
oh canada

...after doing this depressing last blog entry...I simply had to do something a little more creative...so here it is, Fred's art...my second and or third effort to create something..

this is a moonlit scene at lake ontario...I started painting the canvas black...then the moon..the swan..finally the trees and foreground..note the bullrushes and the purple blue strife ....
...the other one is my idea of a waterfall scene, perhaps a bit too colourful, but here it is.
I've taken pictures of these two items with a small flash camera...perhaps not the best way to reproduce the colours..


...right after the war..the big one, 1945 statistics indicate that the number of newborn babies surviving the first year had dramatically changed, American policy or applied action systematically starved the Germans to death. I know it's true, I was part of it 1945 to 48. That's history,by now 3 generations back.

I recently viewed a bunch of blogs...the next blog feature of this blogspot Google thing. On a Spanish language blog I found a picture of what looks like a little boy eating trash from the ground. Filth.

I think it's a crime by humanity, that's all of us to allow this sort of thing to happen in the year 2007.

You will notice the war cost web counter on the left side here. About 4000 dollars are spent every second on this idiotic Iraq scene. Over half a trillion by now. I observed a figure on CNN recently quoting close to a trillion dollars spent, wasted.



...my first ever painting....a small watercolour...do I have nerv or what..Diana is an accomplished artist.....,she made me do it.


SS Ascania/ Cunard

In conversation with a nice customer a few years ago I learned that he was a collector of ship documents, ships that had long been scrapped etc. He was also a retired writer for the long gone Toronto Telegram newspaper.

He happened to have some bits and pieces of info and pictures on the ship that brought me to Canada all these many years ago. While at sea, the uprising in Hungary ( defeated by the USSR)and the bombing of the Suez-canal ( by the French and British)were the news of the day. I was a passenger on the last voyage of this junkpile which took me from LeHavre to Quebec City.



...truly,I'm astonished how time flies these days. Guess I should park my political ideas for a while.
Ontario has the Liberals back, probably just as well. John Tory the chief Tory got screwed up and did not even get elected in the riding he ran in.
Al Gore ( ex V.P. Clinton) got the Nobel Piece Prize, thats nice. I did suggest a while back to draft him for presidente..it may happen.
Daughter A is spending a bit of time inside and Daughter K has been nominated for an Emmy Award for a movie short. D is trying hard to teach me how to paint...can't believe I produced a small watercolour...it will appear here soon.
This is almost like dear diary stuff, but so be it. Brother G keeps insulting me god knows why.Wrote some chicken-little article on his blog, my comment was "quatsch" ( nonsense) and he got real mad called me some ridiculous names.... Don't think I'll bother with him for the rest of this year and next year who knows.