

Recently I created another blog to show off my somewhat limited talents as a painter...no, not walls or houses but art..picturs, scenes, birds, girlybums,portraits, you name it.

Whenever I get a little carried away thinking that I have some ability to express myself in art, I quickly view a couple of pictures by Panini..Italian painter, architect and stage manager.Just looking at this mans incredible productions rapidly brings me back to reality.

In any case, my art blog is:

and you may want to have a look at it.


In the year 9, the Germans,....then...

And now, something totally different:
the 2000 year anniversary
of what many years later would become the country of Germany...we would refer to the date today as the
year 0009
...that is 9 years after the birth of Christ. Die Schlacht im Teuteburger Wald.
It was in the area, near the former east German border and close to Wolfsburg, the city famous for being the birthplace of the Volkswagen that history was made.
Varus, commander of 3 legions of roman soldiers (a total of about 20,000 men),somehow or other encountered incredible resistance and in fact lost his legions. I learned in school as a kid that Hermann der Cerusker managed to assemble enough men trained in bows and arrows to totally defeat the Romans.
This took place at a time when Rom and it's Cesar's were masters of Europe and the middle east. They had enslaved most of central Europe( Gallia,Britain,Central Europe).. as well as Egypt, Syria, Babylon and were about to move east as well..

Hermann stopped all that...;( actually, his name was Arminius, no idea where Hermann came from...).
after the loss of the roman troupes Rom was no longer interested in these regions, they called it the land of the barbarians.This area was never part of ancient Rom and it only became component of the so called Holy Roman Empire of German Nations hundreds of years later..which oddly enough did not include Rom.



...this picture is made up of 21,ooo soldiers..

American Presidents, world rulers, Kings...
Woodrow Wilson should probably be considered as one of the most intelligent of the American "Rulers".



Some useless comments on this idiotic gun law....is it not time that we get rid of this right to bear arms thing? How can we want to be an example to the rest of the world, export democracy, preach to the people of the world what's right and wrong and at the same time insist on an old amendment to the constitution called the right to bear arms...surely we can't be that stupid.

we...humanity keep on butchering one another, it's amazing that there are 6.7 billion of us on this earth. The picture depicts a decisive battle of the 1800's French and Germanic troupes...this one was won by the Prussians,soon after famous Bismarck managed to piece together what became DasDeutsche Reich...with the Kaiser at the top...



...happy 4th. of July America...and may the next year or two solve some of your many troubles.
...about the stupid picture....found it somewhere and just had to copy it...
it's kind of silly really
...but there you are....