a bunch of dates and many distortions. I like Mr. Obama, what he stands for and what he appears to believe in. My remarks are directed to those who have no clue as to the past, that includes Frau Merkel and most likely Mrs. Sarah Palin..among others.
I disaprove most of what Mr.Bush II had a part in, involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, the World financial crisis and his inability to even try to cope with many domestic and world problems.(Hurricane Katherina, for instance). I suspect that for most bof his eight years in power he had no clue of what he was doing. One of his more ignorant remarks after 9/11 was "why do they hate us?"
beginning of modern warfare 1861
27.3.10 this Frau Merkel!
More than 7 million Germans, including almost 2 million civilians, died during World War II.After the end of the war in Europe additional casualties were incurred during the Allied occupation and also during the population expulsions that followed.
After the war, the German people were often viewed with contempt because they were blamed for Nazi crimes by other Europeans. Germans visiting abroad, particularly in the 1950s and 1960s, attracted insults from locals, and from foreigners who may have had their families or friends live through or perish in the atrocities. Today in Europe and worldwide (particularly in countries that fought against the Axis), Germans may be scorned by elderly people who were alive to experience the atrocities committed by Nazi Germans during World War II.
Germany itself and the German economy were devastated, with great parts of most major cities destroyed by the bombings of the Allied forces, sovereignty was taken away by the Allies and the territory filled with millions of refugees from the former eastern provinces which the Allies had decided were to be annexed by the Soviet Union and Poland, moving the eastern German border westwards to the Oder-Neisse line and effectively reducing Germany in size by roughly 25%. (see also Potsdam Conference) The remaining parts of Germany were divided among the Allies and occupied by British (the north-west), French (the south-west), American (the south) and Soviet (the east) troops.
.The expulsions of Germans from the lost areas in the east (see also Former eastern territories of Germany), the Sudetenland, and elsewhere in eastern Europe went on for several years. The number of Germans expelees totaled roughly 15,000,000. Estimates of number of deaths in connection with expulsion range from under 500,000 to 3 million.
After a short time the Allies broke over ideological problems (Communism versus Capitalism), and thus both sides established their own spheres of influence, creating a previously non-existent division in Germany between East and West, (although the division largely followed the borders of states which had existed in Germany before Bismarck's unification less than 100 years before).
West Germany, (officially: Federal Republic of Germany, FRG - this is still the official name of the unified Germany today) received (de facto) semi-sovereignty in 1949, as well as a constitution, called the Grundgesetz (Basic Law). The document was not called a Constitution officially, as at this point, it was still hoped that the two German states would be reunited in the near future.
The first free elections in West Germany were held in 1949, which were won by the Christian Democratic Party of Germany (CDU) (conservatives) by a slight margin. Konrad Adenauer (who spent the war years in the USA), a member of the CDU, was the first Bundeskanzler (Chancellor) of West Germany.The communist party was outlawed in West Germany, so much for democracy.
Foreign troops still remain in Germany today, for example Ramstein Air Base, but the majority of troops left following the end of the Cold War (By 1994 for Soviet troops, mandated under the terms of the Treaty on the Final Settlement With Respect to Germany and in the mid-1990s for Western forces). The Bush Administration in the United States in 2004 stated intentions to withdraw most of the remaining American troops out of Germany in the coming years. During the years 1950-2000 more than 10,000,000 U.S. military personnel were stationed in Germany.
The West German economy was by the mid 50's rebuilt thanks to the abandonment in mid-1947 of some of the last vestiges of the Morgenthau Plan and to fewer war reparations imposed on West Germany (see also Wirtschaftswunder). After lobbying by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Generals Clay and Marshall, the Truman administration finally realized that economic recovery in Europe could not go forward without the reconstruction of the German industrial base on which it had previously had been dependent.In July 1947, President Truman rescinded on "national security grounds the punitive JCS 1067, which had directed the U.S. forces of occupation in Germany to "take no steps looking toward the economic rehabilitation of Germany." It was replaced by JCS 1779, which instead stressed that "[a]n orderly, prosperous Europe requires the economic contributions of a stable and productive Germany.
The dismantling of factories in the western zones, for further transport to Russia as reparations, was in time halted as frictions grew between East and West. Limits were placed on permitted levels of German production in order to prevent resurgence of German militarism, part of which included severely restricting German steel production and affected the rest of the German economy very negatively (see "The industrial plans for Germany"). Dismantling of factories by France and Great Britain as reparations and for the purpose of lowering German war and economic potential under the "level of industry plans" took place (finally halted in 1951), but to nowhere near the scale of the dismantling and transport to the Soviet Union of factories in the eastern zone of occupation. The Eastern Block did not accept the Marshall Plan, denouncing it as American economic imperialism, and thus it (East Germany included) recovered much more slowly than their Western counterparts. German political end economic control of its main remaining centers of industry was reduced, the Ruhr area was under international control. The Ruhr Agreement was imposed on the Germans as a condition for permitting them to establish the Federal Republic of Germany. In the end, the beginning of the Cold War led to increased German control of the area, although permanently limited by the pooling of German coal and steel into a multinational community in 1951 (see European Coal and Steel Community). The neighboring Saar area, containing much of Germany's remaining coal deposits, was by the U.S. handed over to French economic administration as a protectorate in 1947 and did not politically return to Germany until January 1957, with economic reintegration occurring a few years later.
