
Computer bugs,worms,viruses & Spyware,Adware,Spam

...not exactly a worldshaking event,just annoying and timeconsuming junk thrown at me and most of us hobby computer users as well as businesses, institutions and so on..

Once more my confuser has been highjacked by some garbage programme...this thing makes useless ads pop up while I do something else, it also shows a number of green underlined common words such as cash,hotel,credit,phone and a number of others converted to link sources. I guess I can live with it but it is not exactly fun. I keep cleaning and desinfecting my machine as much as possible, I do not open e mail unless I know the source, but still this stuff keeps creeping into my gadget.

So...what to do..
To start with, you may want to use the programme provided by your IAP..internet access provider, in my case The  Bell Telephone Company.
Their programme is called Sympatico Scan & Clean...it sort of works but still misses a lot.  

..later the same day:-/
at least one mystery has been solved..this multiple keyboard thing...to restore the slash thing////
  turns out that all I needed to do is to hold down Ctrl and tap on the Shift key.../ amazing/ it works.
But I still have this spy bug in the system...
more later, if and  when I find the answer.


Thank you to our hosts...

It was....just past thanksgiving.. that is American Thanksgiving....I guess this is as good a time as any to thank our hosts...the natives of north-america for their understanding, hospitality and their  willingness to tolerate our continued presense here in this wonderful land we like to call USA and Canada...

We are  confused as to what we should call our hosts...Native is one descripion often found on the front tag of cars.
Indians we called these people for several hundert years since it turns out Cristobal Colon (Columbus) was under the impression that he somehow ended up in India  on his voyage to find a shorter route to China and mistakenly referrred to these folks as Indians.
 Big mistake.

If I can speak, and think of myself as a European...I find it astounding what we have done to these people over the past several hundert years...it is amazing that some are still around after all the horrible  treatment  we have put them thru.