

this is a direct link to Jane Lars Dahn,
Swedish-German; Writer- Thinker- Philosoper- Dichter-


picture this

I'm not sure at all what I had in mind when I spotted this picture and decided to share it with you. But here it is....is it a dream or a nightmare. Is it beautiful or screwball. Can't make up my mind.

Bird Flu Virus, important copy, now hear this...

Bird Flu Virus The recent increase in bird flu virus warnings makes all of us wonder what are the real causes of bird flu? The symptoms of bird flu virus are similar to other flu like illnesses but with much more severity. The avian bird flu virus is caused by avian influenza viruses, which occur naturally among birds. The avian (bird) flu is a dangerous virus that gets developed inside the intestines of wild birds The biggest fear occured around Thanksgiving when millions worried about catching bird flu virus in turkey that would be served on their tables.The bird flu virus is dangerous because it is so ever changing in its nature - often mutating within a very short period of time. Originating in Asia, the bird flu virus has spread throughout the world but still remains confined to areas other than the United States. But, it is only a matter of time. Whether you are watching the latest story on Oprah or MSNBC regarding bird flu it will scare you - guaranteed!So what are you to do? How are you going to prepare you and your family for the bird flu virus pandemic? Americans, including the president are worried about the possibility that we could not be prepared for a stronger, ever changing bird flu virus. It is estimated that anywhere from 2 million to over 50 million could perish if this virus becomes a reality. The only thing you can do now is prepare.So you probably think because you are young that you are immune, right? Well, let's look at history for that answer. The 1918 pandemic killed more people between 20 and 40 than any other age group - period! The good news is that there is help. There are natural immune boosting herbs and vitamins that can keep you ahead of the bird flu virus. But, you need to start preparing for the bird flu now before it's too late


america,america wake up america...

Here we go again.
Peace protests everywhere. Europe, Canada, Australia....people protesting against the continued involvement by the USA in Iraq.

Other ways must be found to keep the economy going, there has to be a better way than sending our young people into harms way...for what?

And have the world hate us for it.
How long or how much longer can we afford to waste human and material resources in this way?

 Posted by Picasa


Believe it or not, this is an anthill... Posted by Picasa


For a few Dollars you too can help to bring life or sustain life in an African village. The need is great, this picture shows a Canadian buit and supported well. The fence around it is a local touch. Posted by Picasa

The Mouse..

Under the kitchensink, in the old villa built in 1889 I occasionally find a mouse. Six traps are ready with peanut butter as a lure. I can not for the world of me figure out why I would want to publish this picture, but here it is. Posted by Picasa
tristan_theman@hotmail.com Posted by Picasa

whatsthat you may ask..?

Snap at Sunnybrook Toronto Posted by Picasa

Mid March in the year of our Lord 2006

Well..the Dubai deal is dead..finally the congress has acted as they should have 3 years back.
Deeper in debt, to the tune of every living American owing $30,000 debt created by the State
Not much new in the Gulf states hit hard by the 2005 Hurricane season, much work to do.
We do not appear to take the impending chickenflu too seriously at this time, could be a mistake.
Can't figure out what I want to do next. Talk about being screwed up. The last time I felt this way I put 50,000 into the US stock market. Went up to close to 100,000, then crashed before I had the good sense to bail out.
Look forward to Spring, Summer...