The Allies confiscated intellectual property of great value, all German patents, both in Germany and abroad, and used them to strengthen their own industrial competitiveness by licensing them to Allied companies Beginning immediately after the German surrender and continuing for the next two years the U.S. pursued a vigorous program to harvest all technological and scientific know-how as well as all patents in Germany. John Gimbel comes to the conclusion, in his book "Science Technology and Reparations: Exploitation and Plunder in Postwar Germany", that the "intellectual reparations" taken by the U.S. and the UK amounted to close to $10 billion. Meanwhile thousands of the best German researchers were being put to work in the Soviet Union and in the U.S.
For several years following the surrender German nutritional levels were very low, resulting in extremely high mortality rates. Throughout all of 1945 the U.S. forces of occupation ensured that no international aid reached ethnic Germans It was directed that all relief went to non-German displaced persons, liberated Allied POWs, and former concentration camp inmates.
During 1945 it was estimated that the average German civilian in the US and UK occupation zones received 1200 calories a day. Meanwhile non-German Displaced Persons were receiving 2300 calories through emergency food imports and Red Cross help.In early October 1945 the UK government privately acknowledged in a cabinet meeting that German civilian adult death rates had risen to 4 times the pre-war levels and death rates amongst the German children had risen by 10 times the pre-war levels. The German Red Cross was dissolved, and the International Red Cross and the few other allowed international relief agencies were kept from helping Germans through strict controls on supplies and on travel.The few agencies permitted to help Germans, such as the indigenous Caritas Verband, were not allowed to use imported supplies.
When the Vatican attempted to transmit food supplies from Chile to German infants the US State Department forbade it.
The German food situation reached its worst during the very cold winter of 1946-1947 when German calorie intake ranged from 1,000-1,500 calories per day, a situation made worse by severe lack of fuel for heating. Meanwhile the Allies were well fed, average adult calorie intake was; U.S. 3200-3300; UK 2900; U.S. Army 4000.German infant mortality rate was twice that of other nations in Western Europe until the close of 1948.
As agreed by the Allies at the Yalta conference Germans were used as forced labor as part of the reparations to be extracted to the countries ruined by Nazi aggression. By 1947 it is estimated that 4,000,000 Germans (both civilians and POWs) were being used as forced labor by the U.S., France, the UK and the Soviet Union. German prisoners were for example forced to clear minefields in France and the low countries. By December 1945 it was estimated by French authorities that 2,000 German prisoners were being killed or maimed each month in accidents. In Norway the last available casualty record, from August 29, 1945, shows that by that time a total of 275 German soldiers died while clearing mines, while 392 had been maimed. Death rates for the German civilians doing forced labor in the Soviet Union ranged between 19% - 39%, depending on category.
Norman Naimark writes in "The Russians in Germany: A History of the Soviet Zone of Occupation, 1945-1949." that although the exact number of women and girls who were raped by members of the Red Army in the months preceding and years following the capitulation will never be known, their numbers are likely in the hundreds of thousands, quite possibly as high as the 2,000,000 victims estimate made by Barbara Johr, in "Befreier und Befreite". Many of these victims were raped repeatedly. Naimark states that not only had each victim to carry the trauma with her for the rest of her days, it inflicted a massive collective trauma on the East German nation (the German Democratic Republic). Naimark concludes "The social psychology of women and men in the soviet zone of occupation was marked by the crime of rape from the first days of occupation, through the founding of the GDR in the fall of 1949, until-one could argue-the present.
The post-war hostility shown to the German people is exemplified in the fate of the War children, sired by German soldiers with women from the local population in nations such as Norway where the children and their mothers after the war had to endure many years of abuse. In the case of Denmark the hostility felt towards all things German also showed itself in the treatment of German refugees during the years 1945 to 1949. During 1945 alone 7000 German children under the age of 5 died as a result of being denied sufficient food and denied medical attention by Danish doctors who were afraid that rendering aid to the children of the former enemy would be seen as an unpatriotic act. Many children died of easily treatable ailments. As a consequence "more German refugees died in Danish camps, "than Danes did during the entire war.
