- Ich hatte da versucht in Deutsch etwas zusammenzustellen. Das ging da irgendwo verloren.
- Krieg in Iraq
- Umweltverschmutzung
- Globale Waermung, das Eis der Pole
- Europa moeglicherweise in einem neuen Ice-Age
- politische Neigungen, Kanada
- und USA
- nun das sind so ein paar Sachen mit denen ich mich abgeben wollte.Leider ist mein Versuch irgendwohin verschwunden.
- muss den Kram wieder finden
- bis dann...
my view on world events...now, and past. Content is copyright to its owners. If you own rights to any of the images on my blog and do not wish for them to appear contact me and I'll remove them.
ein bisschen mehr nach rechts...
thoughts...themes of our time
Friday, February 17, 2006
Erich Fromm & Global Warming
Man against Nature Man against Man and Man against himself
How is it possible that the strongest of all instincts, that for survival,
seems to have ceased to motivate us? One of the most obvious explanations is
that the leaders undertake many actions that make it possible for them to
pretend they are doing something effective to avoid a catastrophe: endless
conferences, resolutions, disarmament talks, all give the impression that the
problems are recognized and something is being done to resolve them. Yet nothing
of real importance happens; but both the leaders and the led anesthetize their
consciences and their wish for survival by giving the appearance of knowing the
road and marching in the right direction.
While in our private
life nobody except a mad person would remain passive in view of a threat to our
total existence, those who are in charge of public affairs do practically
nothing, and those who have entrusted their fate to them let them continue to do
america at war...
About 80F or so in Lauderdale...not too bad, after all it is mid winter.
I will continue to air my backwoods views on the war scene, I will update my profile now that I understand a little more how the search system can work. I will also attempt to create a German blog just for the heck of it.
- So there you are, for whoever cares.
Uncle Sam needs you boy...
Needs you to join now. Instead of the 160,000 on land in Iraq, even with all the incredible support for the troups, I would guess that 500,000 uniformed modern soldiers are needed to bring this scene to an end.
Extensive undercover work is also needed to figure out where the financial support for the so called insourgance comes from.
If these steps are not undertaken soon, now, this "war" will rapidly get out of hand and totally drain the country of it's resources.
The war protests will get louder which will only encourage the other side (whoever they are) to take advantage of a weakend USA..
War...Or is it?
Time and time again war...The American way.
Or is it. Really?
Surely there must be a better way to progress, make the life of our people the best in the world use our incredible resources in more intelligent ways.
We still have no real national health insurance plan in this country.
The infrastructure in our large cities is rapidly falling apart.
No country in the world in the history of the world has ever been able to muster the extensive resources this nation keeps finding somehow.
The current quagmire in Iraq surely is another conflict we somehow got sucked into.
Why? Because of Misinformation? Bad Information? Screwball information which in the end was feeding on itself?
In any case, for this country to move forward and to continue being the important actor on the world stage the current scene must come to and end soon.
another pretty girl
Glimpsesabout the 9/11 scene. Actually it is about 10 people and where the are, were at the time of this happening. She earned a few interesting rewards for the book and it is available over the internet.
See ( I've tested this link, it works),
She also produced and starred in a 90 minute movie and produced several other shorts as well. You will see it on the web.
der Krieg hat wohl die Amies geretted...
finally solved by the war the USA got dragged into by Churchill.
Turned the Economy around,
auch Deutsch
DEUTSCH...um 1800 herum
ueb immer treu und redlichkeit...bis
Wo kommt die Sprache her? Luther , schon 1517 mit all dem was er anfing hat er die Welt geaendert. Auch hat er den Deutschen eine Sprache gegeben. Deutsch. Die Bibel konnte nun auch in der Muttersprache der Buerger gelesen werden.
...und dann:
die Brueder Grimm....? Offenbar hatten sie einen maechtgen Einfluss auf die Deutschen.
Man konnte nun die Maerchen lesen. 1785-1863. In Deutsch. Hochdeutsch.
Um diese Zeitschwelle herum und wohl mit ihrem Einfluss wurden die Deutschen sich bewusst dass sie irgenwie zusammen gehoeren.
There is increasing fear that recent developments in Europe and the middle east could further explode into a third world war. Like it or not, as the only current superpower the USA would be dragged into it.
What can be done to reduce this risk.
It would appear that the indiscriminate use of car and personal boms scene is if anything getting worse, more common and in some ways more sophisticated.
As well, the recent happenings started with a stupid and primitive simple caricature in the tiny country of Danmark has been used to promote unspeakable hatred. Where is this going.
The start and reasons for WW1 are too incredible to believe. WW2 was more of the same, supposedly to control fachism. The resulting cold war created an armsrace such as has never been seen on this planet.
And now, that things have cooled down we find ourselves sitting on a powderkeg, ready to explode and once more engulf the world in a horrific and in the end totally useless conflict.
No real purpose that I can see. Fanatism for its own sake.
winter by the lake
9/11 I think that's how this war started in earnest..the big one..
good excuse to invade Iraq?
Not sure?
the book is called Glimpses I believe, it describes the lives of several people on
this fatal day.
I remember precisely where I was, stunned at the news.
Like it was Yesterday... and then watched in total disbeliev the second plain
hitting the second tower...
not funny?
america at war...
War on Drugs.
War on Crime.
Where is it going? Really?
If we could harness the talents, the fighting spirit and the mind set of these young people into turning their obvious talents to assist the country I'm convinced that a formidable army could be fashioned out of these misguided and often abandoned individuals.It may even give them a purpose for living.
And if California is any indication, at approximately 10 percent of the national population, there could well be over 2 and a half million recruitable individuals available.
Recruit these people, a well organized number of small teams could be making this effort. Organized in fife and drum groups,DeSousa tunes played. Etc.
this and that...1867
Imported a template which somehow did not work... and the whole thing became a mess.
I can't believe what even some of the young kids are able to produce and must admire them for that. I do have a lot to say on a number of subjects and will try again.
America at war is one item, important, and dealing with the present war in Iraq ( if one can call it a war..).
Good, competitive, aggressive and well trained troops are needed to bring the situation to an acceptable end.We are not dealing with a tired and hungry armee here weekened by poor support and a war on too many fronts like Germany in 45. Nor with fanatics of a different sort in a scene that was thankfully brought to an end by the big bomb. (there was no need to deploy a second one, that was murder).
A new approach must be found here and it must start with more manpower deployed. I have some ideas as to how to accomplish this task.