During the Cold War, it was difficult for West Germans to visit East German relatives and friends and impossible vice versa. For East Germans, especially after the building of the Berlin Wall on 13 August 1961 and until Hungary opened up its border to the West in the late 1980s, thus allowing hundreds of thousands of vacationing East Germans to flee into Western Europe, it was only possible to get to West Germany by illegally fleeing across heavily-fortified and guarded border areas.
The above was taken from Wikepedia, most of it in any case does not just reflect the views of the Germans but appears to be world opinion based on facts as exposed by some decent American , Canadian and British sources. I think Frau Merkel should be aware of some of these stated facts before she engages in stupidspeak such as describing the Amerticans as "unsere Befreier" ...our liberators.
44 years after the end of World War II, the Berlin Wall fell on 9 November 1989. Both the East as well as the West parts of Germany were reunited on 3 October 1990.
...finally...success, Obama Health plan..for all Americans

picture is a watercolour 4x6 by Diana
It is truly a significant accomplishment to have finally instituted coverage of some sort of health insurance for all Americans, including the somewhere between 30 and 50 Million people who had no medical coverage of any kind until now.
Germany....loser of two horrendeous world wars has had medical coverage since 1871, France probably has the best insurance of the western world, Britain has covered their people for some time and Canada has been with a countrywide healthplan administered by the provinces for almost two generations.
The USA should look at this as an opportunity as this new situation will undoubtedly create many rewarding careers although it is presently viewed as a considerable new tax burden.
I have been subjected to this totally ridiculous situation of finding myself without medical coverage about ten years ago. One afternoon at an Orlando Florida area hospital to check me out for a possible pnemonia problem ended up costing over $2500, I can just imagine how many poor americans end up bankrupt because of an accident or medical condition and the lack of medical expense coverage.
Hurray for Mr.Obama, he and those who stuck with him on this most difficult undertaking accomplished what no other american leader of the past 100 years have been able to do.
Let me recall his laundry-list:
Healthcareplan for all Americans
End the war in Iraq..Afghanistan
Close Q camp in Cuba
Resolve ever increasing unemployment in Aberica problem
Unexpected additional mess left by Bush ll:
Collapse of the financial system with worldwide consequences,AEG and big banks multibilliondollar bailout
Almost total demise of GM and Chrysler, financial assistance to restructure these auto giants
it's complicated....
It is useful to see how we got to where we are. It may be a way of avoiding pitfalls, making the same stupid mistakes over and over again.
We are presently watching the rapid emergence of China, possibly to take over the world leadership, ( unless we keep believing that the USA is the leader of the so called free world...) no matter, like or not.
After the near total collapse of the American economy and the resuling pressure on the Euro ( work in progress...Greece, possibly Portugal,Spain and Italy...Turkey?) the world is stupified by the changed value system as we know it.
Mr. Obama was on the right track to find a way out of this mess, but the warboys appear to have ganged up on the man and no-one can predict where this is going. Most of what he promised to change is slowly going down the drain.
Some ideas....paradime changes:
A- Americans and their so called allies,get out of Iraq, now, no point to linger there any longer.
B- Americans and their companieros including Canada and Germany, get out of Afghanistan, now.
C- America, create a health plan of sorts to give every Americans including 30 to 50 Million people without insurance some kind of basic coverage.
D- Make peace with Cuba, the current useless state of affairs has been going on way too long. Make piece with North Korea. Try a working agreement with Iran.
E- Revamp, revise the infrastructure of America, USA, Canada, Bridges, Roads, Railways, Airports and Waterways should be updated. Many local sewer systems in the USA and Canada, watermains railways and bridges are over 100 years old and must be replaced. Some of these badly needed updates are far too extensive to be handled by local governments and need federal or state/provincial massive input and long term financing.
theft,fraud,and related lowlife activities..a Bell Canada Cellular complaint.
I recently received a call from a collection agency...D&C or something like that..looking for about 1200 bucks...a collection effort for Bell Cellular...overdue bill.
Closer scrutiny by the collection agency caller quickly revealed that this bill obviously was not for me...not sure why Bell were not able to figure this out before handing their crap-bill to their collectors. They have phone records and to track this down does not appear to be a big task.
I do have a Bell Cellular account, have had a Bell Cell account for many years and for what little I use's paid up.
It is hard to believe how I got switched around talking to all sorts of telephone company reps...all over the get this sorted out.( Costa Rica, India, and somewhere out east..)..I got nowhere until I visited a local Bell-Phone l center and insisted that a security representative contact me.
Some piece of lowlife garbage managed to use my name with Bell ,supposedly used my social insurance number and set up an account. Apparently with a home location and references in Etobicoke that is part of ol Toronno .
I have never lived in or near Etobicoke.
I have not lost my wallet, or identification, heaven knows how this kreep got my I.D.
The collection agency contracted by Bell:
D&A Corporation 131 Brunell Rd Mississauga Ont L4Z 1X3
employee to contact me,
Sam at 905-507-8889 1-888-395-1147 x6273
unpaid account, Bell ref 508851175 amount to collect $1139.345
name Fred
at 35 28th Street or St.Attol St. Etobicoke or similar
work phone 416-259-6322 turned out to be a leave message number by electronics firm?
refererred cel phone number...289-257-1205...that was the fraudulent Bell cel number...
My first contact with Bell Cellular about this fraud scene was shabby at best. The only way I was able to make contact was by using my actual existing cel phone reference. I was informed that I should file a police report and submit it to Bell Cellular by fax, number 1-800-865-3055. Bell, at that time appeared to be totally uninterested in putting this right.
My visit to the Bell center (mall outlet) resulted in a contact with and a promise that Bell Security would contact me within 5 working days...they called me the next morning , a nice professional sounding lady finally understood the situation and cancelled this fraudulent account and collection order.
What more do I want?
To begin with, it appears that it is made far too easy for fraudsters to aquire cel phone in other peoples name.
Finally, instead of going after a long time customer with a fraudulent collection order, Bell shoulde have contacted me..with their extensive resources and phone contact records they should have been able to do at least as much as this collection outfit was able to do.That is, contact me to establish if this is a valid claim and then gone after the damned fraudster.
In all,
Shabby service by old Mother Bell to be sure....
I am now expected to connect with the various credit rating agencies to put the record straight .
If anybody can help it's the USA...and they are in the process of doing so.
The task is grim, difficult and thankless.
Haiti, a totally failed state and the poorest of the american hemisphere.
..almost reminds you of civilwar pictures in the congo or somalia...
The task is grim, difficult and thankless.
Haiti, a totally failed state and the poorest of the american hemisphere.
Ugly...part 16
I found this a picture of the highway of death...that's the stretch between Kuwait and somewhere in Iraq. That's back in the days when Saddam Hussain was playing his ill fated,stupid war games.
After the Iraqs invading, plundering army was driven out of Kuwait by the American Army ( C.Powel, General Schwarzkopf, Gulf war Bush One)....
...leading to " no fly zone" bullshit during the Clinton years,and eventually the invasion of Iraq by BushTwo and leading to the present quagmire in that country. But, please consider this:-
Go back for a moment to the highway of death...the fleeing troups of Saddams army with their loot were running north, direction Iraq, in vehicles...on a dirt road in desert terrain.
The American Airforce cut of both ends of the fleeing army...and bombed them..burning, killing somewhere between 10,000 and 40,000 men.This invasionforce in their stuper to invade and occupy Kuwait had no airsupport...only tanks and ground vehicles, unable to even defend attacks from the sky.
Mass murder is my opinion today, no matter how you look at the misdeeds of Saddam or his soldiers.The US Army/Airforce had no right to kill...execute these men.Based on the Geneva convention these soldiers should have been captured as soldiers, interned and eventually sent home.
What the AmericanWalker Bush Two administration did is nothing short of mass murder.
After the Iraqs invading, plundering army was driven out of Kuwait by the American Army ( C.Powel, General Schwarzkopf, Gulf war Bush One)....
...leading to " no fly zone" bullshit during the Clinton years,and eventually the invasion of Iraq by BushTwo and leading to the present quagmire in that country. But, please consider this:-
Go back for a moment to the highway of death...the fleeing troups of Saddams army with their loot were running north, direction Iraq, in vehicles...on a dirt road in desert terrain.
The American Airforce cut of both ends of the fleeing army...and bombed them..burning, killing somewhere between 10,000 and 40,000 men.This invasionforce in their stuper to invade and occupy Kuwait had no airsupport...only tanks and ground vehicles, unable to even defend attacks from the sky.
Mass murder is my opinion today, no matter how you look at the misdeeds of Saddam or his soldiers.The US Army/Airforce had no right to kill...execute these men.Based on the Geneva convention these soldiers should have been captured as soldiers, interned and eventually sent home.
What the American
American...that is...the ugly american...part 15
Much of what happened at wars end,45 has been swept under the carpet...there ane many lies, much misinformation and of course this is going on to this very day.
At this time, the USA has a fine President, a decent and well spoken man who truly cares for his nation and the well being of the world and it's people.
But we must also understand that he is almost obligated to accept the lies of those who have gone before him..remember this fellow is in charge of 2,500 Generals and Admirals, with the by far largest armament budget of any nation in the world.
Are we ready to face the truth about Iraq? Iran?Afghanistan? Are we ready to change our attitude obout other people on this earth? Surely if we are not the third world will gang up on America and or the so called West and take it's revenge in whatever form they can.
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